K-Restaurant Mobile App

K-Restaurant Mobile App


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Ok-Restaurant Mobile App is a whole answer for taking orders utilizing cellular system, it has full options that each one restaurant wants.

Ok-restaurant is addon for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System which you’ll have your service provider its personal ordering software, in brief is to make KMRS as single restaurant.
The app connects tru json API.

Important: that is addon for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System which makes use of the backend of KMRS service provider panel and connects utilizing json API, it means you can’t run this as stand alone you’ll want to buy Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System to ensure that this app to work.


Online Easy Ordering

  • Food completely different sizes
  • Food can have a number of sub merchandise or addon
  • Different attributes like cooking reference, substances, dish and so on.
  • Mutiple meals class
  • Including Tax, Delivery charge , Packaging cost and so on.
  • Apply Tips
  • Real time notification for e mail and push notification
  • Facebook login out there
  • Restaurant map with instructions
  • Select deal with from map
  • Restaurant picture gallery
  • Restaurant Promos
  • Easy to translate to any language
  • and lots of extra….

Payment Gateway

  • Cash on supply
  • Pay on pickup
  • Offline Credit card fee
  • Offline Bank Deposit
  • Paypal
  • Stripe
  • Braintree
  • RazoryPay
  • extra to return….

Book a desk

  • Easy reserving desk
  • Receive updates in your reserving standing

Firebase Clound Messaging

  • Customer can obtain push notification concerning the standing of their order

Live Demo

See the Ok-Restaurant Mobile App in motion?

Download android APK File click here

Watch Ok-Restaurant Mobile App in motion click here

Restaurant Backend Panel
Credentials :
Username : admin
Password : admin

and go to Single merchant menu


= 2.3.0 (01 June 20) =

mounted - difficulty with substances
mounted - merchandise with 1 measurement, the dimensions doesn't seem within the cart
mounted - add validation for promote restrict
mounted - reserving settings in merhcat not working
mounted - bugs on a number of qty for addon
mounted - can re order even when service provider is pending or unpublished
mounted - paypal not redirecting to receipt when standing is paid
mounted - stripe, paypal not working in ios 13
mounted - cancel order not showing
mounted - tax not formating appropriately
update- add carousel photos of meals picture
replace - auto add default ideas
replace - add to cart use submit information
replace - add payumoney
replace - replace ideas
replace - auto get deal with from map
replace - getting of distance
replace - from phonegap-plugin-push to cordova-plugin-firebasex
new - contact much less supply choices (options for covid19)
new - replace http legacy to http v1 for push notification
new - create system registration desk
new - code for stock addon

= 2.2 (09 Jan 20) =

mounted - add pre order date checking
mounted - question so as checklist
mounted - question for search order
mounted - question for reserving
mounted - question for search reserving
mounted - can add half qty
mounted - lacking RTL in search by location
mounted - lacking fields in desk _address_book
new - present addon description
new - add pre checkout for checking pre order, supply date, time and vacation
new - add choices to inform buyer if order is subsequent day

= 2.1 (02 Jan 20) =

mounted - sms verification
mounted - no service provider id when sending guide push
mounted - meals class scheduler
mounted - fb getting avatar
replace - replace backend modules structure
replace - API
replace jquery to newest model
replace - iphonex structure
new - search by location
new - add new plugin cordova-plugin-statusbar
new - add new plugin com-sarriaroman-photoviewer
new - add favorites for meals merchandise
new - Application begin up banner
new - full RTL choices
new - auto scroll banner
new - activate/off cellular prefix
new - registration by way of cellular or e mail
new - add menu Three structure
new - choices to disabled default picture
new - distance calculation straight line or utilizing map api
new - order historical past
new - cart theme
new - floating class
new - auto set deal with ebook in cart
new - monitoring interval
new - customized web page positioning
new - contact web page
new - observe driver
new - add charge to supply
new - icons icon and splash display for ios

= 2.0 (30 May 19) =

mounted - sending of sms verification code
mounted - making use of voucher
mounted - delete merchandise in cart
mounted - checking of Minimum Order Table
replace - reserving add desk quantity
replace - push notification use channel
new - add logout in left menu
new - two taste divided by 2 choices
new - add clear cart
new - add seek for class and meals merchandise
new - encrypt offline bank cards
new - cancel order request
new - paypal v2
new - stripe
new - Mercadopago v2
new - braintree
new - Voguepay
new - Authorize.internet
new - google login
new - add buyer profile image
new - add push broadcast
new - driver observe order
new - dynamic banner
new - customized pages
new - mapbox
new - add evaluation

In model 2.0 Razorpay plugin is disabled by default, if you’ll want to use razorpay
enabled it in your config.xml.
to keep away from any issues with single app be certain that your kmrs is up to date with newest model.

In model 2.Zero single app menu is moved below admin panel as a substitute in service provider panel

Click here

= 1.2.1 (01 March 19) =

mounted config.xml not compiling

 Important discover : in model 1.2.1 Razorpay is disabled in config.xml by default so in the event you want Razorpay to work un commented the razor pay in your config.xml
for android use model 1.4.Three and for ios use model 1.3.5

he following information has been modified in model 1.2.1

Mobile app information:


= 1.2 (11 July 18) =

mounted braintree credentials
mounted modifying meals not deciding on earlier addon chosen
mounted 2 taste when there's worth zero set in backend
mounted addon can't choose if has similar merchandise with different addons
mounted add checking of service provider standing
mounted embody supply costs charge
mounted embody supply Minimum Order Table
mounted stripe fee not working in iOS
mounted present solely orders from present service provider
mounted transaction sort not translating in view order
new - add nation dropdown in choose deal with and deal with ebook
he following information has been modified in model 1.2


    - singlemerchant/elements/SingleAppClass.php
    - singlemerchant/controller/ApiController.php
    - singlemerchant/controller/UpdateController.php
    - singlemerchant/translation-file/singleapp.php

Mobile app information:

    - www/js/app.js
    - www/js/template.js
    - www/index.html
    - config.xml


    singleapp_cart - add new fields

= 1.1 (6 July 18) =

mounted reserving desk it fills the main points with out login
mounted supply time not checking service provider opening hours
mounted ebook desk not returning to homepage after successul reserving
mounted low cost worth not exhibiting
mounted getting stripe credentials
mounted keep in mind contact quantity
mounted contact quantity auto fill
mounted double information when going again to residence after buy
mounted required addon
mounted add bank card throughout checkout
mounted config.xml add new Info.plist for digital camera and picture
add supply asap
new open exterior map app for instructions
new time format choice for date picker
new time interval choice for time picker
new auto choose worth when including new meals merchandise
new two taste added
new factors addon added
new launch navigator for map path
new add code for iphonex assist
he following information has been modified in model 1.1



Mobile app information:


KMRS Functions



    singleapp_cart - add new fields

= 1.0 (20 June 18) =

Initial launch model


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