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Luxury is a responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template. It gives you with an unlimited assortment of prepared to make use of code snippets and utilities many customized pages and a group of purposes and widgets
- eight constructed-in Color Skins And You Can Add Your Own
- Light/Dark Sidebar Themes
- Up coming free Landing Pages For Your Website
- Multiple Layout
- Responsive format
- Live Skin Customizer
- Hundreds of UI Components
- Dozens of Widgets
- Hundreds of Utility Classes
- Font Icons(nucleo font-superior, glyphicons, materials design icons)
- HTML5 & CSS3 and JQuery
- Bootstrap 4 Framework
- Sass for CSS preprocessing (compiled CSS included)
- Gulp Tquestions Manager
- Bower Dependency Management
- Clean and Friendly Code
- Default
- TopBar
- LeftBar
- IconBar
Some Of Included Files
UI Kit and Widgets
- Buttons
- Alerts
- Sweetalert
- Font Icons
- User Cards
- Blog Cards
- Prices Columns
Search Pages
- Web Results
- Images Results
- User Results
Pre-built Pages
- Profile
- Timeline
- Invoice (2 variations)
- Login/Register
- Image Gallery (three variations)
- Blank Page
- Error pages (404, 403, 500)
- Google Maps
- Vector Maps
- MailBox App
- Calendar App
- Caht App
- Projects Manager
Chart Plugins
- Flot (bar, pie, line)
- Echarts (bar, pie, line, map, …)
- Sparkline Charts
- Chart.js
- Chartist.Js
- Morris Charts
Other Plugins
- parsleyjs
- jqueryvalidation
- twitter-bootstrap-wizard
- jQuery-File-Upload
- Sweetalert
- CounterUp
- DataTables
- fullcalendar
- select2
- Summernote Editor
- lightbox2
- Switchery
- bootstrap daterangepicker
- ClockPicker
iconbar - sidebar scroll situation on small display fastened
preliminary launch
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