Responsive AJAX Contact Form – PHP, MySQL and Send Mail

Responsive AJAX Contact Form - PHP, MySQL and Send Mail


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+ Ajax Submit, do not need to refresh page
+ File Attached to email
+ Send email to contacter and administrator
+ Save contact information to database
+ Responsive layout, mobile and tablet friendly
+ Many lovely styles, easy to change style
+ Provide less css, easy to edit theme
+ Easy to Intergrate to any site or PHP framework like CodeInigter, Laravel, Zend, Cake PHP…
Please see demo here:

Please change the config in config.php file.
Please make sure that you do not use any spam keyword in email title because the mail sever will treat our email as spam and user can not receive them.
Please change the CF_CLIENT_EMAIL_TITLE, do not use the current title “Thank you for contacting us!”, some users can not receive email with this title

If you are looking for visual composer adon of contact form, please check out here: Visual Composer Contact Form
Visual Composer Contact Form


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