Sandbox – CMS Development Manager Web Tool

Sandbox - CMS Development Manager Web Tool


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Managing your development platforms has never been easier : install, reinstall and delete your CMS’s projects in just 3 clicks!
Fasten your developments and manage all your installations from just one secured console.

  • Are you designing or developing themes for CMS like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Prestashop, …?
  • Are you customizing CMS/e-Shops/Blogs installations for your customers ?
  • Are you often installing the same plugins on your CMS?

Then, Sandbox is the tool you’ll like!

We have developed it on a simple ascertainment, how many times do you have to :

  • download the same CMS zip package
  • use the same list of optional plugin’s with it
  • upload it on your hosting plan
  • create and edit its settings
  • delete all the files from your server when you’re done
  • delete all the data in your databases when you finally think about it ?
  • do and redo these steps all over again for another CMS install ?

You don’t have to do all these things no more!

Using Sandbox will turn all these repetive tinquire ofs automatic: simply install, reinstall and delete your projects properly in just 3 clicks !

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General Features

  • quickly install / delete your favorite CMS
  • createvarious ready-to-install CMS packages with built-in plugins, languages support
  • automatically cleans your DB and files when you’re done
  • password-protected console
  • responsive console built with Bootstrap 3


Login & password : ‘demo’
You can create & delete sandboxes freely to help you familiarize with the tool.

(Our demo uses the most famous CMS/Shops/Blogs, you can ofcourse install many other ones too, read our support/faq page)

Sandbox is password-protected and uses Bootstrap to be fully responsive.


In order to use Sandbox, you must comply with these requirements :

  • php 5.3 support
  • dedicated mysql database with database and user creation permissions (e.g: dedicated servers, mutualized hosting plans with private database)
  • php mysqli library
  • read & write permissions on the root sandbox installation and all subdirectories

Change log

New with v.1.1.0

  • new option: export your files and database
  • create or duplicate custom installations with prepacked data with the new export function

New with v.1.0.2

  • Increased compatibility with some php configurations having displaying error E_NOTICE, buffering_output= Off

New with v.1.0.1

  • new option : sandbox maximum installation limit
  • pre-requisites warning & information display
  • support for multi-domain installation
  • updated documentation



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