Multi Channel Streaming Radio with Dynamic Backend

Multi Channel Streaming Radio with Dynamic Backend


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Product description

This is a native android multiple channel live streaming radio application. Now you can listen to radio
stations on the way, mark your favourite channel, and listen whenever you want. You can also record live
program when listening.

User will be able to listen multiple radio station on the go and whenever he/she want. This app includes
maximum features what a complete Multiple Radio Station app should have. You can even add your own station
and listen from there.

A very useful and compact homepage has been designed with attractive animations. Basic functionality i.e:
play radio with animation, animated category list,favorite list, recording etc has been included into the

We have included many category and large number of radio station with based on category.

This app allows user to record program when listening and control volume from application.


Here is the detailed feature list:

  • Complete native multi-channel radio app
  • Dynamic backend based on online google sheet
  • Various audio streaming protocol support including m3u8
  • Animated radio player and category list on the home page
  • Change radio channel by swipe
  • Change radio channel based on specific category
  • Favorite Channel List
  • Categorized Channel List
  • Playing radio channel in background when activity killed
  • Handling internet connectivity
  • Record program when listening
  • Volume control from apps
  • Show foreground notification when playing radio channel
  • Controlling Player from foreground notification
  • AdMob integration
  • Easy navigation simpler UX
  • Material design
  • Complete material design
  • Multi color theme template
  • Complete Admob integration (full-screen ad)

App Demo

App Video

Technical Documentation


V 1.1
- Previously data was in app asset directory. In this version we have integrated super simple backend solution for the app. You will be able to use google sheet as app backend from this version.
- Integration notification controller support in Oreo. 

V 1.0
- Initial release


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