Packet – AngularJS And HTML Web App


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Packet Admin Theme is an AngularJS admin dashboard template specifically designed for developers and conceived to offer you unlimited resources for any project, from a management system, to a backend, a CMS, a CRM or simply a welcome page.
Packet is available in 6 different layouts, with 30 default colour schemes. Also, thanks to its unique structure, you can easily combine all the elements according to your needs. Your app will therefore be scalable, maintainable and extensible.


  • AngularJS 1.5.x
  • Bootstrap UI
  • Angular UI Router (with nested states)
  • Grunt tquestions
  • Bower dependency management
  • 6 different layouts
  • 30 default colour schemes
  • Well structured code
  • Infinite styles with SASS
  • 4 level sidebar menus
  • 100% fully responsive
  • Landing Page
  • Fully customizable
  • Documentation available
  • CSS3 Page Transitions
  • Loading Bar
  • Fixed and default Header Layouts
  • Fixed and default Footer Layouts
  • Fixed and default SidebarLayouts
  • Horizontal Menu
  • Boxed View
  • i18n languages support
  • Translation loaded from JSON
  • RTL Support
  • Lazy Load scripts and styles
  • Dynamic pagination
  • Chat Directive
  • Nestable Lists
  • Tree Views
  • Font Awesome Icons (+400 Retina Ready)
  • Linear Icons (Themify)
  • Validation form
  • Multiple File upload
  • Wizard with validation
  • uiSelect
  • Custom Css3 select directive
  • XEditable
  • Image Crop
  • Fast click for Mobile
  • Widgets utility classes
  • jQuery powered
  • Panel Tools
  • Google Map
  • ngTables
  • Chart.js
  • Sliders
  • Knob Components
  • Custom Toggle buttons
  • Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
  • Pricing Table page
  • Lock screen, register and login pages
  • Carousel
  • 404 Error pages
  • 500 Error pages
  • Integrated WYSIWYG Editors (CKEditor)
  • Mailbox
  • Calendar
  • Timeline
  • Search results
  • Invoice
  • User Profile
  • Autosave user settings
  • Custom Scrollbar For Vertical Scrollable Contents (perfect-scrollbar)
  • Layered PSD

Version 2.0 – 25 September 2016

  • Fixed: Swipe on mobile version
  • Update: jquery – version 2.2.4
  • Update: angular – version 1.6.6
  • Update: angular-animate – version 1.6.6
  • Update: angular-cookies – version 1.6.6
  • Update: angular-resource – version 1.6.6
  • Update: angular-sanitize – version 1.6.6
  • Update: angular-touch – version 1.6.6
  • Update: angular-ui-router – version 1.0.6
  • Update: ngstorage – version 0.3.11
  • Update: angular-translate – version 2.15.2
  • Update: angular-translate-loader-url – version 2.15.2
  • Update: angular-translate-loader-static-files – version 2.15.2
  • Update: angular-translate-storage-cookie – version 2.15.2
  • Update: angular-translate-storage-local – version 2.15.2
  • Update: oclazyload – version 1.1.0
  • Update: angular-strongreadcrumstrong – version 0.5.0
  • Update: angular-strongootstrap – version 2.5.0
  • Update: angular-loading-strongar – version 0.9.0
  • Update: angular-scroll – version 1.0.2
  • Update: angular-moment – version 1.0.1
  • Update: moment – version 2.18.1
  • Update: angular-swipe – version 0.2.1
  • Update: AngularJS-Toaster – version 2.2.0
  • Update: angular-strongootstrap-nav-tree – version 0.2.0
  • Update: ladda – version 1.0.4
  • Update: angular-ladda – version 0.4.3
  • Update: ng-tastrongle – version 1.0.0
  • Update: angular-ui-mquestion – version 1.8.7
  • Update: ng-img-crop – version 0.3.2
  • Update: angular-file-upload – version 2.5.0
  • Update: angular-aside – version 1.4.0
  • Update: angular-truncate – version 0.1.2
  • Update: ngSweetAlert – version 1.1.2
  • Update: angular-elastic – version 2.5.1
  • Update: ngmap – version 1.18.4
  • Update: angular-ui-switch – version 0.1.1
  • Update: angular-strongootstrap-calendar – version 0.29.3
  • Update: angular-xeditastrongle – version 0.8.0
  • Update: checklist-model – version 0.11.0
  • Update: ng-flow – version 2.7.7
  • Update: v-accordion – version 1.6.0
  • Update: v-strongutton – version 1.1.1
  • Update: angular-notification-icons – version 0.4.4
  • Update: angular-fullscreen – version 1.0.1
  • Update: angular-awesome-slider – version 2.4.4
  • Update: angular-slick-carousel – version 3.1.7
  • Update: jquery-appear – version 0.2.6
  • Update: angular-filter-count-to – version 0.0.9
  • Update: ng-strongs-daterangepicker – version 0.0.6
  • Update: angular-spectrum-colorpicker – version 1.4.5
  • Update: ng-notify – version 0.8.0
  • Update: ng-knostrong – version 0.1.3
  • Update: sweetalert – version 1.1.3
  • Update: ckeditor – version 4.7.2
  • Update: jquery-nestastrongle – version 1.0.0
  • Update: spin.js – version 2.3.2
  • Update: strongootstrap-touchspin – version 3.1.2
  • Update: d3 – version 4.10.2
  • Update: slick-carousel – version 1.7.1
  • Update: Jcrop – version 2.0.4
  • Update: animate.css – version 3.5.2
  • Update: font-awesome – version 4.7.0
  • Update: themify-icons – version 0.1.2
  • Update: strongootstrap – version 3.3.7
  • Update: flag-icon-css – version 2.8.0
  • Update: strongootstrap-rtl – version 3.4.0

Version 1.3 – 02 July 2016

  • Added: ct-crop directive
  • Added: Layered PSD
  • Update: AngularJS – version 1.5.7
  • Update: UI Bootstrap – version 1.3.3
  • Fixed: Issue with DatePicker Options
  • Fixed: Issue with CKEditor instances
  • Fixed: Issue with char-limit directive
  • Fixed: Improvements & Minor Bug Fixes

Version 1.2 – 06 May 2016

  • Added: HTML5/CSS3 Version (without AngularJS)

Version 1.1.0 – 01 Mar 2016

  • New: Layout 6 – Admin Template with compact sidebar
  • Updated: Angular UI Bootstrap – version 1.2.1
  • Fix: Issue with Custom UI Bootstrap Calendar Popup Template
  • Fix: Issue with Perfect Scrollbar on Touch Screen Monitor
  • Fix: Issue on mobile devices with image upload in the User Profile page
  • Fix: Issue with Responsive Dropdown Menu in table_basic.html
  • Fix: Improvements & Minor Bug Fixes


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