Karenderia Driver Mobile App

Karenderia Driver Mobile App


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Karenderia Driver Mobile App is a cell utility for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System which will be use by restaurant proprietor to handle their each day pickup/supply tinquire of.

Karenderia driver cell app connects to KRMS through json api calls simply merely set up the modules for the api and settings and your all accomplished. its comes with very straightforward steps by steps process on tips on how to set up the api & settings modules.

See the Karenderia Driver Mobile App in motion?

Download android APK File click here

Watch Karenderia Driver Mobile App in motion click here

Backend Settings Click here

username : admin
password : admin

in search of stand alone model?
go to https://codecanyon.net/item/kartero/17465109


= 8.0 (16 April 19) =

fastened - can not run in php 7.1 , 7.2
fastened - can not run in server mysql strict enabled (many of the adjustments is in desk construction of database)

Click here

= 1.7.2 (01 Mar 19) =

fastened - config.xml not compiling
The following information has been modified in model 1.7.2

Mobile app information

= 1.7.1 (06 Dec 18) =

fastened - monitor again location
fastened - kind translation
fastened - accomplished tinquire of pull ajax
fastened - taking picture and add picture crash
fastened - app crash when in background
replace - cordova-plugin-camera plugin to newest model

= 1.7 (18 Oct 18) =

fastened - tinquire of listing displaying date created as a substitute of supply date
fastened - supply time displaying supply date in tinquire of order particulars
fastened - auto assign to solely ship to energetic driver standing
fastened - reduce the decision of maps api
fastened - push logs
fastened - e-mail logs
fastened - broadcast logs
Update - replace onsen library to newest model 2.10.5
new - add mapbox api
new - map settings
new - Firebase Cloud Messaging
new - maps api logs
new - export agent listing
new - export tinquire of listing
new - driver app separate pending and accomplished tinquire of into tabs
new - driver app add mapbox map
new - add mapbox in driver app

= 1.6.1 (04 Jun 18) =

fastened - not saving driver monitor again location
fastened - compiling app to android
fastened - add new icon for iOS dimension 1024x1024
fastened - driver plot map
fastened - updatecontroller not utilizing db prefix
fastened - header add viewport for responsive
The following information has been modified in model 1.6.1

Mobile app information
new icon res/icons/icon-1024.png


= 1.6.0 (12 Jan 18) =

fastened - suggestions proportion
fastened - push not refreshing as a result of push plugin library
replace - config.xml phonegap cli-7.0.1
replace - push notification sounds
replace - add new plugin cordova.plugins.diagnosti for requesting location permission
replace - icon and splash display screen to incorporate new icons/splash requires by iOS

The following information has been modified in model 1.6.0

Mobile app information
www/beep.wav (new information that is the brand new push sounds for android and ios)
res/icons (new icons is added for android and ios)
res/screens (new icons is added for android and ios)


Language file

in your server go to the hyperlink instance http://yourserver.com/driver/update to replace your database 

= 1.5.0 (28 March 17) =

fastened - add new tinquire of service provider listing dropdown
fastened - caught message in map
fastened - importing information in driver app
fastened - e-mail topic not translating
fastened - not loading tinquire of quantity in calendar if there may be APIHasKey set in config.js
fastened - lacking translation
fastened - responsive structure
fastened - add obtain by in tinquire of historical past
fastened - can not view tinquire of description when viewing tinquire of in agent app
adjustments - change tips on how to translate the app and backend
adjustments - transfer language choice in settings
new - add search driver in dashboard
new - Agents Tracking Options
new - add final driver login in buyer dashboard
new - add app model in driver info
new - choices to localize calendar
new - add map when including new contacts
new - add sms logs in buyer panel
new - add sms restrict
new - add notes, signature and picture for notifications
new - add final seen agent
new - add agent on-duty standing
new - add auto retry auto assign
new - essential tinquire of choices
new - add choices to information brokers location
new - map choices Hide Pickup Tinquire of
new - map choices Hide Delivery Tinquire of
new - map choices Hide Successful Tinquire of
new - add timezone settings in buyer panel
new - add choices for settings default app language
new - add push broadcast
new - add resize image when taking image
new - replace plugin phonegap-plugin-push to make use of newest model
new - add default language to driver app
new - add to vary the app identify

= 1.4.0 (15 December 16) =

fastened - replace standing of order when altering standing on backend panel
fastened - can add identical username and e-mail tackle for driver
fastened - order particulars no meals merchandise displaying
fastened - auto assign tinquire of to get the closest service provider tackle somewhat than buyer tackle
fastened - particular request not displaying so as particulars
fastened - studies filter not working
fastened - auto assigment settings when admin replace the settings all service provider settings up to date as properly
new - add crew menu
new - add recipient identify in add signature
new - assign tinquire of to all drivers
new - permit service provider to make use of admin drivers
new - permit to set sure service provider to make use of admin drivers
new - permit to set the service provider tinquire of to admin because the proprietor
new - choices to indicate the tinquire of just for admin
new - add choices to disabled the service provider to delete the tinquire of
new - add choices to permit service provider to delete the tinquire of for a sure time
new - block service provider listing
new - add choices for the driving force so as to add notes
new - notes enabled/disbaled
new - signature enabled/disabled
new - Three path map from driver location to service provider location and buyer tackle
new - auto assign to make use of the admin driver for service provider
new - tinquire of add pickup particulars/dropoff particulars
new - add auto assign to all drivers
new - add new template for brand spanking new added drivers
new - add add driver profile picture in backend
new - driver app profile picture
new - add driver signup
new - add order whole worth in tinquire of listing driver app
new - driverapp add whole order
new - add software program model in driverapp settings
new - add whole order quantity in studies
new - add system lengthy vibration
new - add settings to activate/off notes,signature and signup
new - add profile image in driver app
new - add choices to connect picture on the tinquire of

= 1.3.0 (17 August 16) =

fastened lacking translation
fastened drag map to dragend
fastened toast plugin library
fastened can not compile app on iOS as a result of outdated model of cordova-plugin-googlemaps
new add service provider identify of tinquire of listing
new add service provider tackle on tinquire of particulars
new add view service provider tackle by map
new add new plugin cordova-plugin-insomnia to forestall the cell system from sleep

= 1.2.0 (11 July 16) =

fastened not displaying pin if latitude is lower than zero
fastened take away all marker earlier than including new marker on dahsboard map
fastened logout capabilities
fastened off obligation capabilities
fastened embody tips about app order particulars
fastened cancel tinquire of if service provider cancel the tinquire of through service provider panel
fastened ship push to driver when the tinquire of has been cancel
fastened take away tinquire of from driver app if auto assign was unable to assign tinquire of
fastened studies by driver view
new add new fields for cancel order in driver settings

= 1.1.0 (03 July 16) =

fastened getting of latitude and longtitude when saving on settings
fastened toast plugin error on android 5.1
fastened intel inputs flawed path
fastened saving of default nation to make use of full nation identify somewhat than 2 iso code
fastened intel enter default nation code parameter if nation code is just not supported
fastened web site title
fastened to indicate all on-line drivers on dashboard map
fastened replace the order standing as soon as the driving force change the standing of the order
fastened auto add to tinquire of when buyer pays on-line utilizing paypal stripe and so forth.
fastened set offline when driver logout on app
fastened will work with out cell app
new - iOS is now supported
new - iOS Push notification
new - iOS icon and splash display screen prepared
new - Android icon and splash display screen prepared
new - present all particulars of order
new - computerized tinquire of assigning
new - tinquire of studies
new - auto fill the tackle when dragging marker
new - find driver on map
new - add choices to incorporate the offline driver to indicate map
new - add choices to ship push notification to on-line drivers solely
new - add auto refresh map
new - add get map path
new - ship indivual and bulk push notification to driver

= 1.0.0 (02 June 16) =

Initial launch model


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