Nearme 6.0 – Ionic 5 Starter / Template for location based apps

Nearme 6.0 - Ionic 5 Starter / Template for location based apps


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Nearme is a complete solution to create a location based app for Android, iOS and the web.

This starter comes with an Admin Portal, a web based solution where admin users can manage and view categories, places, reviews, slider images, users and send push notification to users.

Nearme 4 - Ionic 4 Template Starter Theme

Nearme 4 - Ionic 4 Template Starter Theme

App Features

  • Nearby, featured and most recent places
  • Nearby places via Google Maps
  • Filter places by Category
  • Posts/Deals Listing
  • Submit places (pending approval by admin)
  • Call to place, directions by map and open external website
  • Publish and view reviews
  • Sign In/ Sign Up + Facebook Login
  • Password recovery
  • Account Management (Profile, Change Password, Logout)
  • Favorites
  • Search places by keywords
  • Multi-language
  • RTL Support
  • PWA support
  • Push Notifications

Admin Portal Features

  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Places
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Posts/Deals
  • Manage Reviews
  • Manage Slider Images
  • Send Push Notifications
  • Update Password
  • Login/Logout
  • Password Recovery


Do you need customization or installation services? We are available for hire! Contact us


  • App source code
  • Admin portal source code
  • Documentation


6.0.2 – 03/Mar/2020

  • Bug fixes

6.0.1 – 23/Feb/2020

Mobile App:

  • Update to Ionic 5.0.1
  • Add routine to detect user language

Admin Portal:

  • Fix Slide Image / Slide Intro
  • Improve Post push notifications

6.0.0 – 19/Feb/2020

Mobile App:

  • Update to Ionic 5.0.0 and Angular 9
  • NEW setting to enable/disable push notifications
  • NEW modal to filter places by rating, distance, and categories
  • NEW option to sort places by distance, rating and creation time
  • NEW Location Picker
  • Added Help section with dynamic pages, social links and contact info
  • NEW dynamic Intro Guide
  • Google Login support
  • OneSignal support
  • Enable search by tags
  • Added ability to report places
  • General improvements and bug fixes

Admin Portal:

  • NEW Pages module
  • NEW Intro Screen module
  • OneSignal support
  • Google Login support
  • Added email notification when a new listing report is sent
  • Added tags field to places
  • Added contact and social fields
  • Added ability to enable/disable email verifications
  • Added map to email notification when a new listing is saved in mobile app
  • Added ability to customize password resets and email verifications
  • Added option to enable/disable push notification when a new post is saved
  • Added user permissions
  • Added dedicated page to view admins and users
  • Improved multi-language support
  • Improved Geo-notifications

5.6.0 – 05/Aug/2019

Mobile App:

  • Improvement: Update to Ionic 4.7.0
  • Improvement: Angular 8 support
  • Improvement: Update all cordova plugins to latest version
  • Bug fix: Fix lazy load images issue
  • Bug fix: Fix add place on desktop mode

Admin Portal:

  • Improvement: Update Parse Server, Parse Dashboard and Parse SDK JS to latest version
  • Bug fix: Fix category query in homepage data
  • Bug fix: Fix place count after delete a place record

5.5.0 – 08/Jul/2019

Mobile App:

  • Improvement: Update to Ionic 4.5.0
  • Improvement: Cordova 9 support
  • Improvement: Cordova-Android 8.0.0 and Cordova-iOS 5.0.0 support
  • Improvement: FCM Support for push notifications
  • Improvement: Add autocomplete search on Place Add page and Map page
  • Improvement: Enhanced Angular Routing
  • Improvement: Add list view on Map page (only desktop)
  • Improvement: Add Bottom Drawer component on Map page (only mobile)
  • Improvement: Redesign Profile page
  • Improvement: New ‘My Places’ page
  • Improvement: Optimize geolocation routines
  • Improvement: Filter by category in map page
  • Improvement: Update all cordova plugins to latest version
  • Improvement: Remove Browser Tab in favor of SafariViewController
  • Bug fix: Fix place gallery issue
  • Bug fix: Fix ion-refresher issue
  • Bug fix: Fix open external links on pwa mode
  • Bug fix: Fix Get Directions link

Admin Portal:

  • Improvement: Add Geo-push notifications
  • Improvement: Email notifications for new listings
  • Improvement: Optimize resize images
  • Improvement: Add Update password for current logged user
  • Improvement: Updated front-end/back-end dependencies
  • Improvement: Add option to change front-end language
  • Improvement: Move translations to dedicated json files
  • Bug fix: Fix server side login to allow multiple logged admin users
  • Bug fix: Fix update user password
  • Bug fix: Fix place count on each category

5.0.4 – 11/Feb/2019

Mobile App:

  • Improvement: Update to Ionic 4.0.1
  • Improvement: Reset push wickedge on app startup
  • Improvement: Lock orientation to portrait mode
  • Improvement: Added routine to change HTML direction dynamically
  • Improvement: Disabled splashscreen spinner
  • Improvement: Added notice for Facebook Login in PWA mode
  • Bug fix: Fixed bug causing photo deleted after profile update
  • Bug fix: Fixed FB Login on Desktop
  • Bug fix: Fixed lighbox display on iphone x
  • Bug fix: Show success message after password reset request

Admin Portal:

  • Improvement: Increment push notification wickedge

5.0.3 – 01/Feb/2019

  • Fix error “This user is not allowed to access non-existent class” after admin portal installation
  • Added whatsapp share (PWA)

5.0.2 – 27/Jan/2019

  • Performance / SEO improvements
  • Bug fixes
  • Improved Social Share

5.0.0 – 22/Jan/2019

  • First release


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