Remark – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

remark admin template features


To get this product on 50 percent contact me on this link



remark admin template features


Remark is a premium, responsive, creative, customizable admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 4 (You can email me to get the bootstrap v3 version). There are a huge of powerful components build with scss/less css which makes it easy to modify.

It’s the latest collection in our highly reliable libraries, its componets cover the best practices on web and mobile. It can be easily integrated into your projects, allowing you to create solutions for your future designs quickly.

Features List

  • Responsive layout (Desktops, Tablets and mobile devices)
  • Built with latest Bootstrap 4
  • Flat UI with Clean Style
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Bootstrap Like Data API
  • Implemented in Modular Scss/Less Files (compiled CSS included)
  • Extend Utilities Class
  • Angular UI Support
  • Grunt Tquestions and Gulp tquestions
  • Bower Dependency Management
  • Developer Friendly Code
  • Code optimize with tools (htmlhint, jshint, lesshint, csslint, bootlint)

Full List

  • 1000+ UI Component
  • 100+ Widgets
  • Psd file includes
  • Foldable Navigation with Infinite Levels
  • Horizontal Mega Menu
  • Multiple Layout
  • Quick Chat Panel
  • Touchable Slide Panel
  • Language Selector
  • Style of Site Guide
  • Loading Style (animsition.js)
  • Useful Forms Plugins Support
    • Form Vaidate
    • jQuery Wizard
    • jQuery Formatter
    • Image cropping
    • jQuery Fileupload
    • Select2
    • Bootstrap Select
    • Bootstrap Tokenfield
    • Bootstrap Tags Input
    • multiselect.js
    • typehead
    • Boostrap Maxlength
    • iCheck
    • switchery
    • clockpicker
    • jQuery timepicker
    • bootstrap-datepicker
    • datepair.js
    • jquery knob
    • jquery strength
    • card
    • labelauty
    • xeditable
    • Dropify
    • summernote
    • markdown editor
    • ace editor
  • 10 Chart Plugin Support
    • Chartist.js
    • C3
    • Chartks
    • Morris
    • Flot
    • Sparkline
    • Rickshaw
    • Peity
    • Gauges
    • Pie Progress
  • 9 Table Plugin
    • Bootstrap Table
    • Tablesaw
    • DataTables
    • editableTableWidget
    • floatThead
    • jsGrid
    • FooTable
    • Jquery Tabledit
    • Table Dragger
  • Pages
    • Error pages(400, 401, 403, 404, 500 and 503)
    • Register(v1, v2, v3)
    • Login(v1, v2, v3)
    • Lockscreen
    • Maintenance
    • Forgot Password
    • FAQ
    • Email
    • Google Map
    • Vector Map
    • Invoice
    • People Profile(v1, v2, v3)
    • Search Result
    • User List
    • Code Editor
    • Gallery
    • Sitemap
    • Project
  • Calendar App
  • Contacts App
  • Mailbox App
  • Tquestionboard App
  • Media App
  • Documents App
  • Forum App
  • Projects App
  • Notebook app
  • Messages app
  • Work app
  • Location app
  • Travel app

AngularJs & ReactJs Version

You can email us to get the sample angularjs integration or reactjs integration (early access version). The completed version will coming soon.

Frontend Pages

You can email us to get the frontend pages.

We Are Listen To You

We are open to any suggestions regarding Remark Admin Template. If you have any idea, request, features just let us know. We will add it. Thanks.


Version 5.1.0 – 22th July 2019

### Updated
- ace-builds to 1.4.5
- blueimp-canvas-to-blob to 3.15.0
- blueimp-file-upload to 10.0.0
- blueimp-load-image to 2.23.0
- blueimp-tmpl to 3.12.0
- bootbox to 5.2.0
- bootstrap to 4.3.1
- bootstrap-datepicker to 1.9.0
- bootstrap-select to ^1.13.10
- bootstrap-table to 1.15.3
- c3 to 0.7.2
- chart.js to 2.8.0
- chartist to 0.11.3
- codemirror to 5.48.2
- d3 to 5.9.7
- to 1.5.6
- to 2.0.0
- to 1.3.0
- flag-icon-css to 3.3.0
- floatthead to 2.1.3
- fullcalendar to 3.10.0
- highlight.js to 9.15.8
- html5sortable to 0.9.16
- ion-rangeslider to 2.3.0
- jquery to 3.4.1
- jquery-contextmenu to 2.8.0
- jquery.mmenu to 7.3.3
- jstree to 3.3.8
- marked to 0.7.0
- moment to 2.24.0
- plyr to 3.5.6
- popper.js to 1.15.0
- raphael to 2.2.8
- screenfull to 4.2.0
- select2 to 4.0.8
- sortablejs to 1.9.0
- summernote to 0.8.12
- tablesaw to 3.1.2
- tether to 1.4.7
- timepicker to 1.11.15 

Version 5.0.1 – 26th Nov 2018

### Fixed
- Page loading issue

### Updated
- ace-builds to 1.4.2 
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.28.0 
- blueimp-load-image to 2.20.1 
- codemirror to 5.42.0 
- marked to 0.5.2 
- summernote to 0.8.11

Version 5.0.0 – 16th Nov 2018

### Fixed
- Alertify & notie.js issue
- Button group alignment issues
- Dropdown menu shake issue
- List group alignment issues
- Iconbar menubar click issue in mobile
- Map box mark issues
- Input group issues
- Popover arrow issues
- Sortable & nastable issue
- Toastr not working issue

### Updated
- bootstrap to 4.1.3
- ace-builds to 1.4.1
- autosize to 4.0.2
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.28.0
- blueimp-load-image to 2.20.1
- bootstrap-datepicker to 1.8.0
- bootstrap-select to 1.13.3
- bootstrap-touchspin to 4.2.5
- fracturepoints-js to 1.0.6
- c3 to 0.6.8
- chart.js to 2.7.3
- codemirror to 5.41.0
- cropper to 4.0.0
- d3 to 5.7.0
- datatables to 1.10.18
- to 1.10.19
- to 1.10.19
- to 1.5.4
- to 1.5.1
- to 3.2.6
- to 3.1.5
- to 2.2.3
- to 2.2.3
- to 1.1.0
- to 1.2.5
- to 1.5.1
- to 1.2.7
- event-drops to 1.3.0
- flag-icon-css to 3.2.1
- floatthead to 2.1.2
- gridstack to 0.4.0
- highlight.js to 9.13.1
- holderjs to 2.9.6
- html5sortable to 0.9.8
- intro.js to 2.9.3
- isotope-layout to 3.0.6
- jquery-contextmenu to 2.7.1
- jquery_appear to  0.4.1
- jstree to 3.3.7
- ladda to 2.0.1
- marked to 0.5.1
- masonry-layout to 4.2.2
- moment to 2.22.2
- owl.carousel to 2.3.4
- plyr to 3.4.7
- popper.js to 1.14.5
- rickshaw to 1.6.6
- screenfull to 3.3.3
- stickyfilljs to 2.1.0
- tether to 1.4.5
- timepicker to 1.11.14


Version 4.1.2 – 8th Apr 2018

### Fixed
- Material style assets issue

Version 4.1.1 – 3th Apr 2018

### Fixed
- Raty plugin issue
- App issues in center layout
- C3 chart plugin issue

Version 4.1.0 – 28th Mar 2018

### Fixed
- Pure Button style issue
- Less and more button issue
- Dropdown menu issue
- Tabs and accordion issue
- Navbar style issue
- Tooltip/Popover arrow issue
- Page header z-index issue
- Table bordered style issue
- Badge skins issue
- Input group styles issue
- Mmenu chat sidebar disappear issue
- Topicon site-menubar bg styles issue
- Video plyr plugin not working issue
- Rating version confilct bug issue
- Scrollbar is covered issue
- Summernote icons issue
- JQuery File Upload issue
- Touchspin styles issue
- Ionrangeslider styles issue
- asSpinner styles issue
- Ladda Buttons styles issue
- footable styles issue
- jstree icon styles issue
- Tour styles issue
- Profile-v3 page styles issue
- spacing issue in email page
- Email page styles issue
- Location app issue
- slidepanel button issue in apps

### Updated
- bootstrap to v4.0.0
- ace-builds to 1.3.1
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.21.0
- c3 to 0.4.21
- codemirror to 5.35.0
- cropper to 3.1.5
- d3 to 4.13.0
- flag-icon-css to 3.0.0
- floatthead to 2.1.1
- fullcalendar to 3.8.2
- html5sortable to 0.7.0
- isotope-layout to 3.0.5
- jquery to 3.3.1
- jquery-asHoverScroll to 0.3.7
- jquery.mmenu to 7.0.2
- jstree to 3.3.5
- ladda to 1.0.6
- marked to 0.3.16
- masonry-layout to 4.2.1
- moment to 2.20.1
- peity to 3.3.0
- rickshaw to 1.6.4
- select2 to 4.0.6-rc.1
- summernote to 0.8.10
- tablesaw to 3.0.9
- tether to 1.4.3
- to-markdown to 3.1.1
- toastr to 2.1.4
- imagesloaded to 4.1.4
- to 1.5.1
- to 3.2.4
- to 2.2.1
- to 2.2.1
- to 1.4.4
- to 1.2.5
- blueimp-load-image to 2.18.0

Version 4.0.1 – 11th Nov 2017

### Improved
- New logo

### Fixed
- Mmenu animate issue
- Travel app issue
- Button outline issue
- Roboto font not set issue

Version 4.0.0 – 9th Nov 2017

### Improved
- New gulp building system
- Webpack sample config
- New color skins
- Automatic update 3rd vendor with gulp vendor tquestion

### Updated
- bootstrap to v4-beta-2
- ace-builds to 1.2.9
- autosize to 4.0.0
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.19.1
- bootstrap-select to 1.12.4
- fracturepoints-js to 1.0.5
- c3 to 0.4.18
- chart.js to 2.7.1
- codemirror to 5.31.0
- cropper to 3.1.3
- d3 to 3.5.17
- fullcalendar to 3.6.2
- html5sortable to 0.6.3
- intro.js to 2.8.0-alpha.1
- jquery to 3.2.1
- jquery-asBreadcrumbs to 0.2.3
- jquery-asColor to 0.3.6
- jquery-asColorPicker to 0.4.4
- jquery-asGradient to 0.3.3
- jquery-asHoverScroll to 0.3.6
- jquery-asPaginator to 0.3.3
- jquery-asPieProgress to 0.4.7
- jquery-asProgress to 0.2.4
- jquery-asRange to 0.3.4
- jquery-asScrollable to 0.4.10
- jquery-asScrollbar to 0.5.7
- jquery-asSpinner to 0.4.3
- jquery-slidePanel to 0.3.5
- jquery-strength to 0.2.5
- jquery-wizard to 0.4.4
- jquery.mmenu to 6.1.8
- ladda to 1.0.5
- moment to 2.19.1
- plyr to 2.0.16
- rickshaw to 1.6.3
- screenfull to 3.3.2
- select2 to 4.0.6-rc.0
- slick-carousel to 1.8.1
- summernote to 0.8.8
- tablesaw to 3.0.5
- timepicker to 1.11.12
- FooTable to 3.1.6
- gauge.js to 1.3.5
- nestable2 to 1.6.0
- table-dragger to 1.0.2
- jquery-contextmenu 2.6.3
- to 1.10.16

Version 3.3.0 – 9th July 2017

### Fixed
- Sortable list margin issue
- Sortable list-group margin issue
- Form wizard with pearls steps issue
- Blog wizard cover quote border issue
- Menubar margin issue in center layout
- Mailbox icon margin issue
- Gauge.js charts render issue
- Dropify font weight issue when hover
- Site menu item sub level not align issue
- List item margin issue in ccode editor page
- Menubar flipped layout issue
- Project layout broken issue
- Panel portlets drag not working issue
- Jquery Tabledit btn toolbar issue
- Recent activity widget text color issue
- Flex layout issue in IE 11

### Updated
- ace-builds to 1.2.8
- autosize to 3.0.21
- bootbox to 1.7.1
- bootstrap-select to 1.12.3
- c3 to 0.4.14
- chart.js to 2.6.0
- codemirror to 5.27.4
- cropper to 3.0.0-rc.3
- html5sortable to 0.6.1
- ion-rangeslider to 2.2.0
- summernote to 0.8.4
- tablesaw to 3.0.2
- to-markdown to 3.1.0
- mapbox.js to 3.1.1
- imagesloaded to 4.1.3

Version 3.2.1 – 19th May 2017

### Fixed
- topbar menu can't close issue
- datatable buttons not working issue
- input addon issue
- button addon issue
- document article sidebar issue
- navbar search issue
- mega menu dropdown issue
- chat sidebar scroll issue
- button primary border issue

### Updated
- chartist to 0.11.0
- codemirror to 5.25.2
- cropper to 3.0.0-rc.1
- d3 to 4.9.1
- fullcalendar to 3.4.0
- gridstack to 0.3.0
- html5sortable to 0.6.0
- isotope to 3.0.4
- mmenu to 6.1.0
- jstree to 3.3.4
- masonry to 4.2.0
- notie to 4.3.1
- plyr to 2.0.13
- screenfull to 3.2.0
- gauge.js to 1.3.4
- mapbox.js to 3.1.0
- media-match to 2.0.3
- imagesloaded to 4.1.2
- datatables to 1.10.15

Version 3.2.0 – 3th April 2017

### Fixed
- Login, register page menubar js error issue
- Document article list group nav item issue
- Skins color issue
- Cover gallery issue
- Media heading font size issue
- Form maxlength plugin margin issue
- Menubar folded mode sub menu parent click issue
- Safari web icons issue
- Tour demo not working issue

### Updated
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.18.0
- fullcalendar to 3.3.1
- maplace-js to 0.2.10
- Summernote to 0.8.3
- Brand icons to 0.3.4
- Web icons to 0.2.4

Version 3.1.2 – 27th March 2017

### Fixed
- Skins issue
- Form wizard issue
- Cover gallery issue
- Media heading font size issue
- List group float issue
- Bootstrap select styling issue
- Tooltip arrow issue in widget page
- Social wizard rounded corner issue
- Max length status text padding issue
- Footable searchbar styling issue
- Responsive table select layout issue
- Mailbox action button not highlight issue

### Updated
- codemirror to 5.25.0
- Cropper to 3.0.0-rc
- D3 to 4.7.3
- Fullcalendar to 3.3.0
- intro.js to 2.5.0
- ion-rangeslider to 2.1.7
- Jquery SlidePanel to 0.3.4
- maplace-js to 0.2.9
- moment to 2.18.1
- highlight.js to 9.10.0
- isotope to 3.0.3
- notie to 4.3.0
- screenfull to 3.1.0
- plyr to 2.0.12
- to-markdown to 3.0.4

Version 3.1.1 – 17th March 2017

### Fixed
- Menubar actived item color issue in Topbar layout
- nav-tab-vertical solid left issue
- nav-tabs-vertical border-bottom-color issue
- Remove unnecessary html and fix styles issue for footable plugin
- Badge not overlap icon issue
- Navbar search issue
- input-group uot working issue

### Improved
- Replace context-menu plugin with new active one
- w/h/m/p css helper class (utilties)
- use raw bootstrap scss source instead of modified one

### Updated
- Font awesome icons to 4.7.0
- Web icons to 0.2.3
- 7-stroke icons to 1.2.0
- Ionicons icons to 3.0.0
- Material design iconic icons to 2.2.0
- Open iconic icons to 1.1.1
- Themify icons to 1.0.1
- Weather icons to 1.3.2

Version 3.1.0 – 7th March 2017

### Fixed
- A link button color issue
- Icon box align bug
- Arrow spacing 1px bug for popover
- Panel actions example toggle error
- Rating files missing issue
- Ribbon issue with browser Edge and ie 11
- File upload input 1px space issue
- Jquery tabledit button background issue
- Bootstrap select shadow issue in material style
- Bootstrap table dynamic url problem
- Datatable extention issue
- Chartist tooltip location issue
- Tquestionboard js error
- Menubar.js console error in Iconbar layout
- Topbar menu background color issue in Topbar layout
- Topbar menu dark skin color issue in Topbar layout
- Nav tabs console warning
- Dashboard v2 page issue
- Floatthead top issue in Topbar and Topicon layout

### Improved
- Footable examples
- Rebuild structure/media.html base on flexbox
- Ribbon text overflow
- Utilties helper (sizing-w/h, spacing, flex)
- Rename tag to corruptge for avoid conflicts with wordpress stlyes
- Adjust tooltip arrow
- Adjust card base on flexbox
- Adjust list group base on flexbox
- Adjust input-group and btn-group base on flexbox
- Media app overview page
- Profile v2 page

### Updated
- Bootstrap to 4.0.0-alpha.6 (20170307)
- ace-builds to 1.2.6
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.17.0
- bootstrap-table to 1.11.2
- chart.js to 2.5.0
- codemirror to 5.24.2
- cropper to 3.0.0-beta
- d3 to 4.7.0
- floatthead to 2.0.3
- fullcalendar to 3.2.0
- html5sortable to 0.4.4
- jquery-match-height to 0.7.2
- notie to 4.1.0
- tablesaw to 3.0.0

Version 3.0.6 – 8th January 2017

### Added
- table-dragger plugin

### Fixed
- font weight override issue
- panel action page js issue
- login v2 scrollbar issue
- travel app tabs issue
- fix app console warning issue

### Improved
- remove logo when loading

### Updated
- autosize to 3.0.20
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.14.2
- codemirror to 5.22.0
- d3 to 4.4.1
- datatables to 1.10.13
- fullcalendar to 3.1.0
- highlight.js to 9.9.0
- html5sortable to 0.4.3
- intro.js to 2.4.0
- ion-rangeslider to 2.1.6
- jquery-asScrollable to 0.4.7
- jsgrid to 1.5.3
- notie to 3.9.5
- timepicker to 1.11.9

Version 3.0.5 – 4th December 2016

### Fixed
- mmenu layout grid menu issue
- icon single page range issue
- Tablesaw style issue
- login and register page background image issue
- chat sidebar mobile position issue
- rename label class to tag

### Updated
- autosize to 3.0.19
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.14.0
- bootstrap-select to 1.12.1
- codemirror to 5.21.0
- d3 to 4.4.0
- datepair.js to 0.4.15
- jquery-asRange to 0.3.3
- moment to 2.17.1
- plyr to 2.0.11
- tether to 1.4.0
- timepicker to 1.11.8

Version 3.0.3 – 17th November 2016

### Fixed
- Travel app js issue
- basic table js issue
- Contact app responsive issue
- Sidebar sm layout issue
- Iconbar menubar issue

### Updated
- autosize to 3.0.18
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.14.0
- chart.js to 2.4.0
- chartist to 0.10.1
- codemirror to 5.20.2
- d3 to 4.3.0
- flag-icon-css to 2.8.0
- floatthead to 1.4.5
- jquery-asPieProgress to 0.4.6
- jquery-selective to 0.3.5
- jquery.mmenu to 5.7.8
- jstree to 3.3.3
- moment to 2.16.0
- owl.carousel to 2.2.0
- plyr to 2.0.10
- raphael to 2.2.7
- timepicker to 1.11.6
- webui-popover to 1.2.17

Version 3.0.2 – 20th October 2016

### Fixed
- base layout body class issue

### Improved
- skins scss

Version 3.0.1 – 16th October 2016

### Fixed
- menubar scrollable issue on topbar layout
- menubar scrollable issue on topicon layout
- js destroy method typo issue
- contact app table issue
- tquestionboard app console error
- calendar app js issue
- iconbar hover menu issue
- masonry issue
- material floating field issue
- material selectable table issue

### Updated
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.12.6
- fracturepoints-js to 1.0.4
- jquery-asBreadcrumbs to 0.2.2
- jquery-asColorPicker to 0.4.3
- jquery-asGradient to 0.3.2
- jquery-asHoverScroll to 0.3.1
- jquery-asPaginator to 0.3.2
- jquery-asPieProgress to 0.4.5
- jquery-asProgress to 0.2.3
- jquery-asRange to 0.3.2
- jquery-asScrollable to 0.4.4
- jquery-asScrollbar to 0.5.4
- jquery-asSpinner to 0.4.2
- jquery-selective to 0.3.3
- jquery-slidePanel to 0.3.3
- jquery-strength to 0.2.4
- jquery-wizard to 0.4.3
- peity to 3.2.1
- tablesaw to 3.0.0-beta.3

Version 3.0.0 – 10th October 2016

### Updated
- bootstrap to 4.0.0-alph-4
- ace-builds to 1.2.5
- alertify.js to 1.0.12
- animsition to 4.0.2
- autosize to 3.0.17
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.12.5
- bootbox to 4.4.0
- bootstrap-datepicker to 1.6.4
- bootstrap-markdown to 2.10.0
- bootstrap-select to 1.11.2
- bootstrap-sweetalert to 1.0.1
- bootstrap-table to 1.11.0
- bootstrap-tagsinput to 0.7.1
- bootstrap-tokenfield to 0.12.0
- bootstrap-touchspin to 3.1.1
- fracturepoints-js to 1.0.3
- c3 to 0.4.11
- chart.js to 2.3.0
- chartist to 0.9.8
- clockpicker to 0.0.7
- codemirror to 5.19.0
- cropper to 2.3.4
- d3 to 3.5.17
- datatables to 1.10.12
- datatables-fixedheader to 3.1.0
- datatables-tabletools to 2.2.2
- datepair.js to 0.4.14
- draggabilly to 2.1.1
- dropify to 0.2.1
- flag-icon-css to 2.4.0
- floatthead to 1.4.4
- fullcalendar to 3.0.1
- gmaps to 0.4.24
- gridstack to 0.2.6
- highlight.js to 9.7.0
- holderjs to 2.9.4
- html5sortable to 0.4.2
- intro.js to 2.3.0
- ion-rangeslider to 2.1.4
- isotope-layout to 3.0.1
- jquery to 2.2.4
- jquery-asBreadcrumbs to 0.2.1
- jquery-asColor to 0.3.4
- jquery-asColorPicker to 0.4.1
- jquery-asGradient to 0.3.1
- jquery-asHoverScroll to 0.3.0
- jquery-asPaginator to 0.3.1
- jquery-asPieProgress to 0.4.4
- jquery-asProgress to 0.2.2
- jquery-asRange to 0.3.0
- jquery-asScrollable to 0.4.3
- jquery-asScrollbar to 0.5.3
- jquery-asSpinner to 0.4.0
- jquery-knob to 1.2.11
- jquery-match-height to 0.7.0
- jquery-mousewheel to 3.1.13
- jquery-placeholder to 2.3.1
- jquery-selective to 0.3.2
- jquery-slidePanel to 0.3.2
- jquery-strength to 0.2.3
- jquery-tabledit to 1.0.0
- jquery-ui to 1.12.1
- jquery-wizard to 0.4.2
- jquery.mmenu to 5.7.4
- jsgrid to 1.5.2
- jstree to 3.3.2
- jvectormap to 2.0.4
- ladda to 1.0.0
- layout-grid to 2.2.0
- magnific-popup to 1.1.0
- maplace-js to 0.2.7
- marked to 0.3.6
- masonry-layout to 4.1.1
- moment to 2.15.1
- morris.js to 0.5.0
- notie to 3.9.4
- owl.carousel to 2.1.4
- plyr to 2.0.7
- raphael to 2.2.6
- raty-js to 2.7.1
- rickshaw to 1.6.0-rc.0
- screenfull to 3.0.2
- select2 to 4.0.3
- slick-carousel to 1.6.0
- stickyfill to 1.1.1
- summernote to 0.8.2
- switchery to 0.0.2
- tablesaw to 3.0.0-beta.2
- tether to 1.3.7
- textarea-autosize to 0.4.2
- timepicker to 1.11.5
- to-markdown to 3.0.1
- typeahead.js to 0.11.1
- webui-popover to 1.2.16
- x-editable to 1.5.1
- Flot to 0.8.3
- FooTable to 3.1.2
- bernii/gauge.js to 1.2.1
- jquery-labelauty to 1.1.1
- jquery_appear to 0.3.6
- mapbox.js to 2.4.0
- media-match to 2.0.2
- toolbar to 1.1.0
- formvalidation to 0.8.1
- jquery.sparkline to 2.1.2
- jquery-hoverintent to 1.8.1

Version 2.2.0 – 15th April 2016

### Added
- Generator
- 'gulp serve' and 'grunt serve' tquestion

### Improved
- Calendar app
- Email app
- Media app

### Fixed
- iconbar layout single item not clickable on mobile issue
- use toast error instead of toast dnettle
- sidebar modal width issue in mobile device
- navs skin
- disable hover issue in center layout
- chat reply scrollable issue
- and other issues

### Updated
- ace to 1.2.3
- alertify to 1.0.10
- blueimp-canvas-to-blob to 3.3.0
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.12.3
- blueimp-load-image to 2.6.1
- blueimp-tmpl to 3.4.0
- bootstrap-contextmenu to 0.3.4
- bootstrap-datepicker to 1.6.0
- bootstrap-markdown to 2.10.0
- bootstrap-table to 1.10.1
- bootstrap-touchspin to 3.1.1
- card to 1.2.2
- chart-js to 2.0.0
- cropper to 2.3.0
- d3 to 3.5.16
- fullcalendar to 2.6.1
- gmaps to 0.4.24
- gridstack to 0.2.5
- html5sortable to 0.3.1
- jquery-appear to 0.3.6
- jt-timepicker to 1.8.11
- ladda-bootstrap to 0.1.0
- magnific-popup to 1.1.0
- matchheight to 0.7.0
- modernizr to 3.3.1
- plyr to 1.5.21
- rickshaw to 1.6.0-rc.0
- select2 to 4.0.2
- to-markdown to 3.0.0
- webui-popover to 1.2.7

Version 2.1.0 – 18th December 2015

### Added
- Topicon layout
- Classic style for Center layout
- Material style Mmenu, Topbar, Iconbar and Base layouts
- Ecommerce dashboard
- Analytics dashboard
- Team dashboard
- Work app
- Location app
- Sitemap page

### Changed
- Rewrite Contacts and Tquestionboard app with js mvc structure

### Fixed
- iconbar layout touch screen not working issue
- base layout touch screen not working issue
- slider range not working on mobile issue
- page aside fixed issue
- datepicker dropdown arrow issue
- checkbox-custom and raido-custom in form horizontal layout issue
- and others

### Updated
- bootstrap to 3.3.6
- alertify-js to 1.0.8
- animsition to 4.0.1
- blueimp-canvas-to-blob to 2.2.4
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.11.2
- blueimp-tmpl to 2.5.7
- bootstrap-hover-dropdown to 2.2.1
- card to 1.2.0
- cropper to 2.2.1
- datatables to 1.10.10
- datepair-js to 0.4.14
- fullcalendar to 2.5.0
- jt-timepicker to 1.8.8
- media-match to 0.1.0
- oclazyload to 1.0.9
- plyr to 1.3.7
- screenfull to 3.0.0
- select2 to 4.0.1
- slick-carousel to 1.5.9
- to-markdown to 1.3.0
- webui-popover to 1.2.3
- ashoverscroll to 0.2.3
- asrange to 0.2.6

Version 2.0.0 – 3rd November 2015

### Added
- Material style
- Mmenu layout
- Topbar layout
- Iconbar layout
- Message app
- Notebook app
- Page aside fixed example
- Autosize plugin

### Updated
- ace to 1.2.2
- alertify-js to 1.0.5
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.10.7
- bootstrap-contextmenu to 0.3.3
- bootstrap-datepicker to 1.5.0
- bootstrap-table to 1.9.1
- bootstrap-treeview to 1.2.0
- card to 1.1.0
- chart-js to 1.0.2
- datatables-fixedheader to 3.0.0
- datepair-js to 0.4.12
- filament-tablesaw to 2.0.1
- fullcalendar to 2.4.0
- highlight.js to 8.9.1
- jquery to 2.1.4
- jt-timepicker to 1.8.4
- jvectormap to 2.0.4
- marked to 0.3.4
- masonry to 3.3.2
- modernizr to 3.2.0
- multi-select to 0.9.12
- nestable to 1.2.3
- owl-carousel to 2.0.0-beta.3
- slick-carousel to 1.5.8
- switchery to 0.8.1
- toastr to 2.1.2
- webui-popover to 1.1.7
- brand-icons to 0.3.3
- web-icons to 0.2.3
- aspieprogress to 0.3.4
- asscrollable to 0.3.1

Version 1.1.2 – 17TH October 2015

### Fixed
- Responsive table init file missing issue
- Gulp dist html issue

Version 1.1.1 – 15TH October 2015

### Fixed
- Alertify.js not working issue
- Tquestionboard slidepanel not working issue

Version 1.1.0 – 13TH October 2015

### Added
- Handlebars templates support
- Gulp support
- Tquestionboard app
- jsGrid plugin
- Layout grid
- Dropify plugin
- Menubar fold alt skin
- Octicons icon package

### Improved
- Better menubar item structure (remove unnecessary icon html)
- .site-menubar-keep instead of data-auto-menubar="false" 

### Fixed
- Menubar click not working on touch device issue
- Fanel fullscreen scrolling issue
- file upload input group text issue
- fix material fields highlight color in skin

### Updated
- Alertify.js to 1.0.3
- angluar to 1.4.7
- angular-animate to 1.4.7
- angular-sanitize to 1.4.7
- angular-ui-bootstrap to 0.14.1
- angular-ui-grid to 3.0.7
- animsition to 4.0.0
- bootstrap-datepicker to 1.4.1
- bootstrap-maxlength to 1.7.0
- bootstrap-table to 1.9.0
- chartist-plugin-tooltip to 0.0.12
- cropper to 1.0.0
- datatables to 1.10.10
- datepair-js to 0.4.11
- filament-tablesaw to 2.0.1
- gmap to 0.4.21
- highlight.js to 8.8.0
- jt-timepicker to 1.8.2
- modernizr to 3.1.0
- oclazyload to 1.0.6
- plyr to 1.3.6
- slidepanel to 0.2.2

Version 1.0.7 – 1TH September 2015

### Improved
- Make light menubar hover color using primary color in skins
- Make form focus color using primary color in skins
- Site Action Button plugin for better using floating buttons
- Add vars-customs.less file for writing custom less variables

### Fixed
- Site Menu click stop progagation issue
- Btn icon padding issue
- Floating labels input issue in firefox & ie
- login v3 responsive issue

### Updated
- angular-ui-grid to v3.0.5
- animsition to v3.6.0
- cropper to v0.11.1
- gmaps to v0.4.19
- plyr to v1.3.5

Version 1.0.6 – 12TH August 2015

### Added
- Login page v3
- Register page v3

### Improved
- Make gridmenu scrollable
- Make navbar search button more clickable in xs resolution
- Make dashboard more interactive

### Changed
- Move inline styles & scripts into standalone file
- Move gridmenu seciton script from site.js to standalone file

### Updated
- Angular ui grid to v3.0.3
- cropper to v0.11.0
- jvectormap to v2.0.4
- plyr to v1.3.3
- toastr to v2.1.1

### Fixed
- Site footer overlap issue on two column layout page
- Submenu hover background color issue in light menubar version
- Html overflow issue when slidePanel opened

Version 1.0.5 – 3TH August 2015

### Improved
- Material form webkit autofill

### Changed
- '.before-run' class change to '.css-menubar'
- '.after-run' class change to '.js-menubar'

### Updated
- Angular ui bootstrap to v0.13.2

### Fixed
- Menu collapsed page twinkle issue

Version 1.0.4 – 2TH August 2015

### Added
- Login page v2
- Register page v2

### Improved
- Documentation
- Label editable for Contacts app, Mailbox app, Calendar app
- Event edit for Contact app
- Selectable component
- Datatable add row example
- Chartist tooltip for dashboard

### Updated
- oclazyload to v1.0.4

### Fixed
- Skins override issues
- Animsition loader issue

Version 1.0.3 – 29TH July 2015

### Added
- Skins: brown, cyan, green, grey, indigo, orange, pink, purple, red, teal, yellow
- Gallery Page (with isotope)

### Improved
- Dashboard pages
- Angular Ui

### Updated
- angular-bootstrap to v0.13.1
- blueimp-canvas-to-blob to v2.2.0
- blueimp-file-upload to v9.10.5
- blueimp-load-image to v1.13.1
- blueimp-tmpl to v2.5.5
- bootstrap-datepicker
- datepair-js to v0.4.9
- highlight.js to v8.6.0
- marked to v0.3.4
- oclazyload to v1.0.3
- plyr to v1.2.6
- slick-carousel to v1.5.8

### Fixed
- Wizard pager issue

Version 1.0.2 – 28TH July 2015

### Added
- Panel Transition
- Transitions for Contact App, Mailbox App, Media App, Projects App
- Animation for Tabs
- Item edit for Contact App
- Table Section
- Table Selectable
- Dark style for Alert
- Social alert styles
- Reply box for Sidebar Chat

### Improved
- Calendar App

### Fixed
- Checkbox click issue on Media App
- Sub-menu item cutoff in collapsed menu mode
- Google Map page script missing issue
- Donut chart label position issue
- Wizard pager not working issue

Version 1.0.1 – 24TH July 2015

### Added
- fooTable plugin
- NProgress.js plugin

Version 1.0.0 – 23TH July 2015

- Initial release


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