OctopusCodes – Countdown Shopping Cart

OctopusCodes - Countdown Shopping Cart


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Product Description

CountDown Shopping Cart is a simple, easy-to-use, ready-to-use CodeIgniter Framework and MySQL database that enables you create urgency for your deals. Drive customers’ actions and urge them to buy before time runs out.

CountDown Shopping Cart has an easy Admin Panel page that gives you full control over categories, products, discounts list of product, photos list of product, orders, customers, payments, settings and admin profile.

With our responsive e-commerce script, you will have
your online store displayed correctly across a wide
range of end-user devices and screen resolutions for
easy ordering and checking out process.

What you will get is:

  • Full Source code.
  • Full Database.
  • Documetation guide so that you can easily setup code.
  • Screenshots.
  • Support 24×7 hours.

Front View Features

  • Bootstrap Themes
  • Responsive Design
  • Register New Customer
  • Show CountDown for Products
  • Show Category of Site
  • Show Latest Products, Best Sellers Products and Most Viewed Products
  • Manage Shopping Cart: Update the Item Quantity in Cart, Delete Item in Cart
  • Checkout with PayPal Payment and Cash
  • Manage Content for Pages: About Us, Legal notice, TermsS and Conditions, FAQ
  • Search Product
  • Change Customer Profile

Admin Panel Features

  • Manage Hierarchy for Categories
  • Manage Products
  • Manage Discounts of Product
  • Manage Photos of Product
  • Manage Orders
  • Manage Payments
  • Manage Customers
  • Manage Pages
  • Website Settings
  • Change Admin Profile

Live Demo


Document Online

Document Online


  • PHP 5.6+
  • MySQL 5.7+

Browser support

CountDown Shopping Cart is tested and
supported in major modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Internet
Explorer, and Firefox

  • IE 8+
  • Chrome
  • FireFox 3+
  • Opera 11+
  • Safari 5+

Install Application

  1. Unzip Main.zip file and upload to your hosting.
  2. Open config.php file in applicationconfig foler
    and change value of base_url as below:

    • $config[‘base_url’]: your domain name
  3. Run website and login with default account:

Product Support

If you have problems, questions, ideal, etc…Contact me via email
[email protected]
Please contact us with any questions you may have via the contact form
on my author profile page.


  • V1.0 Released – Feb 21, 2018


To get this product on 50 percent contact me on this link



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