Space Host WHMCS & HTML Landing Page


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Space Host Landing Page | The freshest method to promote your internet hosting service. Space Host constructed specifically to spice up your gross sales and provides your web site the contemporary and enticing look. Hosting, Never been so Simple and Fresh!

Space Host WHMCS & HTML Landing Page - 1

Space Host WHMCS & HTML Landing Page - 2

Space Host WHMCS & HTML Landing Page - 3

Space Host WHMCS & HTML Landing Page - 4

Space Host WHMCS & HTML Landing Page - 5

Note – Images in ( Logos, Testimonials ) will not be included.

* Change log *

11 Apr 2020 Ready for WHMCS 7.10.0
Files to interchange:

- clientareacontacts.tpl
- clientareadetails.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/types.css
- contains/verifyemail.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js 
- js/whmcs.js
- retailer/codeguard/index.tpl
- retailer/css/model.css
- retailer/marketgoo/index.php
- retailer/marketgoo/index.tpl
- retailer/order.tpl
- retailer/promos/upsell.tpl
- retailer/sitelock/index.tpl
- retailer/sitelockvpn/
- retailer/spamexperts/index.tpl
- retailer/ssl/index.tpl
- retailer/ssl/shared/options.tpl
- retailer/weebly/index.tpl
- retailer/weebly/grasp.js
- upgrade-configure.tpl
- theme.yaml

- Standard Cart

12 Jan 2020 Ready for WHMCS 7.9
Files to interchange:

- account-paymentmethods-manage.tpl
- account-paymentmethods.tpl
- clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- clientareaproductusagebilling.tpl
- creditcard.tpl
- css/all.css 
- css/all.min.css 
- css/bill.css 
- css/types.css 
- footer.tpl
- contains/captcha.tpl 
- contains/generate-password.tpl 
- invoice-payment.tpl 
- js/scripts.js 
- js/scripts.min.js 
- js/whmcs.js 
- oauth/css/index.php 
- fee/financial institution/inputs.tpl 
- fee/financial institution/choose.tpl 
- fee/financial institution/validate.tpl 
- fee/billing-address.tpl 
- fee/card/inputs.tpl 
- fee/card/choose.tpl 
- fee/card/validate.tpl 
- fee/invoice-summary.tpl 
- retailer/codeguard/index.php 
- retailer/css/index.php 
- retailer/css/model.css 
- retailer/order.tpl 
- retailer/promos/index.php 
- retailer/sitelock/index.php 
- retailer/sitelockvpn/index.php 
- retailer/sitelockvpn/index.tpl 
- retailer/spamexperts/index.php 
- retailer/ssl/index.php 
- retailer/ssl/index.tpl 
- retailer/ssl/shared/index.php 
- retailer/weebly/index.php 
- usagebillingpricing.tpl 
- viewinvoice.tpl
- theme.yaml

- standard_cart folder    

6 Oct 2019 Ready for WHMCS 7.8.3
Files to interchange:

- creditcard.tpl 
- contains/captcha.tpl 
- js/scripts.js 
- js/scripts.min.js

- standard_cart folder    

7 Sep 2019 Ready for WHMCS 7.8.2
Files to interchange:

- account-paymentmethods-billing-contacts.tpl 
- account-paymentmethods-manage.tpl
- account-paymentmethods.tpl 
- clientareaaddcontact.tpl
- clientareachangepw.tpl 
- clientareacontacts.tpl
- clientareacreditcard.tpl
- clientareadomaindetails.tpl
- clientareainvoices.tpl
- clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- clientareaquotes.tpl 
- clientareasecurity.tpl
- clientregister.tpl
- creditcard.tpl 
- css/all.css 
- css/all.min.css 
- css/blue.png 
- css/blue@2x.png
- css/bill.css
- css/types.css
- css/styles-modified.css
- footer.tpl
- header.tpl
- contains/generate-password.tpl 
- invoicepdf.tpl 
- js/scripts.js 
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- login.tpl
- masspay.tpl
- oauth/login.tpl
- password-reset-change-prompt.tpl
- password-reset-container.tpl
- password-reset-email-prompt.tpl 
- password-reset-security-prompt.tpl
- pwreset.tpl 
- retailer/css/model.css
- retailer/ssl/competitive-upgrade.tpl
- retailer/ssl/dv.tpl
- retailer/ssl/ev.tpl
- retailer/ssl/index.tpl
- retailer/ssl/ov.tpl
- retailer/ssl/shared/certificate-pricing.tpl
- retailer/ssl/shared/options.tpl 
- retailer/ssl/shared/logos.tpl 
- retailer/ssl/shared/nav.tpl
- viewannouncement.tpl
- viewinvoice.tpl 
- viewquote.tpl
- viewticket.tpl
- theme.yaml

- standard_cart folder    

19 Feb 2019 Ready for WHMCS 7.7.1
Files to interchange:

- clientareaaddcontact.tpl
- clientareacontacts.tpl
- clientareacreditcard.tpl
- clientareadetails.tpl
- clientareadomaindetails.tpl
- clientareadomains.tpl
- clientareahome.tpl
- clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- clientareaproducts.tpl
- clientregister.tpl
- contact.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/types.css
- header.tpl
- contains/captcha.tpl
- contains/head.tpl
- invoicepdf.tpl
- js/scripts.js
- js/scripts.min.js
- js/whmcs.js
- login.tpl
- retailer/codeguard/index.tpl
- retailer/css/model.css
- retailer/weebly/improve.tpl
- supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl
- upgrade-configure.tpl
- viewinvoice.tpl
- theme.yaml

 - standard_cart folder

3 Sep 2018 Ready for WHMCS 7.6.1
Files to interchange:

- clientareacreditcard.tpl
- css/all.css
- css/all.min.css
- css/types.css
- knowledgebase.tpl
- knowledgebasearticle.tpl
- twitterfeed.tpl

 - standard_cart folder

2 Aug 2018 Ready for WHMCS 7.6
Files to interchange:

WHMCS model:

associates.tpl - bulletins.tpl - banned.tpl - clientareaaddcontact.tpl - clientareacontacts.tpl - clientareacreditcard.tpl - clientareadomaincontactinfo.tpl - clientareadomaindetails.tpl - clientareadomains.tpl - clientareaemails.tpl - clientareahome.tpl - clientareainvoices.tpl - clientareaproductdetails.tpl - clientareaproducts.tpl - clientareaquotes.tpl - clientregister.tpl - contactaccessdenied.tpl - creditcard.tpl - domain-pricing.tpl - downloads.tpl - downloadscat.tpl - error/page-not-found.tpl - error/unknown-routepath.tpl - footer.tpl - header.tpl - contains/head.tpl - contains/modal.tpl - contains/sidebar.tpl - contains/tablelist.tpl - contains/verifyemail.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/twitter.js - js/whmcs.js - knowledgebase.tpl - knowledgebasearticle.tpl - knowledgebasecat.tpl - managessl.tpl - oauth/redirect.tpl - serverstatus.tpl - retailer/css/model.css - retailer/order.tpl - retailer/promos/upsell.tpl - retailer/sitelock/index.tpl - retailer/spamexperts/index.tpl - retailer/ssl/competitive-upgrade.tpl - retailer/ssl/index.tpl - retailer/ssl/shared/certificate-pricing.tpl - retailer/ssl/shared/options.tpl - retailer/weebly/index.tpl - retailer/weebly/grasp.js - retailer/weebly/improve.tpl - subscription-manage.tpl - supportticketslist.tpl - supportticketsubmit-confirm.tpl - supportticketsubmit-stepone.tpl - supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl - ticketfeedback.tpl - twitterfeed.tpl - upgrade-configure.tpl - viewannouncement.tpl - viewemail.tpl - viewinvoice.tpl - viewquote.tpl - viewticket.tpl

 - css folder
 - webfonts folder
 - standard_cart folder
 - spacehost_cart folder

HTML model:
- All Files

17 Apr 2018 Bugfix – change “style.css” file.

17 Apr 2018 Updated for WHMCS 7.5.1
Files to interchange: “js/scripts.js”, “js/scripts.min.js” and the “standard cart” within the “orderforms”

18 Apr 2018 Bugfix – change “style.css” and “styles-modified.css” information.

24 Apr 2018 Bugfix – change “standard cart”.

3 Apr 2018 Updated for WHMCS 7.5
Files to interchange:

bulletins.tpl - clientareadetails.tpl - clientareadomaindetails.tpl -
clientareadomains.tpl - clientregister.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/types.css - domain-pricing.tpl - homepage.tpl - contains/head.tpl - contains/tablelist.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/whmcs.js - knowledgebase.tpl - knowledgebasearticle.tpl - knowledgebasecat.tpl - retailer folder - subscription-manage.tpl - upgrade-configure.tpl - viewannouncement.tpl

15 Nov, 2017 Updated for WHMCS 7.4
Files to interchange:

creditcard.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/index.php - css/types.css - error/index.php - fonts/index.php - header.tpl - img/flags.png - img/flags@2x.png - img/index.php - contains/index.php - index.php - js/index.php - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - knowledgebase.tpl - oauth/index.php - retailer/index.php - retailer/spamexperts/index.tpl - retailer/spamexperts/grasp.js - retailer/weebly/improve.tpl

To replace the “header.tpl” file with out changing it:
– Add the next code to the physique tag:


To be appear to be this:

<physique data-phone-cc-input="{$phoneNumberInputStyle}" 

5 Oct, 2017 Updated for WHMCS 7.3
Files to interchange:

clientareaaddcontact.tpl - clientareacontacts.tpl - clientareacreditcard.tpl - clientareasecurity.tpl - clientregister.tpl - css/all.css - css/all.min.css - css/bill.css - css/types.css - css/model.css - css/styles-modified.css - error/page-not-found.tpl - footer.tpl - header.tpl - contains/captcha.tpl - contains/linkedaccounts.tpl - contains/verifyemail.tpl - js/scripts.js - js/scripts.min.js - js/whmcs.js - knowledgebasearticle.tpl - login.tpl - retailer/spamexperts/index.tpl - retailer/ssl/dv.tpl - retailer/ssl/ev.tpl - retailer/ssl/index.tpl - retailer/ssl/ov.tpl - retailer/ssl/wildcard.tpl - retailer/weebly/index.tpl - retailer/weebly/improve.tpl - twitterfeed.tpl - viewinvoice.tpl

13 June, 2017 Updated for WHMCS 7.2.2
22 May, 2017 Styling bug repair – change “styles-modified.css” & retailer folder.
21 May, 2017 Styling bug repair – change “styles-modified.css” file solely.
18 May, 2017 Updated for WHMCS 7.2.1.


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