
Click here to get SpecForce Abs – 6 WEEKS TO SIX PACK ABS THAT ARE AS HOT AS THEY ARE “DEADLY” at discounted price while it’s still available…

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SpecForce Abs – 6 WEEKS TO SIX PACK ABS THAT ARE AS HOT AS THEY ARE “DEADLY” is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Whether you’re a man or a woman. If you struggle to reveal your flat and firm midsection — or even if you want a set of ripped six pack abs — I’ve got a quick story for you. And it holds the key to getting the flat and defined abs you desire…

It was a hot and humid day in June 2014. We planned and waited for hours. And finally my S.W.A.T. Team
swooped in on the objective. We brought down the bad guy in seconds. There was no loss of life or even injury to the perp. And in a minute I’ll tell you why this one mission illustrates the first rule of flat abs…

You see… In this letter you’ll discover the closely guarded methods used by elite Spec Ops units around the globe to get an unfair advantage in core strength and function. And…

You’ll see how a scientifically created “coordinated assault” on core training has the side effect of creating the perfect athletic and sexy looking flat belly or six pack abs you want…

This may sound crazy. Yet directly training your “abs” with traditional situps and crunches is the fastest way to get into pain, injury and even look fatter…

And believe it or not I’ve been there too. You’ll see in a minute how I hit rock bottom. I lost my elite Special Ops physique. And suffered a soft, jiggly gut…

My female clients named theirs the “mommy pouch” or the “muffin top.”

When your belly rolls over the top of your pants and you have to hide it under baggy tops. Or…

You buy pants a size too big just to provide some relief from the constant “squeeze” of the waistband. And no matter what you try…

It seems the weight around the middle will never go away. And you’re stuck with a pudgy and bloated feeling no matter how many sit ups you do or how many miles you spend on the treadmill…

Listen: as simple as it seems… What finally turned things around for me was coming back to my Spec Ops roots. I had to rediscover the flat abs methods the lab coats had created for us. The ones that got me my bulletproof core the first time. You see…

There are 5 specific abs training factors we teach. You’ll learn all 5 in this letter. And you’ll see they’ll give you the flat belly you want while you actually bulletproof your core and watch your human performance skyrocket…

We discovered that without using these key training methods you actually thicken your waist. You risk injury and inflammation that stops fat burning. And you actually force your gut into a pouch that makes you look fatter…

When I was an SSF soldier in the Canadian Military I took these cutting edge methods for granted. So when I left the military and fell back on more traditional training techniques I went into a tailspin. And I personally experienced being fat, depressed and wondering what the heck happened…

Look: I won’t lie… I love strolling out of the surf and feeling the admiring glances of women on the beach (and the jealous looks from other guys)…

It’s human nature for Spec Ops men and women to love their amazing abs. However…

Believe me when I say it’s a side effect of the training. When you’re preparing to go into the theatre of operations the furthest thing from your mind is how great you’ll look at the pool…

What you’re thinking about is how you can gain an edge. You look for even the smallest advantage. You need to function at a higher level than the “bad guys.”

Be stronger. Move faster. Be more agile. More deadly. And…

You soon realize the key that brings all those qualities together is your core. Which is why…

Special Operators train their core… and they end up getting amazing abs…

That’s the real secret you’ll learn today. I’m going to help you turn your core into a perfectly functioning, injury-proof, high performance machine. And your “fringe benefit” is going to be the most amazing looking midsection you’ve ever imagined…

All I ask is that you forget everything you’ve ever heard about training your abs…

When I reveal my embarrassing photo in a minute you’ll see how bad I looked when I was training my abs wrong. What you won’t see is all the bad stuff that was happening to my health. On my insides…

Not only did I feel horrible, I was quickly crunching myself into a vicious cycle of accelerated aging. So please…

Avoid these 3 unnecessary risks of traditional abs training…

The visible sign that you’re ruining your youth with crunches and other faulty abs training methods is your “hunch.” Even most guys and gals who look fit and enjoy a six pack suffer to some degree from this condition…

It’s called Kyphosis. Poor abs training causes overactive upper abdominals that pull the upper body forward. This creates a stooped posture that increases stress on your low back. Not only that…

The scariest part is what’s going on deep inside your gut. Your unbalanced abs actually pull your breastbone toward your pubic bone and compress your internal organs. Your abdominal organs become “stuck”. They can’t function the way they are supposed to… causing accelerated disease and aging.

Unless you train your abs the right way… Not only do you look old with your hunched gorilla stoop, you actually start aging faster from the inside!…

Another visible effect of unbalanced core strength is a pot belly. Yes! Training your abs wrong actually makes you look fatter!…

When you train your abs the wrong way you over-tighten a set of muscles called your hip flexors…

One of the hip flexors — the psoas major — originates on the discs of the lower back and inserts on the top of your thigh bone…

When you shorten and tighten your hip flexors with the wrong kinds of abs training you actually pull your pelvis forward and down. This gives you a sagging belly that makes you look like you’re 5-10 lbs heavier than you actually are!…

And not only will you look fatter than you are… your distorted pelvis will end up giving you serious back pain. Yet the danger to your back can be much more severe…

Here’s where your quest for flat abs can get downright dangerous!…

Most abs exercises force your spine into extreme flexing. Yet we now know this increases something called intra-discal pressure. Basically this is like pressing on a jelly donut and increasing the pressure on the jelly inside.

If you press hard enough the jelly will squirt out. And that’s exactly what happens to the fluids inside your disc when enough pressure builds up — causing what’s called disc protrusion or worse… disc hernias…

It can take months of painful treatment to recover from a hernia. That’s not an option for an Operator. And I know it’s not an option for you either!…

So let’s find out the right way for you to train your abs that gives you a healthy core, beautiful posture, and a stunning midsection…

You’re about to discover the simple principle that will 3x the speed and results of your abs training. However first let’s get an overview of your core and what it does for you functionally…

Your abdominal muscles perform the important functions of stabilizing, flexing and rotating your trunk. They also help you to breathe.

More importantly for Special Operators… Your core also transfers power from one part of your body to another. For example…

When I get into a shooting stance for an MP5 or G36 I’m absorbing 9x my bodyweight through my core to be absorbed by my legs and into the ground. So…

You can see why your core is so much more than just how you look in your swim gear. However once you nail the FUNCTION of your core you’re going to be hotter than a bouncing slow-mo Baywatch intro… 🙂

When I plan any mission, I need to take the entire theater into consideration. And I break it down into specific Fields of Action…

Bulletproofing your abs is no different. You have to train them in 360°. And once you understand the three specific Fields of Action you’ll be able to stage a full assault on your midsection…

The rectus abdominis is the long muscle that runs from your rib cage to your pelvis. It’s dissected vertically by a thin sheath of connective tissue, and horizontally by tendinous attachments that create six pack abs most guys are looking for.

The rectus abdominis helps to flex the spinal column. More importantly it stabilizes against lengthening and helps stabilize the trunk during movements involving the extremities. This is the secret to my abs training system!

The internal and external obliques work like a corset to define your waistline. These cinch you up and give you that V-tapered and slim-waisted look that is hardwired to be attractive to both men and women.

My system activates your obliques in a unique sequence that “wraps” your core in a protective sheath that will open up a whole new world of abs flattening exercise that’s been shown to work 3x faster than traditional training…

The posterior chain is simply the backside of your body. Its primary muscles include the lower back, gluteus maximus (butt), hamstrings, and spinal erectors.

You may be scratching your head wondering why it’s included in the three Abdominal Fields of Action. Here’s why…

The Posterior Chain is the glue that binds your core together and will allow you to achieve the “spinal neutral” position that is central to my System and will unlock your abs development…

Once I fully understood the combined actions of the 3 Abdominal Fields of Action I was finally able to perfect my 5-part system below that allowed me to come back stronger, healthier and with the most badass six-pack of my life… in my 30s and beyond…

Listen: what you’re about to discover is only for men and women who are ready to think outside the box. It’s for folks who are ready to stop following like sheep and willing to embrace a simple method. A method that makes getting a flat belly easier and faster…

The 5 Factors below are the exact roadmap I adapted from my Special Operations training. I used them to transform from an average midsection back to my elite physique. And they will give you the flat abs you desire and deserve without the risk or the wasted time and effort…

I’m no stranger to a flak jacket. In fact I’ve relied on it throughout my career to protect my life. Yet having your own “bulletproof” wrapping around your core is almost as important. In fact…

The first requirement for a core that functions at 100% is the ability to create the supportive “stiffness” of the muscles in all 3 Abdominal Fields of Action. This creates a virtual body armor around your midsection. And it provides the foundation for the rest of your core development. Unfortunately…

9 out of 10 civilian men and women have completely lost the ability to create the appropriate abdominal stiffness. So I created a simple progression of exercises that quickly accelerates your mastery of this Abdominal Armoring™ technique.

Remember the story I told you in the 2nd paragraph of this letter? Here’s why it’s important…

By now you understand there are 3 distinct Abdominal Fields of Action. Unless they work together you risk injury and poor health. Not only that, it will be impossible to craft the flat abs you desire.

Most abs training programs focus only on the front flexion of the Rectus — the six pack muscle. At best they focus on each of the three Abdominal Fields of Action separately.

Yet it’s only when you strategically combine activation of the Rectus, Obliques and Posterior Chain that you will develop strong, functional, flat and beautiful abs.

My team came together perfectly during that mission to bring down the bad guy. And my abs training System shows you an easy progression that naturally brings your abs together for a powerful and synergistic activation of the entire core.

Almost every abs training program focuses on something called Concentric Contractions — which is making the muscle shorter. However science shows us why that’s NOT the best way and may even cause injury and organ health problems…

By measuring muscle activation through electrical activity scientists have clearly shown that another specific activation method I call Fixed Angle Contraction™ actually causes the highest number of abdominal muscle fibers to fire. And…

That means faster muscle development and a shorter cycle to get the flat abs you want.

My primary goal when I was training new SWAT recruits was to accelerate their performance as quickly as possible without getting them injured. Which is why…

You WILL progress as quickly as possible through my abs training System thanks to the innovation of TQ Work Ups™.

TQ stands for Tissue Quality. Each stage of my System is designed to upgrade the Tissue Quality in every Abdominal Field of Action so that you can progress to the next stage.

Work Ups are the name we give to progressive skill development in the Spec Ops world. So in a shooting exercise a recruit’s Work Up may progress from blanks, to static live fire, to dynamic live fire…

In my abs training System you’ll know exactly when to progress to the next stage of TQ Work Ups by simply following the done-for-you plan. When you achieve one mission you’ll be given the next. Simple as that…

I watched a personal trainer the other day at the gym. He was running his client through an “abs workout.” And it made me cringe because it was like he was wearing a blindfold at the shooting range!…

He had no idea which exercises give you the most precise muscle activation because I bet he’s NEVER even looked at the data…

In my System we use something called EMG — Electromyography — to precisely and strategically target the exercises that are going to give you maximum muscle fibre activation at precisely the right time in your progression.

For example… one SINGLE tweak I made in my program to a common abs exercise increased lower abs muscle activation by 71.3%. That’s HUGE… and when you add up the combined effect of all the improvements provided by Strategic Target Selection™ …

… It means you’re sighting your abs target with laser focused precision. And you never miss the mark!…

Now: I promised to reveal my embarrassing photo. The one taken when I lost my way and let myself get distracted by all the noise of mainstream training and nutrition advice. And you’ll see it below. However…

I’m also going to show you how I look now. And believe it or not…

The abs I have today take LESS time. And they don’t involve the painful, boring and dangerous abs exercises you’ve tried before…

Now I invest only the PRECISE amount of effort and time needed — on the RIGHT exercises — to get the FASTEST results. And that’s my promise to you…

No more guessing games. No more endless crunches. No more “pseudoscience” workouts that put your health at risk. In fact…

The System I used to climb back to top shape will not only give you amazing abs. It’ll injury-proof your core while it massages your internal organs back to optimal health and function. And…

You get to cut corners and see results more quickly because you are piggy backing off Spec Ops researchers and field experiments…

I’ve distilled it all down for you into a simple, quick and done-for-you system that delivers a sexy midsection and a strong core with the minimum possible time investment…

As soon as you get your hands on the Specforce Abs Handbook, open it up to page 6 and start working through the Recon Phase of the System.

You’ll immediately see that you’ve jumped ahead and that you’re participating in the future of core training…

By the end of your first week using Recon you’ll experience more power and spring in your step.

Your increased core function will start showing itself in everything from lifting groceries out of your trunk to reaching overhead to pull something off the shelf.

And you’ll quickly power up your golf swing or any other sports and activities you love…

Before the end of 14 days you’ll see a striking difference in how flat your belly looks. Take pictures because just looking at the difference in the bathroom mirror will make you wonder if you’re seeing things!…

And in just 6 weeks — if you also use the bonus nutrition tweaks in the Handbook — you’ll start to see your masterpiece being unveiled. And…

Depending on whether you’re a man or a woman, here’s what to expect…

So many people still believe women and men need to train differently. Truth is…

I train my female clients the same way as my male clients. In fact… take a look at the picture of my colleague Kyla. She uses the exact same abs training system as me.

Yet she gets the flat and feminine abs she wants. The difference is…

A woman’s body has a completely different hormone balance to a man’s. Which means that proper training will create the precise firm and toned female shape that nature prescribes. And…

That shape is what men are hardwired to find attractive and sexy…

So a woman never has to worry about getting “bulky” or “thick” using Specforce Abs because it’s carefully crafted to bring out your most natural and attractive shape.

Now guys are another story. Male hormones will generate a different response to the same abs training system. And…

When guys use the Specforce Abs system it will naturally enhance male hormones like testosterone and IGF-1 so that you finally progress beyond soft 2-Pack or 4-Pack abs… And get the rugged, ripped and masculine 6-Pack you desire!…

And because my System trains your core in 360° you’ll still have the perfect V-shape that’s so attractive to women — even though you’ve got rugged and masculine definition to your abs…

I can tell you first-hand how much more confidence that gives you around other men. Even if you already workout… when you take your shirt off you’ll never be part of the Alpha male group if you don’t have 6 Pack abs and a V-shaped upper body…

Yet the best part is, even if you’ve been trying forever to get the abs you want… this works at ANY age…

Listen: I’m 44 years old right now…

When I hit rock bottom and fought my way back to elite physical shape to rejoin the Ops world I was in my 30s…

Now men and women in their 50s, 60s and even 70s are using my methods. And…

It’s guaranteed to get results. In fact it may even get better results the older you are because you no longer benefit from the wild and raging hormones of kids in their 20s…

You need to ditch the idea of “No Pain, No Gain” and embrace the fact that you have to work SMARTER… not harder…

Just follow the system and you WILL get the sexy midsection you desire. You WILL feel proud to show it off at the beach. You WILL feel the power and performance of a well tuned core. The real question is…

Will you embrace this opportunity?

I won’t lie. I don’t have a magic package of “abs in bottle”…

Experiencing the thrill of showing off your beautiful midriff will require some work and consistency. However what I have done is distill that work into the tightest, quickest, safest and most efficient system possible. And…

I guarantee you’ll invest ONLY the exact effort and time required to get results as quickly as possible. So…

Will you take up that challenge? Will you be the one who shows up at the beach or the pool next month, excited to peel off your shirt and show the flat, toned abs that lie underneath?…

Will you be the guy or gal at the gym who gets all the covert (and maybe jealous) glances from the folks who struggle with a protruding lower belly no matter how many hours they spend exercising?…

And will you be one of the lucky few to feel the daily power of experiencing a healthy, perfectly tuned core?…

6 weeks from now where will you be?…

Will you be enjoying the glory of your new, strong, functional, and beautiful abs? Or will you be scratching your head and wondering why you didn’t bother to take action today?…

Will your belly pouch still be sagging down or will it be cinched up tight and flat?…

Will you be back in your slim waisted pants or still wearing them oversized?…

Will you be hiding behind your baggy tops or excited about slipping on something more form fitting?

The sad truth is, 9 out of 10 people that read this page will never enjoy the excitement of showing off their tight new midriff…

Only ONE person in ten will take action. The rest will still be embarrassed to reveal their muffin top, beer gut, mommy pouch, or whatever you want to call it…

That’s not what I want for you! And I know that’s not what you desire for yourself. In fact…

If you’re still with me I KNOW that you have what it takes. You can be the ONE person out of ten that has the courage to take action today. Which is why…

Because I admire folks like you who are ready to take action…

If you’re willing to make the small time investment for the life-changing rewards you’ll get from Specforce Abs…

If you’re willing to be an example and role model for others around you, and share your shining results with other folks in our community…

I have to limit this one-time offer to the first 2000 men and women to take action. After that it’s just not fair to call you a “fast action” taker…

So make sure you act on your objective today!…

Did you know that the toxins, bloat and inflammation in your gut is probably adding as much as 3 inches to your TRUE waist size right now?…

Stress, pollutants, and even hidden ingredients in so-called “healthy” foods are causing gut inflammation in 100% of people in industrialized countries…

That inflammation and bloating pushes out on your gut lining and makes you look way fatter than you really are. Worse… it triggers a domino effect of possibly serious health issues. So…

Today I’m giving you my foolproof protocol to restore your gut health and eliminate this dangerous and ugly belly inflammation in only 7 days…

Simply follow the step by step plan and experience the strange sensation of watching your belly deflate daily, like you’re letting the air out of a balloon.

Believe me, as you feel your midsection shrinking you’re going to need some new clothes. And nothing feels quite so awesome as slipping on a brand new pair of jeans — 4-6 sizes smaller than your old ones — and experiencing the fact that your gut doesn’t slip over the waist anymore! However…

Whether you’re a man or a woman… nothing completes the sexiness of a great pair of jeans like an amazing butt…

Guys look more powerful and manly with a great butt. Women look more sexy and feminine with just the right curves on the derriere…

Which is why I’m also giving you my Blue Jeans Perfect-Butt Solution absolutely free today. Just add this little routine to your program for an extra kick to whip your butt into the perfect shape…

There’s enough clutter and flimsy claims on the internet and in the fitness industry. And I don’t want you to feel pressured into making your final decision today…

Which is why you can feel free to take massive action right now at ZERO risk to you. In fact you can always try ANY of my fitness or nutrition systems for a full 60 days and get results for yourself before you decide if it’s for you. And if for any reason you’re not satisfied you’re covered 100% by my bulletproof, no-questions asked, money-back guarantee. And…

Today I’ll even let you keep the bonuses you’re getting with Specforce Abs even if you decide to ask for a refund! Which makes your decision what we call a no-brainer…

We expect you to test every Specforce program for a full 60 days to prove every promise we make and experience the results for yourself. If for any reason you are not happy with the System simply email us and you’ll receive a 100% no-questions-asked refund at any time within those 60 days. Guaranteed.

To see if your discounted price is still available just click the appropriate button below.

The 2000 Fast-Action Discounted Copies Are Available Only Until Supplies Last or Until:

(First 2000 Qualified Action Takers Only)

-ps- I owe a lot to the military “lab coats” who pioneered the powerful abs training secrets inside the Specforce Abs system. However…

As I mentioned right in the 3rd paragraph of this letter, the real secret to amazing abs only came to me at the end of a 9 hour SWAT mission. And…

Once I figured out the 5 Factors of amazing abs that you learned about on this page, I was able to use those shortcuts to get eye-popping results in half the time… and without the abs training dangers we covered in section 3 of this page.

I’ve since used these same methods to help special operators around the world develop world-class abs that are as hot as they are “deadly.” And now you have access to these newly disclosed methods for the first time in the brand new Specforce Abs system.

-pps- Remember you’re covered by my Specforce Pledge 100% money-back guarantee. So you’re free to try the Specforce Abs program risk-free for a full 60 days and see the results for yourself before you have to decide. Just click the appropriate link below to see if you qualify for the fast action taker discount…

(First 2000 Qualified Action Takers Only)

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SpecForce Abs – 6 WEEKS TO SIX PACK ABS THAT ARE AS HOT AS THEY ARE “DEADLY” is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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