SocialKit – The Ultimate Social Networking Platform

SocialKit – The Ultimate Social Networking Platform


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SocialKit is a Social Networking Platform that consists of various features including Live Chat, Pages, Groups, Messages, Stories, Comments, Likes, Shares, Notifications, #Hashtags, @Mentions, etc. It allows users to socialize with each other, share with their favorite community, connect with their favorite brands, artists, celebrities, and much more.
SocialKit is the fastest, most secured and regularly updated Social Networking Platform

FAQs, How-To, Tips, and Guide can be found in the Support Section.

SocialKit - The Ultimate Social Networking Platform - 1

SocialKit - The Ultimate Social Networking Platform - 2

Features (Demo)

  • Subscription Plans: Earn money from your website using Subscription Plans, offering paid-only access to Users for certain features.
  • Payment Methods: Lets Users pay you directly using their Paypal or Credit Cards.
  • Live Video/Audio Calls: Live Video/Audio Chat with your friends in Real-time.
  • Featured Users: Get featured on website (comes with Subscription plans)
  • Boost Posts: Boost your posts to reach more audiences.
  • Multimedia Upload: Upload a wide range of files: jpg,png,gif,mp3,mp4,pdf,zip,doc,docx and more
  • Themes: Change your website design however you like using Themes.
  • Reactions: React to posts in a variety of ways: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad & enraged.
  • Live Chat: Real-time live chat system like Facebook. Allows online users have live private conversation.
  • Messages: Send and receive private messages from other Users or Pages.
  • API for Developers: Develop android or iOS apps using API
  • User Timeline: Displays user’s public profile along with Stories, Photos, Events posted and shared by user, user’s current events and activities and more.
  • Page Timeline: Displays page’s public information along with Stories, Photos, Events posted by Page and more.
  • Group Timeline: Displays group’s information along with Stories, Photos, Events posted by the members of Group.
  • Cover: Dynamic & Draggable Cover for users, pages and groups timeline.
  • Home/News Feed: Displays Stories, Events, Photos posted by friends/followed people, pages, and groups. Also story filters and follow/friends suggestions.
  • Notifications: Receive notification whenever someone likes, comments or shares your post, mentions you in a post or follows you/adds you as friend.
  • #Hashtags: Displays trending and related topics shared by people and pages worldwide.
  • @Mentions: Use @usernames to tag people in a status.
  • Soundcloud, YouTube, Google Maps API Ready:
  • Likes: Like or unlike a post. View list of people who likes this.
  • Shares: Share or unshare a post. View list of people who shared this.
  • Search: Search for people, pages or groups.
  • Reports: Report stories and comments to be checked by administrators.
  • Privacy: Control who can message you, follow you, post on your timeline, confirm follow requests or not, etc.
  • Emoticons
  • Turn On/Off notifications for posts.
  • Verified Profiles and Pages.
  • Password recovery by email or username.
  • Fully responsive on all desktop, laptop, smartphones and tablets.
  • Fully interactive, dynamic and ajax-based.
  • and much more. (see live demo)

Admin Panel Features (Demo)

  • Manage Users: View, edit, verify, reset password, delete users.
  • Manage Pages: View, edit, verify, delete pages.
  • Manage Groups: View, edit, delete groups.
  • Statistics: Displays statistics about users registered, pages created, groups created, stories posted, liked, shared, reported, etc.
  • Theme System: Rich, dynamic theme system with PHP support that allows you to change the whole layout of the website.
  • Advertisement System: Display ads on your websites.
  • Manage Reports: View reported posts, mark them as safe or delete.
  • User settings: Set the default settings for users.
  • Page settings: Set the default settings for pages.
  • Group settings: Set the default settings for groups.
  • General Settings: Update general settings of website.
  • Admin Login: Change login details for admin panel.
  • Ability to censor words
  • and lots more. (see admin demo)

Updates | Changelog

Version [July 18, 2017]

– Added API 1.1 for Messenger
– Added Developer Apps
– Super Caching. 10x faster!
– Added IP Ban
– Added User Ban and Delete option
– Added Page Ban and Delete option
– Added Group Ban and Delete option
– Added Language Import/Export
– Added Search by Country, City, Hometown, Page Categories
– Improved Android WebView application
– Updated Audio/Video calls Twilio Library
– Update Google+ Library
– Updated Paypal Live mode
– Fixed many minor bugs
– and more!

Version 2.5 [26 April, 2017]

– Added Subscription Plans
– Added Audio/Video Calls
– Added Colors for Chat
– Added Featured Users
– Added Payment Options (Paypal, Credit Cards, etc)
– Added Boost Posts
– New Chat Design
– Brand New Admin Panel!
– New and improved design!
– Better SEO
– Added Announcement Header
– Added Google Analytics
– Android WebView Application included
– Added Google Analytics
– Latest SDK for Social Logins
– Added Document Upload Support
– Added Last Seen
– Added Infinite Scrolling
– and more!

Version 2.4 [25 December, 2016]

– Added Mentions
– Added Paging
– Added Event Delete Option
– Added Album Edit Option
– Fixed Event Time Bug
– Fixed Event post on Timeline bug
– Fixed HTML encoding in Story Edit Mode
– Fixed Distortion for smaller resolution images
– Fixed YouTube URL input in YouTube Search
– Fixed Edit Translation in Admin Panel
– Fixed Map Location Preview
– Fixed and Improved URL Preview
– and more!

Version 2.3 [24 August, 2016]

– Added Events
– Fixed Page Titles
– Fixed Commenting on Posts on Individual Story Pages
– Fixed Comment Notifications
– Fixed Reaction Box Design Conflict
– Fixed “Disable Registration” & “Enable Smooth Links” conflict in Admin panel
– and more!

Version 2.2 [14 June, 2016]

– Added Social Logins (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram)
– Added Edit Posts
– Added Photo Comments
– Added Language Importer
– Added User avatar display on Welcome Page
– Welcome Page Redesign
– Fixed YouTube Search video implementation
– Fixed Image distortion
– Fixed Suggestions visible while empty
– Fixed Hovering on Post username displays reaction box
– Fixed Suggested groups “type” info translation
– Fixed Messages Page “View more” duplicates
– and more!

Version 2.1.0 [08 April, 2016]

– Added Reactions for Posts (Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, enraged)
– Added API for Developers
– Added Privacy for individual posts
– Improved design quality
– Signup page scroll down bug fixed!
– Post text duplicate bug fixed!
– Change language bug fixed!
– Friend request link fixed!
– and more!

Version 2.0.0 [03 February, 2016]

– Brand New Addon System!
– 7 Addons included for Free!
– Video Upload (Addon)
– Audio Upload (Addon)
– URL Preview (Addon)
– Verified immoralge in Stories (Addon)
– Verified immoralge in Comments (Addon)
– Account Deactivation option
– 2 New Themes!
– Languages are now editable from Admin panel
– Brand new Welcome page!
– and more!

Version 1.3.8 [10/11/2015]

– Added New Premium Theme “Blackberry”.
– Fixed Generating Notification issue in Comments.
– Fixed Text Encoding issue in Notifications.
– Fixed Typo mistakes.

Version 1.3.7 [10/09/2015]

– Fixed appearance of Posts by Others on Pages timeline.
– Fixed notification received by Page admins when someone posts on Page.
– Fixed Expiration of trends after 24 hours.
– Fixed typo mistakes.

Version 1.3.6 [16/07/2015]

– Fixed Image Orientation in Android and iPhone devices
– Fixed GIF support issue.
– Fixed saving changes in E-mail notification settings.
– Fixed post repetition in auto-update Newsfeed.
– Fixed comment control buttons in Image Lightbox mode.
– Fixed receiving Notifications for posts.
– Fixed receiving E-mail notifications for own activities.
– Fixed comment fractureing out of context.

Version 1.3.5 [08/07/2015]

– Added E-mail notifications
– Added HTML template system for E-mail notifications
– Added option to opt-out/opt-in for individual E-mail notifications for Users
– Now supports YouTube API v3
– Fixed Share issue
– Fixed user language issue in On-site notifications
– Fixed count issue in On-site notifications
– Fixed null title issue in creating new Albums
– Fixed online issue in Chat & Messages
– Fixed typo in various places

Version 1.3 [01/04/2015]

– Bug fixes
– Optimizations

Version 1.2.3

– Bug fixes in privacy settings and encoding.

Version 1.2.2

– Bug fixes in Post, Albums, Languages, privacy, hashtags and etc.

Version 1.2.1

– Bug fixes in Post privacy, Album, Encoding, Emoticons, and Settings page.

Version 1.2

– Added Friends System
– Added Announcement feature
– Added Photo Album
– Added Lightbox
– Added Post Privacy
– Everything has been Ajaxified
– Added option to add Birthday, Location, Hometown, About in registration form
– Added option to limit characters to Posts, Comments and Messages
and much more!

Version 1.1

– Added Emoticons
– Added Email verification
– Added Facebook login
– Newsfeed update in real-time (every 60 seconds)
– Improved Hashtag. Now supports Unicode characters.
– Custom embedding to YouTube and Soundcloud
– More translatable strings
– Ability to delete own messages
– Ability to turn off chat system
– Keep me logged in option for users
and much more!

Requirements: PHP 5.3 or 5.3+, MySQLi and GD Library.


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