Mayosis – Digital Marketplace WordPress Theme

Mayosis - Digital Marketplace WordPress Theme


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What is Mayosis – Digital Marketplace Theme?

If you want to sell your items such as templates, arts, tutorials, music, ebooks, stock photography, stock footage, themes, plugins, code snippets, Softwares or digital services then Mayosis is for you. Built on WordPress and free Easy Digital Downloads. Mayosis – Digital Marketplace Theme allows you to create your own marketplace such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Themeforest or CreativeMarket and it takes only a few hours to set up your website and sell goods. The theme is heavily customized and organized for selling a different kind of digital products as we mentioned above. Integrated Visual Composer plugin allows you to create your web pages quickly & visually without knowing a single piece of code.

Not only that, but also you can create a marketplace for others where people are selling their products by your marketplace and Mayosis allows that with an additional EDD (Easy Digital Downloads) extension called FES (Front End Submission). There are other popular extensions supported by Mayosis such as EDD Commission.

Please check out more about Mayosis – Digital Marketplace below!

Mayosis Exclusive Features

  • Full Easy Digital Downloads Integration
  • WPBakery Page Builder (Former Visual Composer)- SAVE $34
  • Advanced Custom Field Pro – SAVE $25
  • Contact Form 7 Support
  • Front End Submission Support
  • 1 Click Demo Import
  • Full Featured Blog Engine
  • Multilanguage Support
  • Font Awesome (Font Icon) Support
  • Advanced Theme Options Via WordPress Customizer
  • Child Theme Facility
  • Live Cart Functionality
  • Offer Freebies Along with Premium Products
  • Custom Header Option(Unlimited Customization)
  • Counter/Statistics for Products or Downloads

Mayosis Regular Features

  • Retina Ready, Up to 5K Display
  • Bootstrap 1170px Grid Layout
  • Fully Responsive to Any Device
  • 800+ Google Fonts
  • Neat & Clean Code Structure
  • Cross Browser Friendly
  • Search Engine Optimized
  • Sticky Header Functionality
  • Built For Ultra Fast Loading
  • Free Regular Updates

Thank you for your time to check out our theme. If you have any query, please do comments, we are always here to solve your questions. All the best wishes for your Online Shop!

Change Logs

V2.7.3– 12 April 2020

-License system updated
-Photo template masonry grid system added
-Demo data updated
-Mobile search overlay issue fixed
-CSS issue fixed
-Bug fixes
-Mayosis core updated

V2.7.2– 7 April 2020

-License system updated
-Wave audio player added
-Wave player customization option added inside theme option
-Download tag breadcrumb customization system Added
-Css issue fixed
-Bug fixes
-Mayosis core updated

V2.7.1– 3 February 2020

-Envato API System Added
-Use Envato product ID to pull Envato product data, Such as sell count,pricing, released date, update date etc.
-Page title tag changed
-Wordpress rest API Block issue fixed
-Elementor download category list system added
-Elementor download category carousel system improved.
-Elementor category limit added
-Elementor new icons system added
-Widget background color fixed
-License system updated
-Video template style added
-CSS corrections
-JS Corrections
-Mayosis core updated

V2.7.0– 22 October 2019

- Stockpik demo added
- Two product hover design  type added
- Subscription system widget added
- Justified grid system improved
-Justified grid support on whole site
-Justified grid hover style added
-Masonry grid hover style added
-Extended dashboard added
-Dashboard system combined & improved
-Elementor elements functional improvement
-Grid category filter issue fixed
-Home page header search state added
-Old quick installer removed
-New quick installer added
-Widget title hide option added
-Product information widget title added
-Css Fixed
-Mayosis core plugin improved

V2.6.2– 23 August 2019

- Translation issue fixed
- Masonry grid bottom meta added
- Related blog post view content issue fixed
- Header search overwrite issue fixed
- WpBakery visual composer recent grid filter fixed
- WpBakery visual composer featured grid filter fixed
- Graphicmarket demo data fixed
- Beta font preview support
- Bug fixes. 
- CSS issue fixes. 
- Core plugin updated. 

V2.6.1– 2 August 2019

-Masonry grid system updated
-Title support on masonry grid
-Category filter added on the recent grid
-Category filter added on the small grid
-Js issue fixed
-Core Plugin Updated (Don't Forget to update core)

V2.6.0– 1 August 2019

-Video player changed & upgraded
-Photo template renamed to media template
-Media template huge new options added
-Videokit new demo added
-Thumbanil custom size option added
-Video autoplay option improved-Subscription system included
-Upsell & crosssell plugin design issue fixed
-Pricing Table improved with new features
-Edd small grid fixed on WPBakery version(Please add again this element)
-Container global width system for large device
-Footer container global width system for large device
-Only breadcrumb hide option
-WPBakery video background system implemented
-Default template footer product edit option added
-Multivendor design issue fixed
-Vendor dashboard fixed
-Major design issues fixed
-Title issue fixed for seo plugin
-All plugin updated
-HTML5 audio player issue fixed-css issue fixed
-Js issue fixed
-Core Plugin Updated (Don't Forget to update core)

V2.5.4– 11 May 2019

-Video thumbnail support
-On hover video play
-Page builder design issues fixed
-Pricing table design fixed
-Pricing table functionality added
-Back to top arrow enable disable the option
-Easy Social Share plugin added(Collect demo data from support website)
-css issue fixed
-Js issue fixed
-Core Plugin Updated (Don't Forget to update core)

V2.5.3– 18 March 2019

-AffliateWP Dashboard design
-Css Issue fixed
-Page builder design issues fixed
-User Avatar plugin removed
-User Avatar system updated
-Core Plugin Updated (Don't Forget to update core)

V2.5.2– 11 March 2019

- Builder Elements Improved
- Product Category Description Added
- All Access Pass & Recurring Payment Support added
- FES Improvement
- Sidebar Issues fixed
- Table Border issue fixed
- Sidebar header options fixed
- CSS Bug Fixes
-New license & update system organized

V2.5.1– 26 February 2019

- WPBakery page builder element added & improvement
- Elementor page builder element added & improvement
- FES CSS & design issue fixed
- Menu issue fixed
- Button gradient support
- Product template design issue fixed
- Header builder option extended
- Global social options
-New license & update system

V2.5.0– 24 January 2019

- FES vendor profile page redesign.
- FES vendor widget Ready.
- FES user custom field added & redesigned.
- FES contributor design.
- FES contributor builder element ready.
- Fes dashboard redesign.
- Fes dashboard product Redesign.
- Fes order tab redesign.
- Fes submission form custom fields added.
- Fes profile submission custom fields added.
- Fes user base counter added.
- EDD dasboard redesign.
- EDD reciept & purchase conformation redesign.
- EDD product theme options developed.
- Header builder support.
- Custom header builder elements.
- User account system with user menu support.
- Flex-based layout header row.
- Responsive header builder system.
- Footer column style reassembled.
- User follows system added.
- Following product display on EDD dashboard.
- Search system improved.
- Additional search style added.
- Product grid option header style added.
- Iconbox new style added.
- Object parallax item custom image upload.
- Select option style added.
- Smooth scrolling features.
- New Team style added.
- Category search problem fixed.
- Multi-vendor demo ready.
- RTL demo ready.
- Wishlist compatibility & design ready.
- Product custom prime template design.
- Product photo template option added.
- Product photo template video & audio support.
- Product gallery redesigned.
- Release information moved to product information widget.
- Product information designed with rearranging feature.
- Floating social share support on the blog.
- Own Designed font icon(zero icons) support.
- Comment design improved.
- EDD review support.
- EDD review & comment style designed.
- Cart icon switch option.
- Features improvement
- Menu tooltip support
- Menu icon system imrpovement
- Remove font awesome 5 for site loading issue.
- WordPress 5.0 compatibility
- Gutenberg compatibility.
- Bug fixes.
- CSS issue fixes.
- Core plugin updated.

V2.1.6– 25 September 2018

- Product tag template fixed.
- Product grid hover issue fixed.
- Firefox blog thumbnail issue fixed.
- List Item positioning fixed.
- Go to top button issue fixed.
- Blog archive page option added.
- Social share widget design issue fixed.
- Bug fixes.
- CSS issue fixes
- Core plugin updated

V2.1.5– 17 September 2018

- Product filter added.
- Product archive sidebar enabled.
- Product archive template system added.
- Product grid background support.
- Product grid box Shadow support.
- Blog archive page option added.
- Custom title support on the page.
- Narrow page template.
- Hero header title font support.
- Changeable EDD download slug & name.
- Safari bug fixes.
- RTL version improved.
- Bug fixes.
- CSS issue fixes
- Core plugin updated

V2.1.2– 19 August 2018

- Page builder new element added
- CSS issue fixes
- Sticky header fixes
- Bug fixes.
- CSS issue fixes
- Core plugin updated

V2.1.1– 4 August 2018

- Gutenberg Compatibility
- Product Gallery Fixed & Option Updated
- Testimonial Grid Carousel Support
- Social Popup Share Support
- WP Bakery Animation Fixed
- Bug fixes.
- CSS issue fixes
- Core plugin updated

V2.0– 20 July 2018

- Mayophotos Photography Demo
- WPBakery Page Builder Photography Element Added
- Elementor Photography Element Added
- Whole site Masonry grid support
- Bug fixes.
- CSS issue fixes
- Core plugin updated
- RTL Support

V1.2.3– 3 July 2018

- Bug fixes.
- Icon issue fixes
- Widget design fixes
-  White label option added
-  CSS issue fixes
-  Core plugin updated

V1.2.2– 29 June 2018

- Bug fixes.
- FES CSS issue fixes.
- Elementor bug fixes
- Elementor demo fixes
- WPBakery bug fixes
- Customizer options extend
- Core plugin bug fix

V1.2.1– 10 June 2018

- Bug fixes.
- FES CSS issue fixes.
- Social share added
-Core plugin updated

V1.2.0 – 08 June 2018

- Bug fixes.
- Fixed some JS issues.
- Fixed some CSS issues
- Added video play button beside the title
- Elementor custom element fix
- Product template added
- Elementor demo added.
- WPBakery Page Builder back to top fix


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