Realwed – Wedding Supplier Directory & Listing HTML Template

wedding vendor


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wedding vendor
Realwed - Wedding Supplier Directory & Listing HTML Template - 1

directory of wedding vendor and supplier
wedding supplier directory grid and list view design
wedding suppliers online information design template
wedding planning tool for couple
vendor dashboard design for wedding supplier
knowledge base help center design template

RealWed is a attractive wedding supplier directory & listing HTML template.

If you are looking for wedding directory, RealWed is a better choice for you. It is a wedding vendor directory HTML template that comes with supplier and couple wedding planning feature.

Wedding supplier Directory HTML Website Templates design for venue owner, florist, photographer, DJ, wedding cake, videographer, wedding beauty, honeymoon, decor, hotel, resort, banquet, and travel specialist.

Design your website like wedding wire marketplace.

Every page and design elements of RealWed is simple to modify and customize to your needs.

Responsive & Mobile First

Built with bootstrap framework, so it gives you to have a responsive and mobile-friendly website. The template looks unbelievable on smartphone, tablet & desktop.

HTML Template Pages & Feature

Homepage: In the homepage, you will find the wedding venue search form with category and location filter. It has sections like wedding venue list carousel, wedding venue category showcase, testimonial, and creative footer.

Venue List Page: Venue list with a thumbnail image, venue title, address, and guest with filter form.

Single Page comes with the large image, popup gallery, venue title, venue address, about venue description, booking form and vendor profile, amenities, add to wishlist button, and location map.

Login – Sign up page: Fullscreen bootstrap login & sign up for couple and wedding business owner.

Vendor Dashboard: Sleek, simple, and easy to use wedding vendor dashboard. Vendor can manage their listing, request quote, product or service reviews, and his profile.

  1. Dashboard Overview
  2. Listing Mangement
  3. Add new list item
  4. Pricing
  5. Request quote
  6. Review
  7. Profile

Check Demo Vendor Dashboard Design

Couple Dashboard: A stylish and awesome dashboard design for wedding couples. Couple can manage their vendor Wishlist, wedding to dos, budget planning, guest list management with seating table arrangement and update and edit his or her wedding profile.

  1. Dashboard Overview
  2. Wishlist
  3. To Do list
  4. Budget
  5. Guest List
  6. Seating Table
  7. Couple Profile

Check Couple Dashboard Design

Help Center – Knowledge Base: or Help Desk
Knowledge base is simple and effective solution to create your own knowledge base and help center. Autocomplete search and category filter of knowledge base.
Easy to create your own support system in wedding website.


  • Clean and attractive Design
  • Bootstrap 4 Template
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • W3C Valid Markup
  • Cross Browser compatibility
  • Google Fonts (Rubik)
  • Font Awesome Icon
  • Simple & Clean Layout


Images are in just demo purpose. Not included in main zip files.

Update Log

Update Log

1.0.3 (1 Oct, 2018)
  • New Homepage v3 (transparent header)
  • Real Wedding – Design refresh and ui change.
  • Meet the team page (New Added)
  • Faq Page (One page Scroll Page)
  • Vendors by location (New page)
  • Vendors by City (New page)
  • Page Header design updated
  • Breadcrumb Added
  • List view design refresh UI.
  • Supplier List HTML (add new thumbnail )
  • About us Page (Refresh design)
  • Components (List of fresh and new branding components added.) (New)
  • Couple and vendor Dashboard Design refresh.
  • Vendor Single (refresh a design)
  • Vendor Single with gallery (New Added)
  • Vendor Single with Video (New Added)
  • E-mail Template (Updated)
1.0.2 (29 June 2018)
  • Couple Dashboard – Update Fullscreen UI Design
  • Vendor Dashboard – Update Fullscreen UI Design
    • Review Dashboard Design – Update
  • Help Centre / Knowledge base
  • Email Template (account create, forgot password,)
1.0.1 (6 June 2018)
  • Homage version 2
  • Listing Single v2
  • Couple Dashboard
  • Vendor Dashboard
1.0.0 ( 4 June 2018 )
  • Initial Release


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