Simple Fertility Secrets

Product Name: Simple Fertility Secrets


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– rejuvenate your body
– overcome all types of infertility
– improve the quality of your eggs
– fall pregnant with a healthy baby
– take control of your fertility situation
– have a baby in your 40’s
– prevent miscarriages
– balance your hormones
– relax and de-stress
– determine exactly when you are ovulating
– use ancient techniques to re-balance your body and mind
– use powerful techniques to get exactly what you want
– eat the foods that drastically improve fertility
– dramatically increase your fertility with certain supplements
– regain your personal power and many, many more benefits

Do you wish you could fall pregnant and have a beautiful, healthy baby? Have you been trying to conceive for ages and nothing seems to be happening? If you are reading this ebook, then the chances are that you have found yourself in a similar situation to where I was a few years ago, or, you would like to find out more information regarding infertility for someone you care about.

For many couples the heartbreaking experience of infertility is the first life crisis that they must face together. The realisation that there might be a fertility problem often comes as a shock as we never think it will happen to us, and infertility can be a complex and confusing journey.

This ebook provides information and tips on how to beat infertility and fall pregnant combining holistic methods with modern medicine. You CAN fall pregnant, EVEN if you are in your 40s or have major fertility issues such as high follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels, a history of miscarriages, failed IVF procedures, your partner has a low sperm count, you have endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, lazy ovaries or fibroids.

Don’t let age and failed attempts to fall pregnant discourage you. By following the methods in this ebook, you will be able to rejuvenate your body and maximize your chances of falling pregnant.

I was told by three different fertility doctors that I would never have children, but within three months, I fell pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy at the age of 40. In the following pages, I will share the things that worked for me.

I decided that I wasn’t going to believe that I couldn’t have children and I started taking action by doing research which led me to uncover natural methods to enhance fertility.

Western medicine wasn’t offering me any hope and I had decided I didn’t want to deal with insensitive doctors with bad “bedside manners”, and that I would fall pregnant no matter what.

The information I uncovered during my research, which I share with you in this ebook, made me realise that there indeed was a huge amount that I could do to prepare my body for a pregnancy, which many doctors do not know about. I began immediately, by changing my lifestyle, clearing my mind and refusing to let anybody or anything stand in my way.

I was determined to become a mother.

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse at the woman’s most fertile time. It can be more accurately defined in three different groups, namely: Primary and secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage.

Women who have never fallen pregnant fall into this group.

Women who have managed to fall pregnant and give birth to a child, but have difficulty in conceiving another child are considered to have secondary infertility.

Women may be diagnosed with infertility if they have had two or more miscarriages in a row.

Infertility can occur in both women and men, with a third of infertility cases being in women, a third in men and a third due to unexplained circumstances. Infertility refers to the biological inability of a person to contribute to procreating and can also refer to a woman being unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. It is a condition in the reproductive system which impairs conception.

Many factors are necessary when it comes to conceiving a baby, including healthy sperm, healthy eggs, unblocked fallopian tubes, the sperms ability to fertilise the egg, the ability of the embryo to implant itself in the uterus and the quality of the embryo, amongst many others.

Only 20 percent of all couples manage to achieve a pregnancy in the first month of trying for a baby. This drops to 5 percent in women over 40, at which age it can take quite a few ovulation cycles before a pregnancy is successful.

Ten percent of couples will still battle to fall pregnant after a year of trying, and this group is defined as “infertile”, although what most doctors don’t tell their patients when delivering the bad news is that it is often reversible and there usually IS a solution to falling pregnant. A lot of doctors also forget to mention that each cycle is different and that a woman could have an unhealthy egg or no egg in a cycle and the following month, she could have a viable egg.

At the time my journey into fertility began, I was in my late 30s. I had realised that if I wanted to have a child, it was going to have to be “now or never”. I was busy relocating to the Netherlands from South Africa and my husband and I had decided that we would start trying for a baby as soon as possible after having moved.

Unlike most couples with fertility issues, we hadn’t yet even tried to fall pregnant. Because of my age, I went to a renowned fertility clinic, for fertility tests, to see exactly what was going on with my body. I had always had the regular gynaecological check-ups, but I wanted to have more thorough tests, to be sure that everything was in order.

I never expected the bad news – the worst possible news, delivered early in the morning on Christmas Eve 2008 – “I’m sorry, but your test results confirm that you have NO eggs left, you are in premature menopause and the only options left to you of having a baby are either using a donor egg or adoption…”

I fainted from the shock and when I came round, I found a nurse standing there, stroking my cheek and with a cup of tea in the other hand. She said: “…you will go through a mourning period and when you are ready, you can chat to the doctor about our donor egg program…”

I said: “I’m sorry, I refuse to believe it, that’s ridiculous, I WILL have a baby and I have to get out of here right now!”; I drove to my parents; home in tears, feeling as if my world had come to an end. The first thing my mother said to me was: “Don’t listen to the bad news! Don’t believe it.”; In my heart, I actually didn’t.

I also didn’t really understand the meaning of my diagnosis, printed out on the doctor’s letterhead in medical terminology, so I began to do research and take action immediately. Taking action makes you feel much better. It takes you out of the victim role , puts you into survival mode and helps you to regain your personal power and strength.

After doing an extensive amount of research and putting everything that I uncovered into action, I was sure that my fertility situation had changed. I made an appointment with a new fertility specialist, this time in the Netherlands.

This specialist seemed a lot more positive initially, especially after seeing that my FSH levels had gone down substantially. I proceeded to go through a whole new batch of fertility tests, a repeat of what I had already gone through in South Africa, as well as a number of new, more advanced tests.

Feeling a lot more positive, I was not expecting the news that I received next : “I’m very sorry to tell you that your test results indicate that you are not a candidate for IVF, as we are not sure how many eggs you still have and the ones you may have are most likely of a very poor quality. We don’t think you will respond to hormone treatment either. There is, however a very slim chance that you could fall pregnant naturally, as your FSH levels have dropped, but it is highly unlikely. We won’t take you on as a patient as we feel it will be a waste of time and money”;.

I was of course devastated once again. I had really believed that after everything I had been doing I would at least be able to start an IVF program. I started looking at other fertility clinics as options and was more determined than ever to have my baby. I followed my holistic regime religiously and continued doing research as it was the only way I was able to feel hope.

Not long after this, I started to feel different. My instinct told me I was pregnant. I did two pregnancy tests, which were both negative. Very disappointing, but since I was still feeling a bit strange and had noticed some changes in my body, I decided to do one last test, on the morning of my 40th birthday…

POSITIVE!!!! I was pregnant!!

What an incredible birthday gift!

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“I just thought I would let you know that following Beryl’s advice, I am a few weeks pregnant! It is still very early days and I am using plenty of progesterone so as to keep the pregnancy going. Considering my diagnosis, which was similar to Beryl’s story but with the added complication of not having had any periods for nine months and having both adrenal and thyroid issues and an autoimmune disease, I couldn’t believe the news… It took one month for me to get pregnant from when I first started the program. I am so excited that it is possible to do this holistically when medical science could only tell me that a donor egg is the only way I would be able to get pregnant. I would have gone for IVF if it was an option for me, so I can only encourage women who are about to try that path to start down this road while they wait for IVF. I can’t say thank you enough Beryl, but bless you for sharing your story with us all, and all the best to others trying this solution…” 

“So now for the good news. I had a blood test the other day these are my results:  FSH 12.9 / LH 6.1 / Oestradiol 941 / Progesterone 1 
How unreal is that!!! My doctor says these results are the results of a normal 37-year-old women about to ovulate. I’m so excited… Am booked in with my IVF specialist in five weeks. That is the first available appointment. What a wait… I will keep you posted and once again thanks for making me believe in the unbelievable.” 

“Once again, thanks for pulling me out of my miserable state. You look so happy with your baby boy. I thought I would not be able to cope with my situation but now have decided to give everything else a huge big go. I have not been having my period and my FSH is very, very high so I’m looking very menopausal according to doctors and the ovarian reserve is not much at all. So according to the IVF specialist, nothing will work”. 

“Thanks for getting back to me when you have so many women contacting you… You have made a difference and given hope to so many. Thanks once again for making me feel much better about my situation.”  

“Amazing story. I am in tears! I’m 36 and have POF/early menopause. High FSH levels. NO periods for 4 months. I am grieving at the moment. I am going to try everything – it’s better than sitting around doing nothing about it and just listening to the doctor’s depressing prognosis. What great information. Thank you.” 

“… I have the same situation as you, no eggs, high FSH 22.7, age 44. Unlike you, I listened to doctor’s advice and went for a donor egg IVF cycle twice, which failed and ended in miscarriage. I’m so glad to find your website and am looking forward to trying all that you have tried. Thanks for giving me hope.” 

“Words like yours help improve things more than what any doctor could say at this point. Should things still work after all these failed attempts I would believe not only in miracles, but in God as well.” 

“Thank you for all your friendship and kindness and for all your support and wise advice. I must say you really lifted my spirits and have given me hope!” 

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2016 Beryl Dingemans – Simple Fertility Secrets – All rights reserved.


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Simple Fertility Secrets is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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