My Blog – MVC Bootstrap

My Blog – MVC Bootstrap


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MVC Blogspot Project

You can create a attractive own blog. Responsive design, powerful features.

Using technologies

  • MVC 5 .Net Framewark 4.5
  • VS 2017
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Image Resizer (diskcache Free Version)
  • Font Awesome



Aside from visiting your visitors won;t have many other options for finding content in your blog. They can use search engines to search your site’s indexed content.

RSS Feed

RSS feeds allow more tech-savvy users to subscribe to your blog.

Recent Posts

Retrieves a list of the most recent posts.

Popular Post

Popular Posts widget that displays the most popular posts on your blog base on no of view that post.

Popular Tags

Most Popular Tags that allows you to display your blog most popular tags base on user click on tag.

Follow Us

Integrate the important social like buttons like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram.


Collect customer emails by adding a subscription box. Send automated new blog post notification emails. You can export subscribers list

Others Feature

  • Google Analytics Key
  • Custom robots.txt
  • Show Footer
  • Blog Meta Data Settings
  • Post Settings
    • No of post show per page
    • Social Share Button
    • Show Related Posts
  • Widgets Setting
    • Widget Title
    • Order
    • Visible
  • Author profile page

Widget List

  • Social Profile
  • Popular Post
  • Recent Post
  • Subscribe
  • Popular Tags
  • Author Profile

How to configration project?

1) Create Database
Before start project configer database. There are two option to create database using

  1. MyBlog.bak
  2. MyBlog.sql

2) Update web.config

After configration database successfully then open project.
Then open web.config and update database connection string => “DefaultConnection”

3) Build soluction and Run

Admin Section

  • Overview Dashboard
  • Posts

    • New Post
    • All Post
    • Draft Post
    • Published
  • Setting

    • Blog Setting
    • Widgets
    • Social Profile
  • Subscribers
  • Email Template


How to work Related Post?
Related post work on post tags. So you need to add tags. Base on current post tags find similer tag on other post show n related post.

When New Post Publish subscriber can receive new post email?

Can I update subscriber email template?
Yes, you can customize email template design from admin > Email Template section.

Can I reorder Widget?
Yes you can reorder widget from admin > Widgets Setting.


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