Print a Product

Print a Product


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Print a Product - 1
This module gives your customers possibility to VIEW, DOWNLOAD or PRINT product information in PDF file format.
Print a Product - 2
• PDF delivers detailed product description to the customer.
• Helps for customer to make a faster buying decision.
• Raises the conversion rate.
• Customers can share product PDF in social media.
Print a Product - 3

  • Change module display settings *
    • Enable/disable product image in PDF document
    • Enable/disable product title in PDF document
    • Enable/disable product manufacturer in PDF document
    • Enable/disable product price in PDF document
    • Enable/disable short product description in PDF document
    • Enable/disable full product description in PDF document
    • Enable/disable product gallery in PDF document
    • Enable/disable product features in PDF document
    • Enable/disable product attributes in PDF document

  • User *
    • Download PDF document
    • View PDF document
    • Print PDF document
    Print a Product - 4
    • The ability to send description for other person and inquire of for advice.
    • PDF files brings detailed product information for local storage or use.
    • The ability to download a description and consider whether they want to buy.
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    \ Print a Product - 6

    URL: Click here
    ID: [email protected]
    PW: printproduct
    \ Print a Product - 7

    URL: Click here

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