SHIELD – Freelancer Content Management System

SHIELD - Freelancer Content Management System


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Shield CMS is a content management system, that has been created thinking about theme developers from Themeforest and a tool to help them out with a quick support system that can deliver support expiration dates, where you have all the control on purchase codes adquired from customers.

This CMS can be also used from developers from outside this market, and can be used by freelancers that need a CMS to help them provide an even more top-notch customer support.

Also this CMS offers you the possibility for saving client information, like Website links, passwords to access their webservers and website administration backends. There’s no need for creating a .txt file anymore…

You can have your work scheduled in a nice calendar where you can save your own events.

Along with these features you can use your dashboard to have control on page views and page hits on the themes you have currently being displayed on your server as theme previews.




  • NEW: Updated Purchase code with more Customer Information!
  • NEW: Quick add your new customer information to database!
  • Purchase Code Verify script included.
  • User registration and login.
  • Reset forgotten password and change password when the user is logged in.
  • Send password reactivation to email.
  • Edit user credentials from the admin panel.
  • Way to change language settings based on your own country.
  • Build on top of the Bootstrap v3.3.7.
  • Easy three steps installer for an easy configuration of the application.
  • Awesome and simple dashboard where you’ll have access to information about your Backoffice, and that display a quite number of features, like letting you track visualizations from other themes that you have currently online.
  • Nice calendar so you can schedule your work.
  • Area where you can save your clients information, like website, and server credentials.
  • Save your customers support dates, and track if they still have access to support from you.
  • Register themes that you have created and that need to be accessed. This works like a category for the passwords menu item.
  • This makes use from the category above (Themes). This is a way to keep and save login information without the need of saving passwords on browsers, or even on any txt files on your computer. Pretty handy!
  • Some nice javascript enhancements.
  • Easy and extended documentation!
  • Well documented code!
  • Awesome and fast Support!


  • PHP 5.3+, PHP 7.0+
  • MYSQLI PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • MySQL 5.x
  • Apache Mod Rewrite Enabled


  • Sweetalert
  • Application Installer
  • PHP Hit Counter
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • SB Admin 2
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap DataTables
  • Bootstrap FormValidation
  • FullCallendar


  • 100% Responsive Design
  • Powerful Admin Panel
  • PSR2 Coding Standards Followed
  • Nice Client And Server Side Form Validations
  • Secure From SQL Injections and XSS Attacks


You can test our script in our online preview here: Shield CMS


Version 2.2 || 27 June 2018

[Added]: Way to insert support data directly to database;
[Updated]: Purchase code verification with image and a few more information;
[Updated]: Documentation;

Version 2.1 || 20 April 2017

[Updated]: PHP 7.0 connection ready.

Version 2.0 || 21 February 2017

[Added]: Purchase Code Verify with Envato API.
[Changed]: SQL date to datetime type.
[Changed]: Add timestamp into Start and End of the created events.
[Fixed]: Error on Calendar when there wasn't any event created on database.
[Fixed]: Error Displaying date under one day event.
[Fixed]: Tipography on some words.
[Fixed]: Correct output of event days when having more than one day events.

Version 1.2 || 26 November 2016

[Added]: Possiblility to link to themes URL from counter under Dashboard;
[Updated]: Documentation;
[Fixed]: CSS minor improvements;

Version 1.1 || 23 November 2016

[Fixed]: Spacing issues from datetimepicker under events section;

Version 1.0 || 22 November 2016

[Release]: Initial release;


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