
Product Name: potty-training-dog1


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Attention Dog Owners Who Want
To Have A Fully Potty Trained Dog That Never Has Another
Accident In The House Again…

” The
Secret To Housebreaking A Puppy”

Else Wants A Fully Potty Trained Dog In Less Than One Week From

Dear Fellow Dog Lover,

If you want a dog that doesn’t poop or pee in the house, goes on
whenever you want him to
and achieve this in days from
now, then this will be the most
important letter you’ll read all year.

Please do yourself a favor and take 2-minutes out of your busy day to
sit for
a little and read this important
letter about how to potty
train a dog correctly and easily
in just a few days from now.

Also please make sure you read to the end,
because there’s a very special surprise, just for YOU
that I know you’ll love…

Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me

My name is Dave
Starikov and I have been a
certified dog trainer for over 10 years and have helped hundreds of
people potty train their dogs.

I am now a proud owner of a potty trained
dog, but was a heart
broken kid for a long time because I
had to give up my best four legged friend Hershey when I was
14 years old due to lack of potty training. Please listen
carefully because this could happen to you if you aren’t

When I was 14
years old my very NOT potty trained
miniature chocolate poodle Hershey had
to be given away because my mother couldn’t
take him making accidents anymore.

Every morning before school I witnessed my best
friend, an innocent dog, the sweetest thing in my life get beat,
smacked, and have his nose
rubbed in pee. I even used to say I did it, to try and spare
him from abuse.

Eventually my mother found some random people to
take him away. I had no idea where my sweet innocent dog was
going, and who was taking him, or what was going to happen to him.
I had no control, I was helpless.

So we couldn’t do it, potty train him.
Me a little kid had to hand over the leash to some stranger who was
taking my dog away forever. I
cried myself to sleep for a month. I never saw Hershey again.

The Truth About What NOT
Potty Training Can Do To You, Your family, And Your Dog

This is not an uncommon tale as it turns
out because approximately 670,000 dogs
are euthanized each year according to the ASPCA, and it’s
because of issues that the owners couldn’t handle anymore. One
main issue was lack of potty training.

But I am glad to say that about 10 years later I became
a certified dog trainer, and after 2 years studying hands on
with dogs, I got a beautiful
sweet black lab puppy named
Sonny. The first thing on my mind was
potty training him.

Since I learned how from accredited seasoned
professionals and now I am one, I can pretty much count
Sonny’s accidents over the past 10 years on my fingers and toes. That’s
pretty good for 10 years, and most of them happened in puppy hood.

My mom who is
obviously not a dog person even likes him. When I visit she gives him a
banana and a pat on the head.

I potty trained
Sonny in less than 7 days and I will show you how you can potty train
your dog that fast also.

Why Almost Every Expert Is Wrong About Potty training A Dog

If you have tried potty training your dog
in the past and failed, or if
you are having trouble with a young puppy and it is slow going it’s
probably not your fault.

If your dog or
puppy is still having accidents, and
is even reluctant to learn, then you
need help. Unfortunately you’re probably
a victim of wrong techniques taught to you by the other so
called experts…

Online videos or
dog forums are filled with wrong
information. Do not blame yourself, you couldn’t know that.
I promise you that you can potty train
your dog in days from now without buying expensive
products, listening to fake gurus, or reading crappy books.

Potty training
is actually easy once you know the techniques I teach you in my guide.
Anyone can do it using my step by step system.

The Foolproof Way To Potty Train Any Dog

Here are some things you can expect in the next seven days,

Have more harmonious relationships where their are no
more fights
between family members
about who didn’t walk the
dog, or who’s cleaning it up.

Never wake up or come home to the smell of poop and pee

Never step in a puddle, or clean poop or pee again.

your home looking good and never have to spend money
buying new rugs or fixing hardwood floors.

No more guilty feelings about reprimanding
your dog, or crating him all
day and all night while you’re at work or

happier with you and your dogs life together… No more
resenting your dog or wishing you never got him because
of potty training heartbreak which is fixable with my

psychological damage done to your dog
from hitting them (over submission, over
aggression, intense fears, etc.)

Plus There Is Also,​

How to tweak your potty training depending on the
breed of dog you have

Quick and easy ways to get them to tell you when they want
to go out so you can take them out before an accident.

A simple method for how
to get your dog to go potty when it’s convenient for

The step by step formula for you to implement and your
to follow for guaranteed
potty training success

Quick and easy ways to fix the common naughty
behaviors that backtrack the potty training process

The secret to Remedy the common
mistakes owners make when potty training so you
aren’t counter productive in your training.

How to get your dog or puppy to go
on command quickly in those too hot summer days, and to
cold winter days.

The NO Lose Way To Ensure Your Potty Training Success

To get the same “know-how”
that I have would take you 2
years of studying, 2 years of apprenticing, and
10 years of hands on training.

Well guess what? I’ve already done all the
hard work for you. Just follow
the simple system I share in my potty
training guide… and you
could potty train your dog like a pro in days from now.

I charge 40 dollars an hour as a dog trainer.
It took me 40 hours to write the potty training guide.
It also took me thousands of hours of studying and hands on training to
get to where I am today.
If you value your time like me (and we all only have so much of it)
then this book is worth thousands of dollars.

about it:  you probably spend
that much money on a few lattes at Starbucks. And you get your investment back many
times over when you have a fully potty
trained dog and a better
life because of it.

Is a small
investment like this really going to hold you back from solving your
potty problems forever… in just a few short days from now?

Why Am I
Giving Away These Amazing FREE Bonuses?

How To Use These Simple Techniques To Get the Perfect Dog

Here’s just some of what
you can expect…

No fights with other dogs or barking matches on walks
walks easy and enjoyable the way they should be.

No aggression towards men, women, children of any color or
race saving you from looks and unwanted negativity from

No apologizing to strangers for you or your dog’s

No hassle at dog parks between you and other people, and
other dogs

No trouble with loud noises like fire truck, police truck,
or ambulance which means less barking, and less of a mad

chasing, lunging, or barking at cars making walks more fun
and keeping your dog safe and not hurt by a car

unnecessary barking at strangers in the house (no
complaining neighbors, no barking all night while you

with the cat(s) if you are newly integrating them in

money on behaviorists later because your dog will not need
them. Your dog will not develop compulsive behaviors that
make them and you miserable

You’re Already Backed Up By My


Guarantee #1

Get my
potty training book and try it out for 60 days. If after 60 days
you don’t think it’s great, you don’t like it for any reason – you
don’t like the color, you don’t like the contents, whatever – I will
refund 100% of your money, no questions asked.


Dave! Give Me Access To Your Time Tested And PROVEN System For
Potty Training Any Dog… And Give Me A Potty Trained Dog In Less
Than Seven Days From Now.

I know your years of experience have taught you a lot
I am confident enough in you to invest this small
amount of money with no risk to me whatsoever in order
to have a potty trained dog fast.

I know that I am getting more than my money’s
worth today because of the bonuses I’m
getting, that together are worth well more
then what I am paying for the entire potty
training book.

And I know that I am covered by your amazing GODZILLA!
guarantee(s) so there is no way I can make a
mistake here.

I can try these techniques with my dog risk free and
see if they work, if not I can return it for a
no-hassle refund…no questions asked!

Dave, I’m ready! Please Give Me Access To Download My Book
Containing A Potty Training System That Works So I Can Have A
Fully Potty Trained Dog Days From Now.

Buy The Ultimate Potty Training Guide And Successfully Potty Train
Dog In Days – Say Goodbye To Accidents Forever Guaranteed Or Your
Money Back!

100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!

Dedicated To getting dog’s trained and making owners happy,

Dave Starikov


Remember, this
book contains the EXACT same step-by-step and proven techniques I have
used to help 100’s of people potty train their dogs throughout my 10
year dog training career.

Also remember
you are fully covered by my 2 Godzilla Guarantees so you can’t
make a wrong decision here.

And you get to
keep the bonuses that are worth more than 37 dollars when you act

P.P.S. This
book is
not for you, and you
should certainly not buy
it if the price is too high. If this price prevents you from putting
food on the table then please don’t buy it.

You also
shouldn’t buy this book if you think this is all BS and you are
negative about the whole thing. I don’t want nasty emails and my time
wasted and neither do you (if you are sane) so if you think that way
let’s just part here as friends.


I almost
forgot about the special bonus that I promised you at the beginning of
this letter.

If you take
action today I will give you full support in potty training your dog.
That’s right, you can email me anytime and I will get back to you in 24
hours to answer your questions. That means you are getting free advice
from me which usually costs 40 dollars an hour.

I put this bonus
in here to show you I am a real person and I want a relationship with
my buyers. I also want you to have a potty trained dog because i don’t
want your dog to be left in a shelter, or you to feel heartbroken like
I did.

But act now
because my time is limited and I can only help so many people. Plus
since I plan to help anyone who buys my book I don’t know how much
longer it will be available to buy due to lack of my time. Don’t miss
out, order yours 100% risk free today.

The Ultimate Potty Training Guide And Successfully Potty Train Your
Dog In Days – Say Goodbye To Accidents Forever Guaranteed Or Your
Money Back!

100% Privacy.

We Will Never Spam You!

Q: Will
this work for my specific breed?

Yes this book is designed to work for any breed of dog or puppy.

Q: Do I
have to know a lot about dogs for this book to work for me?

need no knowledge about training dogs for this book to work, it’s easy
to follow and implement and it is full dummy proof.

Q: Does the age of my dog matter?

No, don’t buy in to the myth that older dogs can’t be trained. Age does
matter in potty training, or any type of dog training.

Q: what if the book doesn’t work for me?

If it doesn’t work, you are already covered my Godzilla Guarantee and
get to keep the bonuses, and get your money back within 60 days no
questions asked.

Q: Will
I have to be negative or hurt my dog in any way?

Way! I am against negative training methods and only use positive

Q: If I
don’t buy now what happens?

miss out on the bonuses and the price will most likely double.

Q: Is my
credit card and personal information kept safe when I order?

all of your personal and billing information is sent via highly secure
256 bit Secure Socket Layer transfers allowing for a much safer
transaction than if you used your credit card at the local store.

Q: I
don’t live in the United States, can I still order?

we accept almost all debit cards, credit cards, and PayPal from every
country. If you have a debit/credit card and are not sure if we accept
it or not, try to use it because the chances are that we do accept it.

Q: How
long will it take to receive?

your payment is complete you will have the option to download your book right away.

will also receive an email with your reciept and a download link their.

The Ultimate Potty Training Guide And Successfully Potty Train Your
Dog In Days – Say Goodbye To Accidents Forever Guaranteed Or Your
Money Back!

100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!

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Click here to get potty-training-dog1 at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

potty-training-dog1 is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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