Project Box – Team Management Tool

Project Box – Team Management Tool


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Demo Login Details:
Email: [email protected]
Password: test123

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ProjectBox is a powerful PHP CodeIgniter application that allows you to setup and manage projects whilst collaborating with other users. The system features tquestions, forums, time logger, invoice and accounting systems and much more! We are also updating our products so if you’ve got any suggestions, feel free to email us!

ProjectBox is also very secure!

  • Uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
  • Protects against CSRF attacks!
  • HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
  • Built on powerful CodeIgniter Framework that has been tried and tested by millions of developers
  • Passwords are encrypted using PHPass Library
  • Captcha enabled pages to prevent spam!

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You can now setup ProjectBox to include Pay Plans which allow you to charge other users to create Projects. This option of the site can be turned on or off but it allows you to implement micro-transactions into your system. Setup your plans which include price point and number of days each Project is available for!

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  • Create Projects
    • Create unlimited projects and invite unlimited members to join your team!
    • Each project is unique from all other projects
    • Allow members to register and create their own projects (or disable)
    • Admins can access all Projects and modify them
    • Easily switch between Projects using the frontpage or folder icon in the navigation bar
    • Create Tquestion Templates in Admin Panel that can be used to recreate the Tquestion in a Project
    • Options to Disable Projects showing on the frontpage when not logged in
  • Calendar

    • Each Project comes with its own Calendar
    • Add Events across multiple days to remind you of periods of importance
    • Create User Groups that allow users to view in Read-Only mode or have Edit Access
    • Add Tquestions Deadline directly to the Calendar when creating a Tquestion
  • Tquestions
    • Create unlimited amount of tquestions for your Projects!
    • Tquestions can be sorted by tags which allow you to organize your tquestions in an efficient way.
    • Activity Stream for each Tquestion to let you know the most recent actions
    • Set start and due dates and progress completion to let team members know how far the tquestion is completed.
    • Add team members to each Tquestion so that they receive notifications on new updates.
    • Add mini objectives to each tquestion to help keep the tquestion organized and know what needs to still be completed.
    • Objectives can be marked as completed and used to sync the Progress bar
    • Each tquestion has it’s own message area where team members can discuss the tquestion.
    • Use the @username ping feature to alert a user in the Tquestion.
    • Assign Files and Tags to Tquestions to let your Team know what to use.
    • Tquestions can have their status and details changed on the fly.
    • View Tquestions you are assigned to.
  • File Manager
    • Upload files to your Project that your Team can view and use.
    • Set which File Types can be uploaded in the Admin Panel
    • Organize your files by creating File Categories.
    • Files can be assigned to Tquestions
    • Delete and Modify uploaded files.
  • Team Management
    • Add unlimited registered users to your Project
    • Each Project has it’s own set of unique groups which you can assign to your Users.
    • Each group can have different powers set for it, so you can easily allow different users to have different access to each part of the project.
    • A user can be a member of many projects as well as create multiple projects (which can be disabled or enabled)
  • Time Logger
    • Log time that you spend on completing tquestions and work.
    • Set an hourly rate for time spent to help work out how much you are owed.
    • View time per day of the week or in useful recently logged time lists.
    • Once you start logging time, you can stop it as soon as you have finished working to get accurate minutes. You can also start the timer again if you continue working.
    • Time can be marked as paid to help work out how much you are owed.
    • The Time Logger works for each user.
    • Easy to look at time logged for all users too.
  • Discuss
    • Each project comes with it’s own chat board where topics can be created.
    • Topics can be stickied and locked.
    • You can notify a user by using the @username ping feature and they will be notified of being mentioned in a chat topic.
    • View newest posts so you can easily keep up to date with what’s going on.
  • Ticket System
    • Create tickets that can be responded by Ticket Admins.
    • Tickets can be categorized and have a priority set for them.
    • Tickets can also be closed when solved.
    • The all Tickets area is only available to Ticket Admins so you can easily add your clients to the system.
    • Set Ticket Admins option in the Team management section.
    • Create categories for the Ticket System.
  • Accounting
    • Log accounts of your expenditure and profits.
    • Each account may have a currency set for it as well as a conversion to help keep consistency.
    • Accounts can be organized by categories
    • Add note to each logged account.
    • Export the accounts to CSV file by selecting a start date and end date.
    • Add and modify different currencies to work with
    • Create Invoices that can automatically be paid via PayPal and updated using the PayPal IPN system.
    • Send Invoices to clients and setup Merchant & Client accounts used to be paid with.
    • Easily specify the cost of items and services for each invoice, as well as any Tax.
    • Invoice can be paid in any currencies you add.
    • Option to email the client the Invoice.
    • Once an Invoice is paid via PayPal, the Invoice is automatically marked as paid by using the PayPal’s IPN system.
    • Create Merchant accounts that are used to be paid with.
  • Pay Plans (Micro-transactions)
    • You can now setup ProjectBox so that registered users can pay to create their own Projects
    • Manage individual Pay Plans in the Admin Panel
    • Users can deposit money into their accounts via PayPal, the balance is updated automatically for you.
    • Plans can limit the amount of days a Project is available for, allowing for reoccuring payments for monthly usage.
    • Users can add more time to each Project if they need it.
    • Pay Plans can easily be disabled and hidden via the Admin Panel option.
  • Mail System
    • Send messages to users of the ProjectBox system.
    • Get a notification each time you get a mail
    • Block users from sending you messages on the system.
    • All you need to know is the user’s username to be able to send them a message.
  • Notifications
    • Get notifications when you are pinged using the @username feature on the chat boards, file system and tquestions area.
    • Get notifications from tquestions whenever they are updated.
    • Get notifications when you are invited to a project.
    • Ability to get an email each time you get a notification (can enable/disable)
  • ProjectBox
    • The System is Translation Ready that allows you to easily translate the system into any language by modifying the language files (just 4).
    • Built on CodeIgniter PHP MVC Framework.
    • Uses Twitter Bootstrap 3.0
    • Friend URLS for SEO
    • HTML validated
    • Contains the normal features such as Forgot Password, Login, Registration, User Panel, Change Password and more!

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20th March 2015

  • Fixed Recent Time page error
  • Login Page Smartened up
  • Login now required by default.
  • Improved Design Of Notifications
  • Implemented Project Categories
  • Admin Add Project Category/Edit Project Category
  • Project Edit Category in Edit Project
  • Fixed Tags Issue With Tquestions
  • Implemented Project Search for Users
  • Updated to latest Bootstrap version
  • Improved Homepage Interface
  • Brand New Project Dashboard Interface
  • All Project pages interfaces have been given a makeover
  • New Tquestions Page shows Tquestions you have been assigned to
  • Tquestions Page now has an Uncompleted Tquestions tab which shows all uncompleted tquestions apart from Cancelled Status
  • Improved Tquestions View Interface
  • Can now upload file directly from Tquestion Page (it’s automatically assigned to the tquestion too)
  • File Manager now shows File Size
  • File Manager now allows you to sort files by File Name, Size, Uploader and Category
  • Added Project Funds section that allows you to sync it up to the Accounting Page
  • Project Icons updated
  • NEW Pay Plans allow you to charge users to make Projects (micro-transactions)
  • Users have funds that they can add to by Paying via PayPal. The funds are automatically updated to the User’s account. No manual activation needed.
  • Can create your own plans with your own price points and amount of days for each project to use (can be unlimited days) in Admin Panel.
  • Payment Log in Admin Panel.
  • Once time has expired on a Project, user can easily add more time to the Project to re-activate it. Project’s that run out of time become inaccessible.
  • Can disable Pay Plans if you have no wish to use this.
  • Improved Table Design
  • Tquestions now ordered by due date
  • Bootstrap Icons for Sidebar
  • Retina Display ProjectBox Logo
  • Fixed Issues with Scripts not returning correct URLs when not using .htaccess rules

12th December 2014

  • Updated Password And Filter Libraries
  • Can now edit time of the time logger entries.
  • Added Edit Time button to user’s global time log.
  • Tquestion Notification for Adding a User has been updated to make a little more sense.
  • New option to display all users when adding users to your projects.
  • Can now optionally assign Member Limits to all Projects from Admin Panel.
  • Admins can edit individual Member Limits for each Project in the Edit Section.
  • Can see Member Limit in the Edit Project Section.
  • Date Format for display can now be customised in the Admin Panel
  • Date added to User Time Logs
  • Updated to latest version of Bootstrap
  • Global Calendar Added which shows events from all of the Projects you are invited to
  • Objective Outlines now allow for more formatted text (newline)
  • Tquestion Progress now correctly syncs when new objectives are added and deleted
  • Back Button added to Error Messages
  • Can now delete Calendar Events
  • Can now add File URLs to the File Manager when uploading
  • Fixed Viewing User Time Bug
  • Can now Search for User’s Time entries in Recent Logs

13th September 2014

  • Tquestions are now ordered by newest created
  • Tquestion Notifications have been fixed
  • Now get a tquestion notification when a Tquestion has been updated to Completed
  • System Update: Now supports sites that don’t have mod_rewrite or permission to use their own .htaccess files!
  • Time Logger added to User Settings Area (shows total time of all projects)
  • Can now order Projects in Admin Panel using Drag And Droppable System.
  • New Permission Groups: Tquestion Operator And File Operator (limit their actions in these sections

13th August 2014

  • Fixed Bug for Deleting Files
  • [New] Set Filesize limit in the Admin Panel in Global Settings
  • [New] Calendar System added to Projects. Add Events to keep you on track with your Projects.
  • [New] Option to add Tquestion Deadline Event to Calendar from Tquestion Creation page.
  • [New] Two new Team Groups: Calendar and Calendar Read-Only Mode.
  • [New] Admins can now delete Time Logs even if they’re not the creator.
  • Updated Language Files for new names for Chat (now known as Discuss) and fixed a few immoral spelling errors.
  • Added tquestion completion % to Tquestion Main page & Dashboard.
  • [New] New Default Icons added.
  • Fixed Disable Time/Team Sections in Project Settings.
  • [New] Create Tquestion Templates in Admin Panel to easily add Tquestions to Projects.
  • [New] Disable Captcha Option added in Admin Panel in Global Settings
  • Database now uses mysqli instead of mysql.
  • [New] Option to not show Projects on frontpage when not-logged in added to the Admin Panel in Global Settings.
  • [New] Clients Section added in the Accounting Area. Clients are now used for Invoices instead of Team Members.
  • Tags now use the JSColor Library when picking the HEX code.
  • Added Disable Calendar to the Project Settings in the Admin Panel.
  • Fixed Mail Delete Notice


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