Karenderia Order Taking App

Karenderia Order Taking App


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Karenderia Order Taking App is service provider order receiving utility for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System.

Note: You might want to buy the Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System as a way to use this cellular utility, as all of the restaurant knowledge depends on KMRS..

Karenderia Order Taking App connects to KRMS by way of json api calls
simply merely set up the modules for the api and settings and your all executed.
its comes with very simple steps by steps process on how you can set up the api & settings modules.

Backend Settings
Username: admin
Password : admin

Download android APK File click here

Watch Karenderia Order Taking App in motion click here


  • Receive buyer orders realtime in your cellular
  • Receive orders with android & IOS push notification
  • Accept and decline orders
  • Change order standing
  • Send SMS and Email to buyer about there order standing
  • Pull down options to load new orders
  • Separated tab menu for todays order, pending orders and all orders
  • Translation prepared
  • Can view order historical past
  • Can search order by id or by buyer identify

Android Push Notification & IOS Push Notification

  • Merchant can obtain push notification when there may be new order place by buyer

Change Logs

= 3.0 (15 April 19) =

mounted - diine particulars not exhibiting
mounted - can not run in php 7.1 , 7.2
mounted - can not run in server mysql strict enabled (a lot of the modifications is in desk construction of database)

Click here

= 2.5.1 (30 Nov 18) =

new - add overview incomes primarily based on standing
new - publish overview primarily based on order standing
new - add mapbox assist

= 2.5 (31 Oct 18) =

mounted - concern with settings utilizing mobileapp translation code
mounted - new order alert not sending if there may be API hash key
mounted - cancel order alert not sending if there may be API hash key
mounted - caught in splashscreen when obtain new push when the app is shut
mounted - replace factors when service provider decline the order
mounted - reserving factors not updating
new - add insomnia cordova plugin to maintain the app awake

= 2.4 (11 Oct 18) =

mounted - factors not updating
mounted - auto refresh when there may be new order when obtain a push
mounted - tab label
new - add service provider tackle in monitor order map
new - add clear notifications

= 2.3 (04 Oct 18) =

replace - push pluign from GCM to FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
replace - all maps to make use of gmaps.js
replace - tab menu
replace - reconstruct modules settings
new - add choices for continues alert for brand spanking new orders
new - add choices for continues alert for brand spanking new cancel order request
new - add cancel order request tab
new - add choice to set standing for settle for order
new - add choice to set standing for decline order
new - add printer operate for Karenderia Printer modules
new - add new cron for getting un open order

= 2.2 (04 June 18) =

mounted - compiling to android
The following information has been modified in model 2.2

Mobile app information

modules/merchantapp/parts/service providerApp.php

= 2.1 (12 Jan 18) =

mounted - meals particulars not translating
mounted - map crashing in iOS 11
replace - config.xml phonegap cli-7.0.1
replace - push notification sounds
replace - add new plugin cordova.plugins.diagnosti for requesting location permission
replace - icon and splash display to incorporate new icons/splash requires by iOS

The following information has been modified in model 2.1

Mobile app information
www/beep.wav (new information that is the brand new push sounds for android and ios)
res/icons (new icons is added for android and ios)
res/screens (new icons is added for android and ios)

modules/merchantapp/parts/service providerApp.php

= 2.0 (30 August 17) =

mounted - card sort not exhibiting if cost code is translated
mounted - service provider can use admin group
mounted - translation
mounted - settings api
new - transfer all templates to admin -> notification template
new - add loading of language in service provider app
new - add choices to pressure language translation in service provider app
replace - take away cron jobs for getting new order and new reserving desk this may deal with by kmrs net model 4.3

= 1.0.6 (12 Nov 16) =

new - add choices to disabled reserving desk
mounted - translation in assign driver tquestion
mounted - settings utilizing driver features for translation
mounted - card sort not exhibiting so as particulars if pay by offline bank card and pay on supply
mounted - push sending twice

= 1.0.5 (07 Nov 16) =

mounted - particular directions not exhibiting
mounted - voucher proportion not exhibiting appropriately
mounted - false worth if worth is zero
mounted - supply time format
mounted - auto add tquestion to driver panel as soon as accepted
mounted - contact telephone quantity so as particulars
mounted - auto refresh new order
mounted - auto refresh new reserving
change - change alert message to toast
new - add sounds notication when there may be new order when app is lively
new - change the map to cordova google map plugin
new - change loader
new - add assign driver
new - add monitor order
new - add completely different colours in standing
new - add reserving push template
new - add reserving in dwelling tab
new - add immoralge counter for notification
new - add software program model in setting

= 1.0.4 (08 May 16) =

mounted cron job for getting new order to incorporate paid standing order
mounted ios certificates add path
mounted backend not translating
mounted push notification to shopper app when change order from service provider app
mounted knowledge tables translation
mounted auto refresh listing of if there may be new order

= 1.0.3 (25 April 16) =

mounted - merchandise worth
mounted - default standing is being set to array
mounted - push notification plugin
new - add standing settings tab
new - add Push Order Status
new - add service provider app api hash key to safe the api
new - add machine id on cellular app settings

= 1.0.2 (21 Jan 16) =

mounted show orders duplicating addon merchandise
mounted substances duplicate header
add change quantity on view order particulars
add full particulars of the orders
add buyer telephone quantity will be dial or name
add buyer identify and supply & pickup date on order listing
mounted sms sending of order standing that can is determined by service provider sms settings
mounted push notification to go to order particulars or reserving particulars
mounted take away earlier used machine id
add push notification customized sounds

= 1.0.1 (17 Jan 16) =

mounted logout again button
auto add new standing decline and accepted when working the replace database
add reserving desk administration
add reserving desk push & electronic mail template
mounted settings not saving

= 1.0.0 (09 Jan 16) =

Initial launch model


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