Karenderia Mobile App

Karenderia Mobile App


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Karenderia Mobile App is a buyer ordering model for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System.

Note: You might want to buy the Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System with a purpose to use this cellular utility, as all of the restaurant information depends on KMRS..

Karenderia cellular app connects to KRMS by way of json api calls
simply merely set up the modules for the api and settings and your all finished.
its comes with very simple steps by steps process on easy methods to set up the api & settings modules.

Backend Settings
Username: admin
Password : admin

Download android APK File click here

Watch Karenderia cellular app in motion click here

Test paypal utilizing under account
User/Email : [email protected]
Password : testtest


User/Email : [email protected]
Password : Buyertestaccount


  • Easy to seek for restaurant
  • Filter restaurant by delicacies or by providers
  • Auto detects location tackle
  • Multiple addons for meals merchandise
  • Multiple measurement and value for meals merchandise
  • Ingredients picks for meals merchandise
  • Cooking reference
  • Real time order standing
  • Easy to re-order earlier ordered meals merchandise

Payment Gateway

  • Cash on supply
  • Paypal
  • Pay utilizing bank cards on debit playing cards

Book a desk

  • Easy reserving desk
  • Receive updates in your reserving standing

Restaurant Review

  • Add your personal opinions to a restaurant

Android Push Notification

  • Customer can obtain push notification in regards to the standing of their order

Important: when there’s new replace please run the replace DB Tables.
easy by going to mobileapp modules backend and click on on Update Db Tables


= 3.0 (12 May 19) =

mounted - can't run in php 7.1 , 7.2
mounted - can't run in server mysql strict enabled (a lot of the modifications is in desk construction of database)
mounted - select tackle from e book not validating when utilizing search by location
mounted - add desk quantity when dinein
mounted - maintain questioning to enabled GPS when utilizing get present location
mounted - class description donnot translate
replace - stripe cost
new - add mapbox
new - add sms order verification
new - add encryption for offline bank card
new - add seek for meals class and meals merchandise
new - paypal model 2
new - voguepay cost
new - braintree cost
new - mercadopago v2

Notice: to keep away from any difficulty with mobileapp model 3.Zero be sure to have up to date
Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System model 5.2

Click here

= 2.8 (28 Feb 19) =

mounted - add profile image not importing if there's api hash key
mounted - metropolis record not loading if chosen already from record
mounted - incomes factors
Important discover : in model 2.8 Razorpay is disabled in config.xml by default so in the event you want Razorpay to work un commented the razor pay in your config.xml and
in the event you enabled razorpay this may failed constructing in iOS, it's worthwhile to use 1.3.5 model of razorpay when compiling to iOS

The following information has been modified in model 2.8

Mobile app information


= 2.7.1 (14 Dec 18) =

mounted - service provider brand not showing
The following information has been modified in model 2.7.1

Mobile app information

= 2.7 (12 Dec 18) =

mounted - voucher code not exhibiting in receipt
mounted - lacking provides in receipt
mounted - use Functionsv3 hasModuleAddon when checking modules
mounted - service provider brand not showing in evaluate web page
mounted - supply payment not exhibiting in cart when utilizing search by location
replace - config.xml because of failing constructing in construct.phonegap
new - added packaging smart
The following information has been modified in model 2.7

Mobile app information

modules/mobileapp/views/index/mobile_theme_error.php new file
modules/mobileapp/views/index/mobile_theme_receipt.php new file
modules/mobileapp/views/layouts/mobile_layout.php new file

= 2.6 (25 Sep 18) =

mounted - order change doesn't show when transaction is dinein and pickup
mounted - mounted particular character in supply tackle inflicting the api to failed
mounted - set timezone when loading cart
mounted - class not showing when modifying the cart
mounted - can re-order merchandise if meals shouldn't be obtainable
mounted - add rechecking of minimal order desk for supply throughout try
mounted - mounted all question to make use of yii quote features
mounted - authorize.internet cost
mounted - nonetheless can obtain push even when person is logout
replace - google analytics monitoring (utilizing new plugin)
replace - change receipt format
replace - change all maps to make use of gmaps.js
replace - observe order map web page
replace - order record view
replace - fb plugin
new - add request to cancel order
new - add tackle e book when utilizing search by location
new - add meals class scheduler to look in particular day of the week
new - add new computation for two flavors
new - new date picker and time record choices
new - add opinions per order
new - firebase cloud messaging (FCM)
new - add notifications web page
The following information has been modified in model 2.6

Mobile app information
www/lib/gmaps.js - new file

modules/mobileapp/elements/AuthorizePay.php - new file
modules/mobileapp/elements/MobileFCMPush.php - new file

= 2.5 (31 May 18) =

mounted - checking of holidays and supply time
mounted - get dish new features when kmrs shouldn't be up to date with new features getDishIcon
mounted - take away search tackle validation
mounted - add get my present location upfront search
mounted - apply voucher difficulty if with out factors addon
mounted - set timezone for service provider in placeorder features
mounted - add NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription in config.xml for altering location authorization message modal
mounted - compiling the app to android
mounted - advance search activate/off tab settings
mounted - menu tab on/off tab settings
The following information has been modified in model 2.5

Mobile app information


= 2.4 (03 May 18) =

mounted - checkout when utilizing search by location
mounted - order change is required when transaction kind is pickup and dinein
mounted - checkout invalid token throughout first time checkout
mounted - first time checkout utilizing dinein its showin transport tackle as a substitute of cost choices
mounted - fb signup and google earn factors
mounted - meals class not exhibiting in receipt
mounted - checking of hash key
mounted - opinions not exhibiting reply from service provider
mounted - opinions buyer avatar
new - add cancel order affirmation when going again to earlier web page
new - provides add relevant to transaction kind
new - add sponsored tag in search outcomes and browse resto
new - add new code for factors addon model 2.0
new - add air purifier for buyer registration to forestall xss injection
new - add choice to edit and delete opinions
new - add menu tabs
new - add picture gallery
new - add checking of supply time if pre-order
new - add photographs and outline in meals class
new - add dish icon in meals class
new - embrace superior search
The following information has been modified in model 2.4

Mobile app information


Language file
Add new fields applicable_to in desk _offers

= 2.3.1 (30 March 18) =

Update config.xml cordova-plugin-googleplus

= 2.3 (06 Dec 17) =

mounted - lazy load hangs when loading greater than 300 information
mounted - lazy load for meals merchandise
new - add app model parameter on each request to find out the model of the app
new - add again compatibility with outdated model 2.0
new - add take a look at api to examine if the api is working
The following information has been modified in model 2.3<br />

Mobile app information<br />
www/js/app.js<br />

Modules<br />
modules/mobileapp/controllers/ApiController.php<br />

Language file<br />
added 1 new translation $lang['Click here to test your api']='';<br />

= 2.2 (21 Nov 17) =

mounted - creating desk mobile_pages not creating auto increment
mounted - getting of location accuracy
mounted - get pages content material not exhibiting
mounted - replace pages with language fields in replace db
mounted - supply tackle not saving correctly when utilizing search by location
mounted - save solely card kind if cost kind is pay on supply
mounted - clear cart
mounted - lazy load improve restrict of information
mounted - voucher not exhibiting on receipt
mounted - mixed cart not exhibiting correctly in receipt
replace - plugin cordova-plugin-camera to 2.4.1
replace - plugn cordova.plugins.diagnostic to three.7.1
replace - config.xml

= 2.1 (06 Nov 17) =

mounted - saving of commision_type so as desk
mounted - not saving order_id_token fields
mounted - last quantity when making use of voucher
mounted - getting of supply payment
mounted - cost strategies in service provider data
mounted - take away supply asap if service provider is shut
mounted - add fb profile picture
mounted - ios ringtone
mounted - ios push icon
mounted - android 7 push icon
mounted - push notification hangs when viewing map web page
new - add lazy load for search restaurant and browse restaurant
new - add lazy load for meals class and meals merchandise
new - add settings in backend for location accuracy
new - search by location metropolis / space
new - search by state/metropolis
new - search by postal code/zipcode
new - add fb app id in settings
new - add clear cart
new - mixed cart meals merchandise
new - add minimal order tables
new - add google login
new - add choices so as to add pages to the app with multi language
new - observe order map embrace service provider tackle
new - add request location authorization when utilizing get present location mounted for android 6,7
new - add service provider menu background header
new - add push icon wanted for android 7
new - add push image for android 5,6 and seven
new - add add profile image
replace - push plugin to make use of model 1.10.5
replace - google map plugin
replace - replace config.xml with new icons and splash display
replace - use new phonegap model cli-7.0.1
replace - common settings format
modifications - take away pop over meals class
modifications - change ringtone file
modifications - take away plugin cordova-plugin-fastrde-checkgps
modifications - take away plugin cordova-dialog-gps.git
Db tables - add new desk _mobile_pages

= 2.0 (28 June 17) =

mounted - search to wildcard situations
mounted - class title stripslashes
mounted - distance unit not clearing outdated distance unin in search outcomes
mounted - re-order not working if save cart to database is on
mounted - can re-order if the service provider shut retailer is enabled
mounted - can't re-order if service provider disabled ordering
mounted - re-order mustn't work if service provider standing shouldn't be lively
mounted - can't re-order if order is place in internet present error message
mounted - buyer can re-order even when service provider disabled ordering
mounted - take away modifications tackle if transaction kind is pickup/dinein in cart web page
mounted - browse restaurant search by restaurant title use wildcard question
mounted - browse and search web page to show service kind and cost choices
mounted - filter by providers
mounted - transaction kind not null when first load of cart
mounted - take away change tackle right here if transaction is pickup/dinein
mounted - ideas
mounted - 2 taste not including addon objects
mounted - improve +and- button icon
mounted - offline financial institution deposit directions
mounted - fax not sending
mounted - can re-order if service provider shouldn't be revealed
mounted - reserving desk not saving client_id
new - use new templating features
new - add loading web page earlier than the app goes to important menu
new - add power Default Language in mobileapp backend settings
new - use new translation technique in mobileapp and backend
new - add new choices for Get Current location outcomes
new - add software program model in web page settings

= 1.3.6 (1 Nov 16) =

mounted math features for two flavors
mounted plugin outdated in config.xml
mounted edit cart not working
mounted error message no connection to toast as a substitute of alert
mounted - tackle fields not translating
mounted - slashes in service provider title
mounted - disabled ordering from admin settings
mounted - selecting tackle from map which firing api calls twice
mounted - default supply tackle
mounted - distance unit when tackle could be very shut
mounted - get location in android 6.0
new - add new plugin diagnostic
new - add ideas
new - add offline financial institution deposit cost
new - add offline bank card
new - add occasion listener for connection misplaced

= 1.3.5 (10 October 16) =

new - add new menu which show solely meals title and value
new - add choices to decide on between saving the cart on db or in gadget
new - add auto refresh on observe order web page and map
change - change the three dots to new icon for class
mounted - supply tackle avenue quantity is lacking
mounted - map marker to make use of the lat and lengthy when selecting tackle from map
mounted - backslashes in class title and restaurant title
mounted - open, shut and pre order tag on search outcomes and browse resto
mounted - 2 taste
mounted - supply payment exhibiting as false

= 1.3.4 (27 september 16) =

mounted - desk mobile_registered not updating accurately
mounted - search sorting
mounted - open and pre order tag
mounted - decimal place if set to zero format shouldn't be working
mounted - default tackle not saving
mounted - menu
mounted - class title doesn't translate
mounted - take away money on supply obtainable if flip off by admin
mounted - paypal cost not processable error
mounted - pay supply service provider membership cost record
mounted - supply payment on search outcomes
mounted - earn factors not including when creating account
mounted - earn factors by evaluate
mounted - earn factors on first order
mounted - IOS wickedge not being clear
mounted - change score textual content discipline to stars
mounted - e book a desk cell phone to have nation code prefix
new - change plugin for enabling gps
new - replace font superior to 4.6.3
new - add distance,supply distance and supply estimation in search outcomes
new - add razorpay cost supplier
new - saved the cart on database as a substitute on gadget
new - change loader
new - add quick access for class
new - add filter by restaurant title in search consequence web page
new - add pop over menu on restaurant web page
new - add new web page for map with map instructions
new - add customized fields buyer signup
new - add phrases & situation on buyer signup
new - add cellular auto nation code prefix
new - driver app auto insert tquestion
new - add buyer verification web page
new - enable the client to see the menu even when service provider is closed
new - voucher cannot be utilized if the service provider has a suggestion to keep away from double low cost
new - add ship asap checkbox button
new - add observe your order
new - add enter contact quantity if buyer contact quantity is empty throughout checkout pickup transaction
new - add push sound to notification

= 1.3.3 (25 April 16) =

mounted - description of meals merchandise eradicating html tags
mounted - geocoding tackle
mounted - pre order situation
mounted - push notification not saving right sender id if service provider change the order standing
mounted - if service provider has solely pickup providers
mounted - default order standing
mounted - paypal not exhibiting on cost record
mounted - voucher
mounted - fb login with admin settings on/off
mounted - delicacies translation
mounted - minimal and most order supply/pickup
mounted - again button that exit the app
mounted - voucher expiration on similar day
mounted - lacking sender id when compiling the app
change - saving of translation features
change - getting of distance to new features
change - getting of supply payment to new features
new - added stripe cost gateway
new - added authorize.internet cost gateway
new - add save tackle to deal with e book throughout checkout
new - auto add to cart if the meals merchandise has no addon
new - add click on features on scores stars
new - add sms and e-mail verification throughout signup
new - add loyalty factors
new - add gadget id on settings
new - add api hash key to safe the cellular app api
new - examine if gps is enabled
new - add gadget id on settings
new - add picture loaded
new - add profile image

= 1.3.2 (24 Feb 16) =

mounted order addon merchandise and notes not inserting accurately on database
mounted search outcomes format and browse restaurant
mounted meals merchandise format
mounted pre-order standing tag, it reveals open even when the service provider has pre order
mounted tax if meals merchandise is non taxable
mounted meals merchandise non taxable not saving on database
mounted notes not including on service provider receipt panel in addition to receipt
mounted formating of whole value

= 1.3.1 (18 Feb 16) =

add provides on search outcomes and browse restaurant
take away checking of internet connection all the time set to true
take away default set tackle "970 N Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States"

= 1.3 (16 Feb 16) =

mounted open,shut and pre-order tag on search consequence and browse restaurant throughout translation
mounted scroll difficulty on browse restaurant and search outcomes web page on decrease android model
mounted can't again to earlier web page on receipt web page
mounted NaN worth on cart when choosing merchandise with no value
mounted can't choose on sub merchandise on completely different sub merchandise class
add contact quantity on profile
auto fill contact quantity throughout checkout when choosing from tackle e book

= 1.2 (10 Dec 15) =

add translation options
add push notification broadcast
add IOS push notification
add apply voucher
mounted re-order merchandise if the order was finished on web site

= 1.1 (03 Dec 15) =

mounted value error if meals merchandise has no value
mounted questioning an excessive amount of permission when putting in on cellular gadget
mounted creating view desk
mounted cost kind not saving
add sending of e-mail to buyer and service provider when there's new order
add sending of sms notification to buyer and service provider
add choices compile the app to ios and home windows cellular
mounted fb login to work on fb api v2.5
add choices if meals merchandise shouldn't be obtainable
add paypal card payment
add new database desk _mobile_temp_email

= 1.0 (28 Nov 15) =

Initial launch model


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