PHP Server Load Averages Daily Chart

PHP Server Load Averages Daily Chart


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Server Load Averages Daily Chart is a simple script that reads the output of ‘sar -q’ command in any Linux / Unix-like OS and displays the result in a nice and easy to scan chart. The script allows you to visually identify your daily server load bottlenecks throughout the day.

We created this script for use on our server to identify our daily load bottlenecks. Before that we had to look at the output of ‘sar -q’ which was really hard to visualize and compare, now thanks to Google charts we made this process much better and more beneficial.

How to use it?
– Extract and locate load.php file.
– Modify load.php to choose extended or simple averages, and to set chart auto-refresh rate.
– Upload load.php to your server, for example: (
– Open a new browser windows and access the uploaded file (

Please make sure that your server meets the requirements.

What you need?
– A Linux / Unix-like OS.
– PHP with access to ‘exec’ command.
– ‘sar’ command (System Activity Report).

If you don’t have ‘sar’ command (System Activity Report), you can install it by follwoing this guide:


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