Prestashop Slideshows and Custom Banners

Prestashop Slideshows and Custom Banners


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NOTE 1: English and Italian manuals are included, but you can also download them from here (pdf): English Manual, Italian Manual.

NOTE 2: for any question you can contact me via email using the form on my profile, or you can use the product’s comments board.

This is a Prestashop module aimed to help merchants and developers to add custom Slideshows and banners to their shop, everywhere. You can use it to add any number of slideshows or banners to any number of Hooks, for each shop language (multilanguage). For each slide/banner you can assign a web page link or an email link (complete with optional subject and body). The module features an in-page hook and position management and also supports the creation of custom hooks on the fly. The backoffice interface is all ajaxified, while the frontend is fully customizable (tpl, css, js and php). All the parts can be fully translated to any language.

Here are the main product’s features:

  • Any number of banners/slideshows to any number of frontend hooks.
  • Dynamic custom hooks: this is especially made for developers who need custom hooks for their own theme.
  • You can add links to banners/slides, both to web pages or to email addresses, including mail subject and body.
  • Very easy one-page ajaxified backoffice configuration.
  • Complete hook and module position configuration from the main configuration page.
  • Fully customizable frontend. Developers can fully override frontend template, css and javascripts. And with this I mean they can even change the slideshow js library (default is FlexSlider, a really well coded and fully documented responsive slideshow engine).
  • Fully translatable both on frontend and backoffice sides
  • Multilanguage management
  • Multistore supported
  • SSL supported
  • Image lazy loading
  • Full responsive both on frontend and backoffice

I’d like to insist on the fact that this module is coded with customisation in mind, as the first goal.
You can customize anything on the frontend: the javascript libraries (The distributed code uses FlexSlider as the default slideshow library, but you can easily drop in your preferred one), the styling, the markup.


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