Simple Bulletin Board – Bootstrap Edition


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Simple Bulletin Board – Bootstrap Edition 4.3 June 14th 2017

Simple Bulletin Board - Bootstrap Edition - 1

New since 4.3 updated Bootstrap templates to Bootstrap 3.3.7, updated reCaptcha to latest, improved responsive behaviour widely, removed completely XHTML- and Bootstrap 2 support and templates, some smaller fixes

why the jump from 2.2 to 4.3?
The SBB Bootstrap Edition was previously a bundled version of the Simple Bulletin Board and the SBB Bootstrap Pack where the latest version of SBB was 4.2.02 – with the commencening of July 2017 the Simple Bulletin Board and the SBB Bootstrap Pack will no longer be available and only the current item, the Simple Bulletin Board – Bootstrap Edition will continue, and the SBB version number is taked for the current SBB-BSE item ….

New since 2.2 updated Bootstrap templates to Bootstrap 3.3.4, added 4×2 Bootstrap 3.3.4 templates, some modifications to templates and fixes for the SBB Core files … more in the changelog below

New since 2.1 updated Bootstrap 3.0.3 templates to Bootstrap 3.1.1, updated Bootstrap Select to latest…

New since 2.0 added 12 Bootstrap 3.0.3 templates, some improvements to the Bootstrap 2.3.2 templates … more in the changelog below

New since SBB-BSE 1.1 added reCAPTCHA as third captcha module, added social shares, added like posts, added dislike posts, … – more infos in the changelog further down

An easy to implement bulletin board (forum) for your homepage. Just add a view lines to one of your php-sites (e.g. myforum.php) and you have the board integrated to your website.

Only one file is needed to include the Bulletin Board

You are able to manage your members (activate, deactivate, delete them, edit them), nominate members to moderators or administrators, …


mysql 5.x (existing database)
php 5.x
optional GD-Library
CURL or allow_url_fopen for the reCAPCHTA validation and to get the youtube/vimeo video dimensions/ratio for correct embedding


  • Like Posts since V1.1
  • Don’t Posts since V1.1
  • Share Posts on social networks (Facebook, Google+, Twitter) since V1.1
  • reCAPTCHA as third captcha module since V1.1
  • Protecting forum from non-registered users
  • Private Messages System
  • Different permissions (view/post/reply) for different forums (including guests)
  • automatically resizeing of uploaded avatars
  • Indicating new topics
  • defaultXHTML template (light XHTML)
  • CarbonCity template (dark XHTML)
  • Silk template (dark XHTML)
  • sLime template (dark XHTML)
  • Marabellow template (dark XHTML)
  • Velvet template (dark XHTML)
  • default Bootstrap template (light Bootstrap template)
  • Bootswatch’s Cerulean template (light Bootstrap template)
  • Bootswatch’s Cyborg template (dark Bootstrap template)
  • Bootswatch’s Slate template (dark Bootstrap template)
  • Bootswatch’s Spacelab template (light Bootstrap template)
  • Add users in the board administration
  • External statistics module
  • External last topics module
  • External board avatars
  • Possibility to order (asc/desc) users by name, joining date, last login in userlists
  • Enable/Disable registration
  • Online board Administration
  • Enable/Disable user to user messaging
  • SEO links and titles
  • Categories (forums) for your board
  • Overall search function
  • Protecting from doubleposts caused by reloading or double-clicks or smthg. else  :)
  • Topics can be made to sticky ones
  • Threads can bed locked (closed)
  • enable/disable CAPTCHA-protection for registration (thx -> GD Library with GIF Support required)
  • GD-CAPTCHA alternative, for those their server doesn’t support the GD-Library – same lookalike
  • enable/disable/set number of topics per page
  • Avatars can be uploaded by users to their profiles
  • Signatures can be defined by users
  • Own templates can be defined
  • PNG-sources for the buttons are integrated
  • Users can register themself and are able to post topics immediately after registration and logging in
  • Administrators can make users to Administrators, Moderators and Default users
  • Moderators are able to delete posts, delete complete topics, activate/deactivate/edit/delete users
  • Adminfeature: moving topics
  • Adminfeature: multi topic management
  • Users can enable/disable board and user notifications
  • Users can contact other users via the board (if notification enabled)
  • Users will be notified if one of their active topics got a new post
  • BB-Code for topics and posts is implemented
  • Youtube Support
  • Vimeo Support
  • Attachments
  • Polls
  • RSS-Feeds
  • TextExports
  • Useractivation by User, by Admin, disabled
  • Whoisonline Block on frontpage
  • BoardStatistics on frontpage
  • Posts can be edited by users within defined timeslot (or not  :) )
  • Pagination for topics, posts, users and search results
  • Gravatar Support
  • Default Avatars
  • External Smilies
  • Multilanguage support English and German language support (filebased), other languages can be edited by copying existing folder and modifying its language files

Changelog – current Version: 4.3 June 14th 2017

Updates V4.3 June 14th 2017

  • updated: Bootstrap 3.3.4 Templates to Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • upgraded: Google’s reCaptcha to latest
  • improved: added better responsive behaviour for the whole forums widely on all BS3 Templates
  • fixed: Youtube/Vimeo video integration issues
  • removed: XHTML-Templates and XHTML-Support
  • removed: Bootstrap 2.x-Templates and Bootstrap 2.x-Support

Updates V2.2 May 4th 2015

  • updated: Bootstrap 3.1.1 Templates to Bootstrap 3.3.4 including some needed GTML Template modifications
  • added: 4×2 new Bootstrap 3.3.4 Templates (Bootswatch’ darkly, flatly, lumen, yeti)
  • fixed: updated quickskin template engine to change preg_replace with /e modifiers with preg_replace_callback equivalents
  • fixed: updated SBB Core to change preg_replace with /e modifiers with preg_replace_callback equivalents
  • some minor fixes

Updates V2.1 February 20th 2014

  • updated Bootstrap 3.0.3 templates to 3.1.1
  • updated bootstrap select 1.4.2 to 1.4.3

Updates V2.0 January 22nd 2014

  • added: 6 new fullwidth Bootstrap 3.0.3 Templates
  • added: 6 new slim Bootstrap 3.0.3 Templates for the use within sites
  • improved: Bootstrap Select for avatar selection
  • improved: light colored Bootstrap Select for all darker themes (slate, cyborg)
  • improved: nicier Poll Statistics

Updates V1.1 October 22nd 2013

  • added: reCAPTCHA module
  • added: social share row (facebook, google+ and twitter)
  • added: like post function
  • added: don’t like post function
  • refinement: Quickskin auto-cleanup equipped with directory checks
  • updates to all Templates (incl. SBB BSP 1.1)

update information included

1st Release V1.0 July 10th 2013

  • initial release based on Simple Bulletin Board SBB4+ Edition V4.1
  • including Simple Bulletin Board Bootstrap Pack 1.0

Credits and used technologies


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