Oreo Fashion – Full React Native App for Woocommerce

Oreo Fashion – Full React Native App for Woocommerce


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Demo Builder

About Oreo App

For the individuals who claim physical shops and designers, with OREO you have assortment prepared to-utilize E-commerce formats to make your portable store application. On the off chance that you had your online shops, OREO bolsters you to change over your present sites to portable store application effectively. Your store portable application will be found in both the App Store and Google Play Store. With OREO, your versatile application gives higher client experience contrasting with site on-portable. Your items will show up clear and can be zoom with no designing mistake. While you can control your store and requests of customers, your customers likewise can interface and remain mindful everything being equal and declarations of your stores in the event that they have your application on their mobiles.

It is possible that you are specialists with raising deal desire or engineers with quicker portable application creation need, OREO gives you a way out.

– Version: 1.4.3
– This is Exclusive Product License from Envato
– Full React native source code

Multi Vendor
WPML and Polylang
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Video Guide how to test your store connect to the app

Test API Data
App Mobile

The Reason
page builder
page builder
always update

Save 2000 Hours
Reason buy App
Banner Promotions
Categories and Collection
Product Detail
File Included
Checkout Webview

Login Mobile


rate 5 starts


        You search product name and see the type of product in App
  • 5 Demo Homepage Layouts
  • PageBuilder Drag and Drop for App
  • Woocommerce, WordPress, WPML support
  • React Native, Reactjs
  • Android
  • iOS
  • JS
  • Powerful configuration
  • Unlimited colors custom
  • Unlimited Layouts
  • Off Canvans Menu
  • Multi currency
  • Multi language
  • Checkout & Payment
  • Login and Social login
  • Product grid & Carousel, Product list
  • Banner Promotions
  • Smooth Slideshows
  • Categories
  • Customer Reviews
  • Support RTL
  • Products Detail
    • Product Variants
    • Smooth image animation
    • Add to Whishlist
    • Zoom Image
    • Sharing
    • Related Products
    • Information Products
  • Products type
    • Product Variants
    • Simple Product
    • Download Product
    • Affiliate Product
    • Out of stock
    • Grouped Product
    • Sale Off Product
    • Variant Color & Image & Button
  • Blog Lastest
  • Detail Blog
  • Coupon Code
  • Billing Address
  • Shipping Method
  • Payment Method
  • Order History
  • Refund
  • Dark Theme
  • Splash Screen
  • Make Multiple templates
  • Other Pages
    • Privacy
    • About us
    • Contact



Update 01/05/2020
- Improvement: Using Fetch React Native instead Axios
- Fixed: Login Apple
- Improvement: when type suggest message on Android
- Add: Static “About Us” … “Contact Us”, “Terms & Conditions” pages link to Page ID
- Improvement: Save user phone number like Digits plugin
- Add: Download tab for books, images store
- Improvement: large item on Listview
Update 10/04/2020
- Fixed: Get product min price and max price
- Add: DisableReviewRating in configs
- Fixed: Unescape html for name category
- Fixed: Cancel order on Webview
- Add: Option enable webview in product description
- Add: Support Digits plugin
Update 31/03/2020
- Added: Logout Apple in background
- Fixed: Auto fill OTP on Android
- Fixed: Text strings must be rendered within a <Text> component
- Fixed: Loading shipping method
Update 26/03/2020
- Fixed: Exclude parent category in style 4
- Fixed: Register Firebase SMS OTP
- Fixed: Not show Apple login when disable SMS, Google and Facebook method
- Update: To latest all dependencies
Update 24/03/2020
- Added: .gitingore file
- Added: Config allows customers to place orders without an account
- Added: Option config default phone number register page
- Added: Option cache data for medium to large website
- Improvement: Update user address
- Improvement: Option change add/edit fonts
- Fixed: Show image when user select the variation
- Fixed: Show price currency on the filter
- Fixed: Show all product when user click to action link
Update 17/03/2020
- Add: multi language for Copyright and Address
- Fix: Min and max price in filter when select currency
Update 16/03/2020
- Fix: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘templates.find’) on some Android device
- Add: Edit Account 
Update 11/03/2020
- Improvement: Show name instead id in order detail screen
- Fix: get category in products = null
- Add: option to change default RTL
- Fix: show filter category when go by id category exist
- Add: Rate app
- Add: Term page config
- Improvement: check WooCommerce Variation Swatches
Update 05/03/2020
- fix: category not exist in products
- fix: value rating in item vendor in home
Update 28/02/2020
- Security: Only need Customer Secret and Key Readable is enough 
- Improvement: Get categories
- Improvement: reduce time fetch configs from server
- Change: https://doc-wc.rnlab.io/ to https://docs.rnlab.io
- Change: https://support.rnlab.io/ to https://forums.rnlab.io
- Change: https://wc.rnlab.io/ to https://wc.rnlab.io
- Change: API write review
- Change: API update the billing address
- Improvement: Animation header in product detail
- Fix: Show customer notes
- Add: exclude category on sidebar and shop screen option
- Fix: Webview checkout not logout pre user
- Fix: timezone review, blogs, and order
- Add: Display SKU
- Fix: display product on the home screen by languages
Update 19/02/2020
- Support Polylang plugin
Update 17/02/2020
- Fix: get empty products
Update 17/02/2020
- Improvement: splash screen size
- Add: Video background for getting stared screen
- Fix: get product non-public on the home screen
Update 11/02/2020
- Fix: Crash app on Android 7.0
- Fix: Shipping method with same class
- Fix: Get default language
- Fix: Crash app when disable avatar.
- Improvement: Product variation selection
- Update: Config modal
- Add: Divider component
- Add: Search component
- Add: Action open Web view
- Add: Action opens on Browser
Update 18/01/2020
- Support: Dokan vendor
- Improvement: product detail scroll
- Improvement: Firebase SMS auth
- Add: Popup
- Change: total review on product list
- Improvement: Loading state
Update 13/01/2020
- Fix: Logout issue
- Fix: The SMS code has expired
Update 10/01/2020
- Add : Apple authentication 
- Fix: Add product variation with setting any
- Fix: Update Stripe Payment
- Fix: Clear cart on the Payment page
- Add: Config options for Google Login
- Fix: Show sort description
- Fix: Show rating on list Item
- Fix: SMS login Issue
Update 12/30/2019
- Add: Config copyright
- Upgrade: React Native 0.61.5 and latest other dependencies
- Improvement: Checkout Webview
- Fix: cash app in the product description
- Fix: fetch missing product variations
Update 12/27/2019
- Fix: duplicate product variation in cart
- Improvement: OTP
- Improvement: Webview style and login user security
- Improvement: Image size on blog item
- Improvement: Persist token and currency
- Add: on/off login via SMS
Update 12/23/2019
- Add: Phone Sign in/verity with Firebase Auth
- Improvement: check network connection when open App
- Improvement: splash screen
- Add: Webview checkout
- Update: display sort description in product detail
- Fix: Sort category same category config in dashboard
- Fix: status order
- Add: Demo config preview for customer
- Fix: moment countdown
- Fix: Blog item clickable on Homepage
- Improvement: default language
- Add: on/off social login
- Add: on/off Webview checkout
- Add: cart button and rating in product item
- Fix: login Google security
- Fix get category list in style 1
- Improvement animation in product detail
- Improvement layout category style
- Fix sort category
- Improvement empty value
- Improvement UX for me screen
- Fix syntax Podfile
- Fix variation product add in cart

- Improvement: safe areas on iPhone X
- Add: button View Cart after adding to cart
- Improvement: clickable on blog slideshow item
- update: change name text sale in category
- fix: add to cart with the product variation
- Improvement: setting spacing on the home screen


- Improvement: scroll list, layout component
- Add: Product, Category layout list
- Fix: warning update on unmount component
- Fix: duplicate component
- Fix: show dropdown on the second item (Banner, Slideshow)
- Add: Send notification
- Add: Razorpay payment gateway (for Indian)
- Add: Paypal payment gateway
- Add: Count down component (plugin builder)
- Add: Blog list component (plugin builder)
- Add: autoplay Delay and autoplay Interval for Slideshow
- Fix: modal payment on Android
- Fix: Html charset for category and post
- Fix: round config layout category
- Improvement: require login
- Add: hook get the post feature image
- Add: +2 home page layout
- Update: Config social link, Address, Phone and Email
- Fix: Item total, shipping total when change currency
- Update: translate static link on the sidebar
- A lot of Improve UX
- Update: validate coupon
- Fix: input Stripe form
- Fix: get products empty
- Fix: default currency
- Update: config slideshow autoplay
- Update: Add custom products for module product list
- Update: Close images zoom viewer
- Update: Fix typo out of stock
- Update: Use my shipping address for shipping screen
- Update: React Native to v0.61.4 ReactJS v16.9.0 and latest other dependencies
- Add: Product category component
- Update: Privacy policy in the payment screen
- Fixed crash app when adding product variation
- Fixed crash app when change template
- Fixed plugin API  `not connecting yet => status:401`
Initial release


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