PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 1


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PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 1

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 2

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 3

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 4

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 5

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 6

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 7

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 8

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 9

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 10

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 11

Android Features

1. News By Category
2. Editor’s Pick, Trending News, Recent News
3. Subscribe News by Interested Category
4. Like, Favorite, Comment News
5. Share News On Anywhere
6. Search News By Keyword & Category
7. User Register, Login, Forgot Password & Profile Management
8. About App Page
9. YouTube Integrated
10. Admob Banner & Full Screen Integrated
11. Offline Data Caching

12. Push Notification utilizing Firebase Cloud Messaging
13. Firebase Crash Reporting

14. Audio Mp3 Player Integrated

Backend Features

1. Category Management
2. News Management
3. User Feedback Data administration reminiscent of Like, Favorite, Comment and and so forth
4. Users Management
5. Data Analytics for which information is most fascinating
6. Sending Push Notification to all registered gadgets
7. About App Content Management
8. User position and entry proper for Admin, Editor & Author
9. CKEditor Supported

API Integration

1. Using RestFul API
2. Using JSON to switch knowledge in between Mobile App and Backend

PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 12

Mail : [email protected]

Recommended Other Items
PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 13
PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 14
PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 15
PSNews (Multipurpose Android News Application With Google Material Design) v1.7 - 16

Release Note

Version : 1.7
Released Date : 13 Sep 2019

Change Log :

Version 1.6
Released Date : 7 May 2018
Read More :
Version 1.5
Released Date : 5 Mar 2018
Read More :
Version 1.4
Released Date : 5 Feb 2018
Read More :
Version 1.3
Released Date : 4 Sep 2018
#Change Logs
1) Updated for Crashlytics
2) Updated to newest dependencies 

#Effected Files For Android Studio
- app/construct.gradle
- construct.gradle

#Effected Files For Backend
- N.A
Version : 1.2
Released Date : 15 Aug 2018

#Change Logs
1. Multi-Language Support ( RTL additionally Included)
2. Updated all dependencies to newest
3. Add Pull Refresh at Home Page
4. Improved easy scroll at element web page
5. Fixed to auto scroll at pull refresh
6. Fixed small bugs and a few UI 

Read More :

Version 1.0.3
Released Date : 31 Mar 2018

#Change Log (V 1.0.3)
1. Integrated with CK Editor

#Effected Files For Android Studio 
- app/src/principal/java/com/panaceasoft/psnews/ui/element/
- app/src/principal/java/com/panaceasoft/psnews/utils/

#Effected Files For Backend
- software/views/backend/information/entry_form.php
- software/views/backend/information/entry_form_script.php
- software/views/backend/partials/footer.php
- belongings/ckeditor4/ (New Created)
Version 1.0.2
Released Date : 11 Feb 2018

Change Log
- Issue mounted for Signed Apk for Google Play submission 

Effected Files From Android Studio (PSNews)
- app/construct.gradle
- psnews/

Effected Files From Backend (PSNews)
- N.A
Version 1.0.1
Released Date : 9 Feb 2018

Change Log
- Added Google Interstitial Admob at News Details Page
- Added Contact Us Feature
- Reset Password Page From Backend

Effected Files From Android Studio 
Modified Files 
- app/construct.gradle
- api/
- db/
- di/
- di/
- repository/information/
- ui/frequent/
- ui/element/
- utils/
- res/menu/menu_drawer.xml
- res/values/strings.xml

New Files 
- viewmodel/contactus/
- res/format/fragment_contact_us.xml
- repository/contactus/
- repository/contactus/tinquire of/PublishContactUsTinquire
- ui/contactus/ContactUsBackgroundTinquire
- ui/contactus/

Note : You have to generate Google Interstitial Admob and want to interchange at strings.xml file. Please discover out interstitial_ad_key and alter correctly.

Effected Files For Backend
- software/config/ps_config.php                            
- software/config/routes.php                               
- software/controllers/Main.php                            
- software/controllers/backend/Reset.php   
- software/controllers/backend/Reset.php
- software/views/backend/reset_email.php
- software/views/backend/reset_request.php 
- software/controllers/relaxation/Images.php                     
- software/controllers/relaxation/Users.php                      
- software/fashions/ResetCode.php                            
- software/views/backend/login.php                         
- software/views/backend/registered_users/search_form.php  
- software/views/backend/reset_email.php                   
- software/views/backend/reset_request.php 
- software/libraries/PS_Adapter.php                        
- software/libraries/PS_Widget.php  
- software/language/english/ps_lang.php 

SQL Script
INSERT INTO `core_modules` (`module_id`, `module_name`, `module_desc`, `module_icon`, `ordering`, `is_show_on_menu`, `group_id`) VALUES (NULL, 'Contacts', 'Contacts', '', '3', '1', '2');

Version 1.0.0
Released Date : 1 Feb 2018

Please bear in mind for “Extended License” of “Envato”

(Q) It is appropriate with Eclipse?
(A) No.

(Q) What sort of Android model are backward helps?
(A) From Android Four and as much as newest Android model.

(Q) Can I belong all sources and capable of modify no matter I would like?
(A) Yes.

(Q) Can I host the backend & database by myself server?
(A) Yes.

(Q) Do I have to know programming information to switch the app?
(A) Yes, particularly Java for cellular app and CodeIgniter for backend & api.

(Q) Do you assist for setup and set up on my server?
(A) No however it could as freelance.

(Q) Do you’re employed because the freelance for personalisation and modification?
(A) Yes, we do for freelance as $25/hour. Please drop e-mail to
[email protected] for extra dialogue.

Message To Buyer

All these options are prepared to start out and adequate in your full software improvement and customization.
If you need to know extra about it, please drop message to [email protected]

Found Any Bugs? No fear in any respect. Please report back to [email protected] Appreciates it.

After you obtain, don’t forgot to overview and score!

Tags :
multi function information app, android, Android native app, android information app, weblog app, Daily News, featured information, journal app, information app, information software, information cellular app, information web site, the information, trending information, youtube information

Images Credit : Randomly pickup some pictures from Google Search and Flicker.
– Some Images From Google Search

– Some Images From Freepik


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