QR Code Discount Application Bundle

QR Code Discount Application Bundle


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This application bundle is intended for any kind of business that want to introduce loyalty program for their customers. Restaurants, bakeries, pizza delivery, coffee shops, pubs, local stores, clothes shops, taxi companies and jewelry stores are just some of the businesses that can benefit from this bundle. The main idea behind this bundle is that the business give discount to the client in percents for every purchase the client has made. The discount for every purchase is saved on the server. After for example 5 purchases (the number of purchases is adjustable) the client can use the sum of the discounts of the made purchases for the next purchase. The QR code function is used on both applications for ease of use of the applications.

The bundle consists of mobile application for clients (Android and iOS), mobile application for the cashier for the business (iOS) and php scripts with mysql database for the server. The design can be easily changed in couple of minutes since themes approach is used through the development process of the both mobile applications. Internationalization files are also used, so in both mobile applications the language can be changed in couple of minutes.

The mobile application for clients is developed for Android and iOS using Alloy framework. Supported Android OS versions are: Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 and 4.0.3, Jelly Bean 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, Kit Kat 4.4, Lollipop 5.0 and 5.1 and Marshmallow 6.0. Supported iOS OS versions are: 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3.

1. Login and sign up screens
– validation for empty fields
– validation for email format
– validation for password match
2. Loyalty screen
– QR code generated from the user id (on click qr code is open in full screen mode for easy scanning from the business mobile application)
– Text description about how much purchases need to be made before reduction
– Visual color indicator about remaining purchases
– Available sum of purchased discounts
3. Find us screen
– Map view with pins of all location of the business
– List view with all the locations of the business presenting the address, distance from the current location, and current working hours status (open or closed)
– Details for every location of the business presenting address, description, working hours for every day and non working days. Button for calling the selected business location, button for emailing the selected location and button for navigation to selected location via Google maps
4. About us screen
– Phone number (on click calls the number)
– Three paragraphs for description text
5. Online screen
– Preview of the current web site of the business (URL need to be set)
6. Contact screen
– Facebook button that opens the Facebook fan page (URL need to be set)
– Twitter button that opens twitter (URL need to be set)
– Subscription if the user’s email is not in use he will be subscribed for news, otherwise show notification that user is already subscriber

The mobile application for the business is developed for iOS using Alloy framework. Supported iOS OS versions are: 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3.

1. QR code scanner screen
– QR code scanner that scans the QR code generated on the client application and gets the user id
2. Amount screen
– Label showing the username or email of the scanned client
– Text field for inputting the amount of the purchase that a client is making
– Text field with percentage of the discount for that purchase
– Text description of the amount that is going to be saved for this purchase
3. Reduction screen
– Text description of the available sum of purchased discounts
– Text field for inputting amount of reduction to be used

Php scripts for the server

1. Login script
– Authenticate exiting user
– Returns errors if user does not exist or authentication failed
2. Sign up script
– Creates new user if email does not exist in users table
– Returns error if email exist or creating of new user failed
3. Check for purchases
– Check for unprocessed purchases in purchases table for a given user id
4. Make purchase
– Add unprocessed purchase for a given user id in purchases table
5. Make reduction
– Check for all unprocessed purchases in purchases table and set them to be processed
6. Get locations
– Returns array of all locations of the business with all the data for every location
7. Get user info
– Returns the email and username for a given user id
8. Subscription
– If the email is not in use creates new field with username and email in subscription table

MySQL database provided with all the tables and fields created which are self explanatory.

Quick start guide
1. Import both mobile application projects in Titanium Studio
2. Add name, id and guid in tiapp.xml in both projects
3. Add app id in android manifest part of tiapp.xml in client application
4. Add google maps api key in android manifest part of tiapp.xml in client application
5. Edit config.json file in both projects
6. Add host, user, pass and database values in server/connect.php
7. Upload server folder on the server
8. Import database through cPanel
9. You are ready to go!


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