Percentage Preloader

jQuery Lightbox


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CodingJack’s Percentage Preloader

In the times of Flash we had a lot of beautiful percentage-based preloaders. But when web sites beginning switching over to HTML/CSS/JavaScript, they’ve develop into nearly extinct. Percentage Preloader isn’t ground-shattering know-how. Instead, it’s a a intelligent script that when used accurately, is a recent various to the standard infinite-based preloaders we’re so used to seeing as of late.

Percentage Preloader is what builders usually name a “bulk loader”. If you solely have a one or two property it is advisable preload, Percentage Preloader just isn’t for you. But when used with numerous property (5+), Percentage Preloader works nice at creating the phantasm of progress.

Easy to Use

  • Dark and Light Color Schemes
  • 8 Pre-Built Preloaders
  • Designed with CSS making them straightforward to edit and retina-ready.
  • Preload all the pictures and iframes in your net web page by including a easy data-attribute to your pictures.

Advanced Preloading for Developers

  • Add the preloader to an image-based part equivalent to a slider or gallery.
  • Preload pictures, iframes, scripts, stylesheets, html, xml and php recordsdata.
  • Core script lets you return a preload share which can be utilized any method you need, equivalent to constructing your personal customized percentage-based preloader.
  • Fire a world onload callback on all objects or assign particular person onload callbacks to any given merchandise.
  • Create a number of preloaders or reuse a single preloader and apply strategies equivalent to “reset”, “start” and “destroy”.
  • Full API Usage might be seen here.

Special Notes

  • Preloading background pictures from a stylesheet is feasible and doing so is roofed within the preloader’s documentation, however the preloader doesn’t preload background pictures from stylesheets by default.
  • Very giant pictures (throughout 1mb) are used within the preview to elaborate the preloading course of. If the previews are gradual in your connection velocity, they are going to be a lot quicker when used with regular sized pictures.
  • Images used within the preview are for demonstration functions solely and should not included within the obtain supply.
  • Although the obtain supply comprises examples of the preloader being utilized in a slider, as a result of all JavaScript-based parts are completely different, particular person part set up will fluctuate. For this motive, it’s strongly instructed that part utilization be reserved for JavaScript builders solely.
  • The stripes within the stripe-based preloader included within the obtain supply is not going to animate in IE9. And in IE8 stripes is not going to be proven. But in each instances, the bar will nonetheless present progress.
  • When the fullscreen preloaders are used on cellular, it’s possible you’ll expertise a short “flicker” when the loading course of is full. This is as a result of preloader’s fastened place nature.
  • Two of the preloaders use HTML5 to programmatically draw a circle round a textual content discipline. In browsers that don’t assist html5 (IE8), the one the textual content discipline can be proven.
  • This is NOT a PhrasePress Plugin
  • This plugin DOES NOT robotically preload your complete web page. If you fastidiously examine the documentation, it’s attainable to do that manually, however it’s not automated.

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