PHP-HUB — Function Autoloader incl. PHP Function Collection

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GIT HUB PHP Functions and Snippet Collection

PHP-HUB — Function Autoloader incl. PHP Function Collection - 1PHP-HUB — Function Autoloader incl. PHP Function Collection - 2PHP-HUB — Function Autoloader incl. PHP Function Collection - 3PHP-HUB — Function Autoloader incl. PHP Function Collection - 4

PHP-HUB — Function Autoloader incl. PHP Function Collection

This is PHP-HUB, an enormous php operate assortment that accelerates the method of making an utility by offering a set of 130 helpful autoloaded features.


PHP-HUB is completely new construct from scratch!
Hand picked — New Features




This is a straightforward however enormous php operate assortment that accelerates the method of making an utility by offering a set of very helpful and examined features.

It comes with 130 generally used features that are all quite simple to make use of and to customise. Plus, I promise that I’ll hold including features at every replace. If you may have any suggestion, let me know with remark or e mail from my profile web page  :)

The integration to your present code-base is tremendous easy, simply drop it in and begin utilizing it instantly.

Support might be given through e mail and pre-sales questions might be replyed through remark tab. Also don’t overlook to observe me and to price this superior product for those who prefer it  :)


  • api_alexarank — Get Alexa Traffic Rank (How is that this website ranked relative to different websites)
  • api_domainfree — Check if Domain is offered or taken
  • api_tinyurl — Generate a Short Link of your given lengthy Link
  • check_date — Checks if a offered string has an accurate Date syntax
  • check_domain — Checks if a offered string has an accurate Domain syntax
  • check_email — Checks if a offered string has an accurate eMail syntax
  • check_ip — Checks if a offered string has an accurate eMail syntax (works with IPv4 and IPv6)
  • check_number — Checks if all the characters within the offered string are digit
  • check_password — Checks if password is powerful sufficient
  • check_session — Checks if a PHP Session is older than x Minutes an Expire it if that’s the case
  • check_string — Checks if all the characters within the offered string is alphabetic (additionally ÖÜÄöüäß)
  • check_url — Checks if a offered string has an accurate URL syntax
  • current_date — Return the native time/date in response to locale settings
  • current_ip — Get the present IP
  • current_language — Get the present Language
  • current_path — Get the present Path
  • current_quote — Random quote of the month/day/hour/minute/second
  • current_url — Get the present, full URL
  • date_copyright — helps you preserving the present 12 months in your copyright sentence
  • date_dif — Calculate the distinction between two date values
  • date_nice — Build date to prettified date in the past or date from now
  • date_time — Return a formatted date
  • dump_box — Dumps details about a variable in a scrollable field
  • dump_execution — Calculate Execution time in seconds (first begin set starttime)
  • dump_handler — Email PHP errors to admin as an alternative of displaying it to the general public
  • dump_memory — Dumps details about reminiscence utilization
  • dump_trace — Print simpe and brief human readable backtrace debug data
  • dump_var — Dumps details about a variable
  • email_encoder — Javascript eMail Encoder to stop SPAM-Bots from gathering eMail-Addresses
  • email_is_disposable — Check if eMail is disposable (if you don’t settle for faux customers)
  • email_send — Basic PHP mail() Function code to ship HTML emails
  • email_valid — Check if eMail is legitimate additionally examine MX-Record
  • file_bin2datauri — Converts a picture file to an Data URI
  • file_bin2php — Converts a binary file or a textual content file to an php file
  • file_delete — Recursively delete a listing and all of it’s contents (recordsdata and subdirectories)
  • file_destroy — Destroy a file on filesystem so it could’t be recovered
  • file_download_limit — Slow down the obtain velocity for a given file to a hard and fast restrict
  • file_forcedownload — Force the obtain of a given file
  • file_ftp — Upload a single file to a FTP server
  • file_get — Download distant url knowledge or native file with fallback system
  • file_header — Read file header (measurement, mimetype and so on) of a distant file e.g. earlier than downloading it
  • file_inc — Include file with customized error message if error_reporting(0)
  • file_last_arg — Returns the final argument (filename or listing identify) of an given path
  • file_list — Make a List of all Files of a given Folder (Format: html, csv or array) exclude youngster directories
  • file_make_dir — Create a folder if it doesn’t exist already
  • file_phpinfo — Returns the phpinfo() knowledge and elective saves web page to an file and add (.htm) to filename
  • file_random — Returns a random file from a given folder. It additionally permits extension filtering.
  • file_remotesize — Function for getting distant file measurement
  • file_sizeunit — Function for getting native file measurement with unit of measurement and x decimal
  • file_write — Save file on a safe form (unique lock)
  • geo_countrycode2name — Convert a rustic code to its nation identify
  • geo_distance — Calculate the space between two Latitude and Longitude factors
  • helper_min_value — Get min worth higher than zero (not null, not 0, ignore zero and strings) in an Array
  • helper_percentage — Calculate x p.c of a given worth
  • helper_postget — Get again all variables despatched with POST and GET in an Array
  • helper_redirect — Redirect to a given URL
  • html_charset — Print or return meta-charset Tag as HTML <head> Element
  • html_color — Converting HTML Color Names to Hex Value and Hex Value to HTML Color Names
  • html_color_darken — This operate makes a shade darker. Enter the distinction between the colours (default = 20)
  • html_color_inverse — This operate inverses a shade to it’s reverse (White to black, blue to yellow, and so on.)
  • html_color_nearest — Nearest Color Calculator
  • html_css — Print or return stylesheet-link Tag as HTML Head Element
  • html_description — Print or return meta-description Tag as HTML Head Element
  • html_favicon — Print or return link-favicon Tag as HTML Head Element
  • html_hex2rgb — convert a standard HEX-color (like #FF00FF) into it’s RGB values (rgb(255,0,255))
  • html_js — Print or return script-src Tag as HTML Head Element
  • html_keywords — Print or return meta-keywords Tag as HTML Head Element
  • html_note — Print or return be aware as HTML component incl. stylesheet
  • html_pre2htmlentities — Convert PRE-CODE-HTML-Content to PRE-CODE-htmlentities(HTML-Content)
  • html_script — Print or return script Tag as HTML Head Element
  • html_select — Returns a choose field primarily based on an key/worth array the place chosen relies on key
  • html_sharethis — Generate ShareThis by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and eMail Button
  • html_style — Print or return model Tag as HTML Head Element
  • html_syntax_highlight — A easy syntax highlighting in you personal colours
  • html_title — Print or return title Tag as HTML <head> Element
  • html_viewport — Print or return meta-viewport Tag as HTML <head> Element
  • html_viewsource — Print or return meta-description Tag as HTML <head> Element
  • image_asciiart — Return ASCII-ART of a given IMAGE
  • image_dominantcolor — Return essentially the most used shade of a given picture as RGB Value
  • image_gravatar — Return Image tag from matching the given eMail Address
  • image_qrcode — You can create a QR code on the fly for URL, TEL, TEXT and EMAIL
  • image_text2png — Convert given textual content to an PNG picture
  • image_thumb — Generate thumb from given picture
  • image_url2file — Download URL to native File usinf cURL
  • image_youtube — Extract Youtube Previewimage from given Youtube Video Link
  • ip_block — Block one or Block Multiple IP Addresses (from array or file)
  • ip_location — Search for the geolocation of a IP deal with
  • mysql_affected — Get affected outcomes rely from db
  • mysql_db — Select db
  • mysql_escape — Escape corrupt chars for db
  • mysql_exit — Close connection to db
  • mysql_open — Connect to db
  • mysql_q — Query to db
  • mysql_read — Read from db
  • session_close — Kill all Sessions
  • session_get — Get a Session Var
  • session_open — Start a safe Session
  • session_set — Set a Session Var
  • string_add_goomoji — Generate 15 Google Mail animatet Emoji (goomoji)
  • string_bbcode — Convert BB-Code (Bulletin Board Code) to HTML
  • string_between — Returns what’s between $begin and $finish within the given content material $string
  • string_br2nl — Convert
    tags to newline (rn)
  • string_clean — Clean string of HTML Tags and XSS
  • string_decrypt — Decrypt a given string with a sepecial $key
  • string_encrypt — Encrypt a given string with a sepecial $key
  • string_highlight — Textmarker a number of given Words in a given Text – Give again HTML Content
  • string_html2text — Convert an HTML string into plain textual content
  • string_makelink — Make HTML Link fro a given URL (http,https,ftp,mailto or information) solely www. URL is not going to work
  • string_ordinal — Add ordinal numbers (representing place or rank in a sequential order)
  • string_rand — Generate a alphanum id within the given size
  • string_rand_id — Give a random id (num or alphanum) within the outlined size
  • string_rand_readable — Generate a readable phrase within the given size
  • string_rehtmlentities — Convert & to &
  • string_replace_emoji — Remove Emoji from String and exchange it with ASCII place-maker
  • string_replaceumlaute — Replacement of german ‘umlauten’ öüäßÖÜÄ to
  • string_sizeunit — Extremely easy operate to get human filesize
  • string_slugify — Make an URL slug from a given e.g. title String
  • string_specialchars2ascii — Transliterate characters (Latin, Greek, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, Polish and Latvian) to ASCII
  • string_tagcloud — Generate TagCloude of a given (Keyword => Counter) Array
  • string_truncate — Reduce a string by the top, retains entire phrases collectively
  • string_truncate_middle — Reduce a string by the center
  • string_validemail — String check if the given eMail is a valide deal with
  • time_age — Calculate the age in years of a given birthdate
  • time_ago — How way back (minutes, hours, days, weeks or years in the past) is the given timestamp
  • time_calc_days — Calculate the distinction between two given timestamps in days
  • time_date — Return properly formatet Date (and elective time of day) of a given timestamp
  • time_is_older_than — Check a timestamp whether it is older than human readable time codecs like s, m, d or y
  • time_seconds_ago — Calculate what number of month, weeks, days, hours and minutes are the given seconds
  • time_zonelist — Return an array of all supported Timezones
  • xmp — Show HTML Source in Browser (with the assistance of XMP TAG)

PHP-HUB — Function Autoloader incl. PHP Function Collection - 5 


Best Rating


  • It could be very simple to make use of this. Simply embrace the autoloader (hub.php) after which name the operate you want to use.
  • <?php require 'hub.php'; echo load::function_name('parameter'); ?>
  • That’s it… You are prepared to begin!!


Latest model of PHP is strongly really helpful
Some features want cURL, some file_get_contents() enabled

PHP-HUB — Function Autoloader incl. PHP Function Collection - 6 


This script doesn’t make any use of particular features, so it should work in practically each server setting. In case of any issues with particular hostings let me know instantly!


If you run into issues please give me not a corrupt price, please check out the documentation of the script. If you want extra assist, be free to contact me through the assist tab. I’ll do every thing in order that my product deserves a 5 star ranking! All updates are included. Remember that the script might be up to date commonly.

Thank you very a lot.
Best Regards, adilbo

PHP-HUB — Function Autoloader incl. PHP Function Collection - 7 


Do you wish to customise my script as you need? Just buy the Extended License and shoot me a message from my profile web page to let me know the way you’re utilizing it. Thanks!


Please check out my different scripts on


Roadmap (06.2016)
    html_breadcrumb - Output Breadcrumb for lively File as HTML
Version 1.0 (04.2016)
    NEW -  Release of this Script on CodeCanyon

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