PudQuiz – The Quiz Mobile Platform for Android and iPhone


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PudQuiz is a Mobile App for Android and iPhone with PHP Admin Management, PudQuiz is the best ways to start your own quiz mobile App for Android, Ipad, and iPhone. PudQuiz is fast, secure, and it will be regularly updated.

Do you have any questions? Please read our DOC & FAQs.

System Requirements:

Mobile App:
– Ionic 3 Framework

Server [ Admin End ]:
 – PHP 5.4 or Higher
 – MySQLi
 – cURL
 – xml [ Need for Payment Gateway Lib]
 – Openssl [ Need for Payment Gateway Lib]
 – allow_url_fopen
 – SSL certificate ( Optional )

Fast & Secure


Powerfull Admin Panel

Setting App

Test Control

Lecture Notes


More Features


PudQuiz is very easy to install, Read Here how to install

Video for More Actions



Admin URL: http://pudquiz.pudsoft.in/

Admin User:

Username: demoadmin

Password: demoadmin


Install demo APK on Android mobile and test the quiz flow using user access.

User Login Access for Mobile App:

Username: testuser

Password: testuser


Download APK


List App Screens:

  • Home

  • List of Categories

  • My Account

  • Change Password

  • About Us

  • Term & Condition Page

  • List of Quiz / Tests / Lecture Notes

  • Quiz Screen with Jump, Feedback, and Save etc….

  • Review Screen

  • Forgot Password

  • Sign Page

  • Sign Up

  • Contact Us

  • Read Lecture Notes

  • Payment Page


Admin Features:

  • Dashboard with Summary

  • Management of Questions with Different types (Add/Edit/Delete/List/Search)

  • Assign Bulk Question to Test (Filter By Subject)

  • Test Management (Add/Edit/Delete/List/Search)

  • User Management

  • Lecture Note Upload PDF & JPG Images

  • Send Push Notifications bulk

  • Setting APP & Website

  • Management of Subject

  • Management of Category

  • Subscription Management

  • CMS Page Creation

  • Manage Contact Request

  • Admin User Management

  • Category Type Management

  • Question Feedback and Rating

  • Reporting ( User Result, Export )


1.0.1 – 27 September 18

Changed text in a few places for mobile app script
Fixed 3 bugs


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