Martfury – WooCommerce Marketplace WordPress Theme

Martfury - WooCommerce Marketplace WordPress Theme


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Version 2.3.1 is out – April 07 2020 – Check the changelog.

WordPress 5.4.x Compatible

WooCommerce 4.x Compatible

RTL Language Support

Elementor Page Builder Compatible

Mobile Version Ready

Dokan Multivendor Marketplace Compatible

WC Vendors Compatible

WC Marketplace Compatible

WCFM Marketplace Compatible

WooCommerce Frontend Manager

New Login Layout With Promotion

Martfury - WooCommerce Marketplace WordPress Theme - 1
Martfury - WooCommerce Marketplace WordPress Theme - 2
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Martfury - WooCommerce Marketplace WordPress Theme - 4

Martfury is a modern and flexible WooCommerce Marketplace WordPress theme. This theme is suited for multi vendor marketplace, electronics store, furnitures store, clothings store, hitech store and accessories store… With the theme, you can create your own marketplace and allow vendors to sell just like Amazon, Envato, eBay.

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Powerful eCommerce Functionality

The theme was built for WooCommerce, the most popular eCommerce solution for WordPress, which helps you sell anything online, shippable goods, virtual or digital files.

  • Sell Simple or Variable Products
  • Sell Digital / Downloadable Products
  • Sell External / Affiliate Products
  • Built-in Order Tracking System
  • Intricate Tax & Shipping Options
  • Customers can Rate / Review Products
  • Unlimted Categories & Sub-Categories
  • Filter Products (eg by size, color, brands, categories, etc.)
  • Powerful Store Management
  • Built-in Coupon System
  • Gain Insights from the Store Reports
  • Easy Shipping Calculator
  • Optional Wishlist & Compare
  • Multi Vendor Marketplace
  • Product Deals
  • Advanced Live Search
  • Search Products by SKU
  • Gallery lightbox for product images
  • Product Image Zoom
  • Color, Label and Image Swatches
  • Featured product video
  • Product 360 Degree
  • Product Quick View
  • Instagram Product Photos
  • Recently Viewed Products
  • Frequently Bought Together
  • Advanced Typography
  • Mega menu supported: vertical & horizontal menu
  • Unlimited Color Scheme
  • Soical Login(eg by Facebook, Google, Twitter, Windows Live, etc)

Full Features

Change Log

Version 2.3.0 – April 07 2020

- New: Add new option allow change the taxonomy description below the products in Appearance > Customize > Catalog > Catalog General > Taxonomy Description Position.
- Update: Compatible with Elementor 404 Page Builder.
- Fix: Style live chat button when it is enabled in Dokan plugin
- Fix: Variable Product still added to cart in the Frequently Bought Together.
- Fix: Show the store name instead of the user name in the frontend.
- Fix: Buy Now button is not disabled in the variable product.
- Fix: More Vendors button scroll on mobile in the WC Marketplace.
- Fix: Price range is not displayed in the product group.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.3.0 – March 19 2020

- New: Add new option allow change the Filter Text in Appearance > Customize > Mobile > Vendor Page.
- Update: Compatible with Elementor Header & Footer Builder.
- Update: Show password feature in the password.
- Fix: Remove product variable in the Frequently Bought Together.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.2.9 – March 11 2020

- Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 4.0
- Fix: Blog images don't work.
- Fix: Remove a shop description in the shop page.

Version 2.2.8 – March 10 2020

- New: Add SKU to product quick view.
- Update: Style for vendor widgets.
- Update: Improve performance.
- Fix: More Vendors button on mobile in the WC Marketplace.
- Fix: Product Tabs style on mobile.
- Fix: Some minor bugs

Version 2.2.7 – February 20 2020

- Fix: Product Carousel doesn't work
- Fix: Wishlist doesn't work with the element AJAX loading
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.2.6 – February 18 2020

- Add: Product Brands Grid element
- Add: Brand Images Carousel element
- Add: Product Brand option to Product Carousel and Grid element
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.2.5 – February 06 2020

- Fix: Kirki google fonts doesn't work.

Version 2.2.4 – February 05 2020

- Fix: Wishlist icon doesn't show
- Fix: On mobile, the image doesn't change after selecting a variation in the single product.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.2.3 – January 31 2020

- New: Add wishlist notification when a product is added to wishlist in the Appearance > Customize >  Woocommerce > Product Notifications
- Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.9.1
- Update: WC Vendor templates.
- Fix: Add to cart notification doesn't show in the quick view
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.2.2 – December 19 2019

- New: Add Home Kids with AJAX
- New: Add Home Marketplace 1 with AJAX
- New: Add Home Marketplace 2 with AJAX
- New: Add Home Marketplace 3 with AJAX
- New: Add Home Electronic with AJAX
- Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.1
- Fix: Duplicate the tab content when use Infinite Scrolling.
- Fix: Wishlist icon doesn't show.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.2.1 – December 12 2019

- Update: Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist 3.0.2
- Fix: Duplicate content in the Product tabs element.
- Fix: Header mobile menu doesn't work when disable the navigation buttons.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.2.0 – November 21 2019

- New: Add Home Kids
- Fix: The Elementor Sliders doesn't work in IE
- Fix: Can't disable the share socials in the coming soon page.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.1.5 – November 06 2019

- New: Add a new option allow enable/disable the related product by categories, tags or only parent category.
- Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.8.0
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.1.4 – October 22 2019

- Fix: Can't see the submenus in the header menu panel in responsive.
- Fix: Don't show the tile in the single post on Mobile.
- Fix: Remove Mobile elements in DC store page.

Version 2.1.3 – October 17 2019

- Fix: Don't show the sub menus in the category menu panel on Mobile.

Version 2.1.2 – October 16 2019

- New: Add same vendor option to Martfury - Products widget
- New: Add Mobile Category Menu location
- Fix: Vendor Logo is small in the store page for WC Marketplace plugin.
- Fix: Don't save the product 360 in the WCFM store manager
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.1.1 – October 02 2019

- Fix: Don't change the product video to image when select a variation in the single product.
- Fix: Don't save the product video in the WCFM store manager
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.1.0 – September 13 2019

- Fix: Store notice doesn't show in the vendor store page(Dokan plugin)
- Fix: Counter in Deal of the weeks doesn't work with Elementor
- Fix: Some bugs about RTL CSS
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.0.9 – September 06 2019

- Fix: Sort by doesn't work on mobile when disable AJAX For Filtering.
- Fix: Some bugs about RTL CSS
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.0.8 – August 27 2019

- New: Add is label option to mega menu level 3.
- Fix: Product count in the brand, attributes filters.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.0.7 – August 21 2019

- New: Add custom products to WPBakery Products of category element.
- New: Add Sale Quantity, Sold Items and Frequently Bought Together to WC Marketplace frontend.
- Update: Add new option to change the Ends in text in deals of the day element.
- Fix: Items links in Category Tabs element.
- Fix: Product Group broken on mobile.
- Fix: Can't open cart panel on mobile.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.0.6 – August 13 2019

- Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.7.0
- Fix: Can't click the increase, decrease icon in the cart mobile.

Version 2.0.5 – August 12 2019

- Fix: Product tabs doesn't work in the Products of Category 2 element.
- Fix: Wrong the blog link on Mobile.
- Fix: Don't show a user icon in the Mobile Navigation.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.0.4 – August 07 2019

- Add: Use new icons of Elementor for Martfury Elementor widgets.
- Fix: Dokan dashboard menu doesn't work in mobile
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.0.3 – July 26 2019

- New: Add the brand option in the new product of Dokan plugin.
- Fix: Responsive site header
- Fix: Product images doesn't load in the product tabs element.
- Fix: Infinite scroll doesn't work in the WCFM store page.
- Fix: Vendor logged menu doesn't work with WCFM plugin.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 2.0.2 – July 20 2019

- Fix: Remove default Department Menu on sticky header

Version 2.0.1 – July 18 2019

- New: Add RTL for Elementor elements.
- Fix: Required WPBakery Page Builder and Revolution Slider

Version 2.0 – July 17 2019

- New: Compatible with Elementor Page Builder plugin.
- New: Add Department Menu Status(open/close) on Homepage for all Header Layouts
- New: Add new option to hide out of stock products in the Martfury - Products widget
- New: Add new element to show products deal of the month, week.
- Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.4
- Fix: Sort By doesn't close after clicking on Mobile
- Fix: Recently Viewed Products Images are cut.
- Fix: The products carousel change by catalog order by
- Fix: Collapse Filter doesn't work on Mobile
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.7.1 – June 27 2019

- Fix: Breadcrumbs don't show all categories.
- Fix: Filter doesn't work in the vendor store.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.7.0 – June 25 2019

- Update Slider Revolution
- Fix: Can't save category banners
- Fix: Don't show the video image.
- Fix: Product 360 View in WCFM
- Fix: AJAX add to cart in the quick view.
- Fix: Countdown in the product deals.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.6.9 – June 06 2019

- New: Add header layout for mobile inner pages( Customize > Mobile > Inner Pages Settings).
- New: Add AJAX for sort products.
- New: Update quantity in the cart page width AJAX( Customize > Woocommerce > Cart Page).
- New: Add product tabs collapse option in the product page( Customize > Mobile > Product Page > Product Tabs Collapse).
- New: Add catalog filter collapse option on mobile( Customize > Mobile > Catalog Sidebar).
- New: Add Product Video, Product 360 View to WCFM - WCFM - WooCommerce Frontend Manager
- Update: Hide Navigation Menu in Vendor Dashboard page in Mobile
- Update: WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.3
- Fix: Product Filter doesn't open in WCFM Store Page on Mobile
- Fix: Style in WCFM List Vendors page.

Version 1.6.8 – May 21 2019

- Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.2

Version 1.6.7 – May 08 2019

- Fix: Don't show the stock status in the product simple

Version 1.6.6 – May 06 2019

- New: Add 2 columns in the catalog page.
- New: Show the stock status in the product variable.
- Fix: Hover on the variation images doesn't work in the shop page.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.6.5 – April 19 2019

- Fix: Quick View doesn't work.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.6.4 – April 18 2019

- Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.6.1

Version 1.6.3 – April 16 2019

- Update: Reduce the image size of variation images in the shop page.
- Fix: Image size in the Partner element.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.6.2 – March 29 2019

- New: Add account menu to Mobile Navigation.
- Fix: Compare Popup bug.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.6.1 – March 26 2019

- New: Add new option to enable the product search as full width( Customize > WooCommerce > Search Page).
- New: Compatible with Advanced Woo Search plugin.
- New: Add new option to enable the logo in the sticky header(Customize > Header > Sticky Header).
- Fix: Some bugs about responsive.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.6.0 – March 12 2019

- New: Add mini cart panel on Mobile.
- New: Add new option to select products on sale, product deals in the product deals carousel and grid element.
- New: Add new option to enter the autoplay speed in Partners element.
- Fix: Can't load the variations carousel in the catalog page
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.5.9 – March 04 2019

- New: Add AJAX Search Results Number option allow show maximum results in the search box( Customize >Header > Search).
- Fix: Title doesn't show in the header on mobile.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.
- Fix: Can't get Instagram photos
- Fix: Can't edit menu

Version 1.5.8 – February 21 2019

- New: Add new login with promotion
- Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.5.5
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.5.7 – February 15 2019

- New: WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace plugin Compatible
- New: WooCommerce Frontend Manager  plugin Compatible
- New: Add new option to select products on sale, product deals in the deals of the day element.
- Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.7
- Fix: Image size doesn't work in the Category Tab element
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.5.6 – January 09 2019

- New: Add new option help disable vendor name in the catalog page.
- Fix: Style in the header bar
- Fix: Don't show background repeat in the Mega Menu
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.5.5 – January 07 2019

- Fix: Some minor bugs.
- Fix: Don' show current menu in the mobile menu.
- Fix: api_key in the martfury addons plugin.

Version 1.5.4 – January 01 2019

- New: Add new option to disable font families default.
- New: Add new option to add mobile menu in the header top.
- New: Add new option to disable sticky header on mobile.
- New: Add new option allow select sticky mobile for header top or header bottom.
- New: Add option to show Up-sells Products under the product tabs in the single product layout 1.
- Update: RTL for mobile version.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.
- Fix: Catalog Infinite Scroll loading.
- Fix: Logo Coming Soon.
- Fix: Your Earn doesn't change when vendor edit new product.
- Fix: Don't show rating in the vendor store page.

Version 1.5.3 – December 11 2018

- Update: Compatible with WordPress 5.0
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.5.2 – December 03 2018

- Update: WooCommerce 3.5.2
- Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.6
- Fix: Can't save product attributes
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.5.1 – November 27 2018

- Add: Dimensions for mobile logo.
- Add: New option to show the product sidebar on mobile.
- Add: Wishlist and Compare to Navigation on Mobile
- Add: New option to disable Mobile Version.
- Add: New option to disable the breadcrumb in the vendor page.
- Add: Sticky product info on mobile.
- Fix: Remove space in Product Deals Carousel.
- Fix: Responsive tablet.
- Fix: Highlight current tag in the product tab page.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.5.0 – November 20 2018

- New: Mobile Version
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.4.7 – November 05 2018

- Update: WooCommerce 3.5.1
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.4.6 – October 25 2018

- Add: Catalog Full Width Layout
- Add: Single Product Full Width Layout
- Fix: Error products widget.

Version 1.4.5 – October 24 2018

- New: Add buy now button after add to cart button in the single product.
- New: Add new option to change product sales sold.
- Update: WooCommerce 3.5.0
- Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.5
- Fix: Can't translate the categories menu with WPML plugin
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.4.4 – October 08 2018

- New: Add Infinite Scroll loading for catalog page
- New: Add Separated Login and Register Columns in the account page
- Updated: Add language template for woocommerce deals plugin
- Fix: The Wishlist count is not auto update after adding to cart
- Fix: Wrong vendor dashboard link with WC Vendors Pro plugin
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.4.3 – September 17 2018

- Fix: Show open department menu icon in the inner page.
- Fix: Remove wrong character in the banner element.

Version 1.4.2 – September 14 2018

- New: Add 6 columns for mega menu
- New: Add options change description and specification text in the single product.
- New: Add new option allow close or open department menu in the header layout 2.
- Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.4
- Fix: Same video in the Product Deals Carousel element.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.4.1 – September 05 2018

- New: Add options allow disable breadcrumbs.
- New: Add columns for products in the category element.
- Fix: Images don't load in the testimonials carousel element.
- Fix: Search result does not appears under the selected language mode.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.4.0 – August 21 2018

- New: Add home full width
- New: Add home auto parts
- Fix: Search AJAX with product variations.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.3.2 – July 26 2018

- New: Add new option allow show video featured in the first product gallery.
- Update: Compatible WooCommerce 3.4.4
- Fix: Duplicate wishlist and compare icons with AliDropship plugin in single product.
- Fix: Wrong Twitter login.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.3.1 – July 18 2018

- Fix: wrong link of the account order.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.3.0 – July 09 2018

- New: Add options to change deals expires text and deals sold text in the single product.
- Fix: shop top bar on Mobile style.

Version 1.2.9 – July 06 2018

- New: Add Filter on Mobile for catalog page.
- New: Add image size option for Category Tabs element.
- New: Add custom image option for Category Tabs element.
- New: Add compare icon to the site header.
- Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.2
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.2.8 – June 28 2018

- New: Add new title for search page.
- New: Add new option allow show save price in the sale evilges.
- Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.1
- Update Slider Revolution 5.4.8
- Update: Compatible WC Vendors 2.0.9
- Fix: Some minor bugs.
- Fix: Order by products in the recently view products page.

Version 1.2.7 – June 14 2018

- New: Add new option allow share the product by whatsapp, email
- New: Add hot words in the header.
- New: Add new options allow limit product categories search.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.2.6 – June 07 2018

- New: Add Custom Footer Skin
- New: Add Custom Header Skin for Header Layout 1 and 5.
- Update: Can add HTML to Button Text in the site header.
- Fix: Can't set autoplay for Products of Category 2 element.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.2.5 – June 01 2018

- Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.4.1

Version 1.2.4 – May 29 2018

- Fix: Duplicate wishlist and compare icons in single product.
- Fix: Some bugs about CSS.

Version 1.2.3 – May 25 2018

- Fix: Wrong CSS in checkout page.

Version 1.2.2 – May 24 2018

- New: Add new option allow control the seconds to hide the cart notification.
- Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.4.0
- Fix: Wrong Dokan vendor name in the product item.

Version 1.2.1 – May 23 2018

- New: Add link for Shop By Department in the header.
- New: Add new option allow disable NewsLetter Popup in the homepage.
- New: Compatible with Currency Switcher for WooCommerce plugin.
- New: Add new options allow change the background color of evilges.
- New: Add new option allow open submenus on Mobile by click the plus icon.
- New: Add new option allow enter product image size in the Products of Category 2 element.
- New: Add new option allow show user avatar after logged in.
- Fix: Timer of Deals of The Day.
- Fix: Some bugs about responsive.
- Fix: Some minor bugs.

Version 1.2 – May 09 2018

- New: Add Organic demo
- New: Add Technology demo
- New: Add evilges such as hot, percent sale, new for each products.
- New: Add options allow disable product zoom and product gallery in single product page.
- New: Add an option allow disable search products with AJAX in the header.
- Update: Revolution Slider
- Fix: Some minor bugs

Version 1.1.2 – April 26 2018

- New: Add Default template of Dokan Dashboard.
- New: Add added to cart notification function.

Version 1.1.1 – April 09 2018

- Fix: Don't show socials setting for coming soon page.
- Fix: Can't disable related products and Up-sells Products.
- Fix: Search product attributes filter doesn't work.
- Fix: Some minor bugs about CSS

Version 1.1.0 – April 05 2018

- New: Support RTL language
- Fix: Some some minor bugs

Version 1.0.8 – March 28 2018

- Add Banner large, medium, small elements
- Fix product thumbnail doesn't load
- Fix page still loading when disable preloader option.

Version 1.0.7 – March 26 2018

- Add banner grid 2 with new style
- Add get products by tags for Products of Category element.
- Add sticky product info in the single product.
- Add menu sidebar on Mobile

Version 1.0.6 – March 22 2018

- Fix style in the header layout 3.
- Fix conflict jquery.tabs.
- Fix header style if hide department.
- Fix one click import demo for some host

Version 1.0.5 – March 20 2018

- Add new blog masonry layout.
- Add top bar for all header layout.
- Fix Some bugs about CSS.
- Fix Product categories display wrong.

Version 1.0.4 – March 17 2018

- Add WC Marketplace Compatible
- Add sidebar for pages
- Add new menu location for vendor, user logged
- Fix some bugs about CSS

Version 1.0.3 – March 13 2018

- Add: WC Vendors and WC Vendors Pro Compatible
- Add: Product features description in the single product.

Version 1.0.2 – March 10 2018

- Add: Social login in the register.
- Fix: Search everything with AJAX.
- Fix: Remove numbers in the share social.

Version 1.0.1 – March 09 2018

- Update: Visual Composer 5.4.7
- Update: Slider Revolution

Version 1.0

- Initial


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