Self-Hosted Google Fonts Pro

Self-Hosted Google Fonts Pro


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Automatically Host Google Fonts on Your Server

No CSS to edit. No fonts to download and upload. No changes to your themes or plugins. Hassle-free conversion for all themes and plugins. *

  • For all well-coded themes and plugins.

You can turn on/off the following:

  • Process Font Enqueues (<link> tags).
  • Process Fonts in theme/plugin’s CSS Files.
  • Process Fonts in Inline CSS.
  • Process Javascript WebFont Loader (by Google).

Performance: Font-Display Behavior

Browsers have invisible text until your font is downloaded which is wicked usability, and Google doesn’t let you control that. We have a unique feature for modern browsers that can use a fallback font immediately. No more invisible text.

Performance: Preload A Font

Preload is a modern browsers feature that can load your critical font as early as possible.

Language Subsets with More Control

Automatically handle the subsets defined by the theme/plugins but with more control.

BONUS: Ability to force language subsets. Great feature if your theme or plugin doesn’t allow this.

Premium Support

Need help? We have a dedicated support forums to assist you in any way we can.

Several More Features:

  • Unicode-Range: A font feature that will only load the font if that language subset is ever used on the page.
  • Verify It Works: A built-in feature to verify if the plugin is doing its job.
  • Process & convert Google Fonts via Inline CSS, @import in local CSS files, JS WebFont Loader.
  • Compatible with most Cache Plugins (W3TC and WP Super Cache tested).
  • Compatible with Autoptimize plugin’s CSS minification.
  • Browser Support for IE9+ and all Modern Browser.


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