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Have you ever needed to obtain a number of pictures from an internet site and needed to a number of proper clicks simply to avoid wasting them?– Script Harvest helps you do it in just some clicks.
How about making an attempt to downloading CSS, JS & Images recordsdata from an internet site? Have you ever needed to obtain the recordsdata from an internet site and likewise the folder construction? – Script Harvest would be the instrument you might be in search of.
Have you ever needed to obtain a free HTML template on the net and doesnt know the way? – Script Harvest is the suitable instrument for you. It downloads not solely the recordsdata but additionally the folder construction!
October 22, 2013:
- Rewrote a lot of the code; elevated pace, much less necessities, higher UI!
- Improved filtering model – with colourful buttons (See demo).
- Increased pace by extra 50% in comparison with earlier code!.
October 16, 2013:
- Fixed No show of JS reported error.
- Fixed the initially reported PHP errors.
To get this product on 50 p.c contact me on this link