Material Admin – Bootstrap HTML5 App

Material Admin - Bootstrap HTML5 App - 1


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Material Admin - Bootstrap HTML5 App - 1

Theme Features

Version 1.0.0

  • Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
  • Flat UI with clean style
  • Retina support
  • Fixed / Static Topbar
  • Expandable Sidebar
  • Off-canvas left and right
  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.2
  • Material Design Iconic Font 1.1.1
  • Font Awesome 4.3.0
  • Skycons
  • Less files
  • 6 Colors themes
  • Tables:

    • Supports large tables (dynamically loads data)
    • Scrollable tables
    • Responsive tables
    • Show / hide columns
  • Forms:

    • Custom form style
    • Inline editable elements
    • Advanced validation options
    • Multi file upload
    • WYSIWYG editors
    • Select with search
    • Multiple select
    • Wizard
    • Tags input
    • Custom slider
    • Datepicker
    • Colorpicker
    • Spinner
    • Rating input
  • Pages:

    • Contact search
    • Contact details
    • Contact insert
    • Email pages
    • Search result pages
    • Blog
    • Pricing
    • Invoice
    • User profile
    • Custom error pages
    • Login page
    • Locked screen page
  • Calendar with events
  • GMaps
  • Micro Templating
  • Line / Bar / Pie charts (Flot, Morris, Sparkline, Knob, Rickshaw)
  • Custom buttons
  • Bootstrap plugins
  • Notifications
  • Tooltips & popovers
  • Animations CSS3


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