Muph – The Complete Web App Installer & Wizard

Muph - The Complete Web App Installer & Wizard


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With MUPH Setup Wizard you can improve your own project with a powerful setup system. It is fully customizable and you can have an installer for your modern web application ready in less than one minute.
Muph - The Complete Web App Installer & Wizard - 1

Demo info

You can go on with all the muph installation steps because there will not be fired an error while connecting to db or opening a file. These functions has been disabled in live preview.

Features highlighted v1.x

  • Fully customizable texts
  • Check minimum PHP version
  • Checks features installed such as gd, curl, mod rewrite, writable folder, mcrypt, safe_mode etc…
  • Writes custom config file by giving the format and the path
  • Supports prefix for tables
  • Creates your system config file using template
  • easily anf fully translatable


v1.2 - 7th Jul, 2014
- Added checks for: mysqli, mbstring, mcrypt, safe_mode, register_globals
- Added Italian Language
- Added language switch
- Added option to insert and show a privacy policy acknowledgement
- UI Improved

v1.1 - 22nd Nov, 2013
- Added validation on admin credentials
- Added the possibility to add HTML tags in the lang file constants
- Fixed navbar position
- Fixed the external db host connection
 -Fixed database's form values parse

Quick Q&A

Is there a quick start guide?

Yes, a quick start guide is included inside the package. It has been made in two different versions ( both are included! ) : one for lazy readers, one for who wanna knor something more about muph.

Who is this for?

Anyone who needs a modern installer for some modern web applications.

Do I have to be a programmer?

Absolutely not, just an enthusiast would be great! The package includes a quick start guide in english.

Does the package include a sample?

Yes, sure!

Other questions..

Have a look to the FAQ. If you don’t find anything useful, then contact me via email directly.


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