PHP Dashboards v1.2 (Dashboard script written in PHP – 100% source included)

PHP Dashboards v1.2 (Dashboard script written in PHP – 100% source included)


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WHAT’S NEW WITH VERSION 1.2. – Dashboard Skin Library – Script now includes many excellent examples of how PHP Dashboard theming can produce unbelievable dashboards. The following new skins available: Default (as loaded), Sushi, Wall Street, Real Estate, San Francisco, Football, Shoes, Tacos, Government) Click ‘Settings’ tab and select from NEW!!! Skins (v1.2) drop down and click on Update.

Very easy to use PHP Dashboard script that allows you to create a fully functioning data visualization dashboard in minutes! Combines Highcharts Interactive chart library and Google Geochart api to create a dashboard full of carousels with variety of data visualization widgets. These included – Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Highcharts gauges, bar, line. area, pie, semidonut charts. This script includes an easy to fill out settings page to input all data displayed in dashboard. The URL Generate feature allows you to create many dashboards without writing a single line of code, by passing all data via the URL. PHP code generator creates a complete working PHP script (based on your data settings) which you can then modify to incorporate your own PHP data retrieval/aggregation/analytics logic. Script includes 5 different dashboard layouts – using white background and shiny primary and secondary colors.


VERSION 1.0 (11/6/2013) – Initial Version
Easy to use PHP dashboard. Thru settings page, generates URL and PHP code that allows user to render dashboard.

VERSION 1.1 (1/18/2014) – Themeing support.
Support for dashboard theming. See new selection of skins in Codecanyon skins section. In addition, multcolor gauge support, transparent backgrounds for all widgets.

VERSION 1.2 (3/1/2015) – Dashboard Skin Library
Script now includes many excellent examples of how PHP Dashboard theming can produce unbelievable dashboards. The following new skins available:

– Default (as loaded)
– Sushi
– Wall Street
– Real Estate
– San Francisco
– Football
– Shoes
– Tacos
– Government

Click ‘Settings’ tab and select from NEW!!! Skins (v1.2) drop down and click on Update.

My Other Scripts at Codecanyon:

(BRAND NEW!!!) PHP Dashboard v5 (Enterprise Edition)
PHP Daytrader’s Candlestick Pattern Hunter v1.0
Twilio “Geo-text” Plug-In (a PHP Uber-style Geotracker Add On)
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PHP Dashboard v3.0 – For Mobile Devices
PHP Dashboard v2.7 – Responsive Carousels
PHP Dashboard – NEW Version 1.2
HTML5 Data-Driven Documents (D3js) Plug-In
HTML5 Cloud Dashboard Designer
HTML5 Streetmaps
PHP Streetmaps



To get this product on 50 percent discount contact me on this link



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