Meme Generator iOS Swift App

Meme Generator iOS Swift App


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This app brings to the user a meme generator to easily and quickly create simple memes using images from his gallery or picking preloaded memes from the app library and adding the two typical label above and below the image.

As usual, the app allows the user to share the final image using any app installed in his/her device as Facebook or Twitter.

Moreover you can almost directly built and make revenue out of this app as it also includes Google AdMob support.


iPhone & iPad support: Works on any model of this family of devices.

iOS8 & iOS9: Specially coded to work on the last OS major updates.

Flat design: It has a flat design matching current web and app design trends.?

Use of Storyboard: In order to provide a visual reference and speed up development.

Clean & commented code: The code tries to be as basic as possible and there are comments on the most important parts.

Auto resize with all devices: The UI adapts itself using NSConstraints and shows or hides certain elements to fit all screens. It is specially designed to look great on any screen.

Share to any app: Thanks to in-built share protocol, you can share the final image using any app installed on your device.

Pick your own images or use the preloaded memes: The app features lots of preloaded memes to be used.

Write the two typical labels (top and bottom) and drag them up and down to fit your needs.

Google AdMob support: We added a bottom banner to display Google AdMob ads so you can make some revenue out of this app.


– Updated to swift 4 and adapted to iPhone X

– Now, by tapping in the middle of the canvas, the user can use an image both from the camera and his gallery.


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