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Admin Login
username : admin
password : 123456
person demo
username : demo
password: 123456
- 2. MVC Structure
- 3. Ajax Query
- 4. Fresh New Design
- 5. two Home Page Design
- 6. Inline Advance Search
- 7. Multi Language
8. More than 39 Language translation help with
Yandex API - 9. Google Translation API
- 10. Just One Click Edification
- 11. Social Login
- 12. Paypal ,Stripe, Paytm, Payumoney Support
- 13. End-user Chats Support
- 14. Advance Search
- 15. WaterMark Plugin
- 16 FaceBook Login
17. Editable Plugin Support in Admin Panel Now Updation
of Settings could be Possible on Page with out Loading. - 18. Very big Database
- .
19. 246 Country,4120 States and 48314 cities Listed - 20. Currency Support
- 21. Box Design
- 22. Kartik Editable Extension
- 23. Ajax Login
- 24. Ajax Based Admin Panel
- 27. ApiKey grasp { All ApiKey In Just one place }
- 28. Near By Ads Search ( Unique Feature )
- 29. reCapcha
- 30. Advance Footer Settings (Admin)
- 31. Faker (create many faux recodrd/advertisements/userdata)
- 32. Lazy Load for quick loading
1. PHP7 Ready
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