Simplex – Responsive HTML5 Template

Simplex – Responsive HTML5 Template


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Simplex is a clear, easy and responsive HTML5 template appropriate for digital businesses and studios.

Simplex is utilizing HTML5 and CSS3 with cellular units in thoughts. Simplex will mechanically regulate its measurement on varied units making certain a nice experiment for all guests.


Very properly coded, feels acquainted. I exploit Bootstrap & LESS for tasks, thought I’d do that and am not dissatisfied. Excellent work.



Update v1.3.2 [24 September 2012]:

  1. Fixed a bug with the contact type (Reports that the message is shipped but it surely by no means reaches the inbox)

Update v1.3.1 [8 August 2012]:

  1. Fixed a bug with jQuery Cookie plugin

Update v1.2.0 [17 June 2012]:

  1. Fixed IE9 bug on the compact portfolio

    On the compact portfolio (2 and three columns), it’s essential to NOT add a ‘src’ attribute to the photographs, as an alternative assign a ‘information-tsrc’ attribute pointing to the situation of the picture.

    This applies to all ‘img’ tags contained inside the .portfolio ingredient.

Update [15 June 2012]:

  1. Added four social icons within the footer: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus and YouTube

Update [7 June 2012]:

  1. Fixed the filterable portfolio bug reported by knightlab


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