Steve – A minimal blog theme for Jekyll

Steve - A minimal blog theme for Jekyll


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“Steve” is a minimal and multi-purpose blog theme for Jekyll designed with content focus in mind.

Key Features

Minimal & Responsive Retina Ready Design
Steve looks pretty solid on every screen size, SVGs everywhere.

Ajax Search
Quick and ultra fast search on the fly, no more search result pages.

Easy Customization
Customize the theme features by editing a simple configuration file.

Tags & Categories
Make your content more searchable and easier to find with tags and categories.

404 Page
Basic 404 page included, so that non-existent pages don’t confuse your users.

Syntax Highlighting
Styles for over 60 languages ready to code.

Gravatar Support
Gravatar is fully integrated and supported.

Social Profiles
Over 20 editable social profile links for major platforms.

Social Sharing
Let the world know about your content with easy sharing buttons.

Facebook Open Graph & Twitter Cards Support
Display all your fancy content and metadata nicely on Facebook and Twitter.

In-house Back To Top jQuery plugin
Lightweight and easy to use.

Disqus Comments
Allow users to comment your articles via Disqus.

RSS Feed
The whole social package is now complete with the good old RSS feed.

Google Analytics Tracking
Just add your Google Analytics Tracking ID and enable statistics and tracking for each of your posts.

Basic Microdata
Provide additional semantics in your web pages with microdata. The search engines and web crawlers will like it.

Major Browser Support
Tested on all major browsers.

PSD Included
You get the PSD in the package!

Detailed Documentation
Easy installation and extensive documentation.



v1.0 (April 19, 2016)

- Initial Release

v1.1 (May 30, 2016)

- New: Pages Support
- New: Social Icon - Xing
- Feature: Fixed Sidebar
- Update: Documentation

v1.2 (Oct 17, 2016)

- New: Added In-House jQuery Back To Top Plugin.
- Fixed: Pages duplication in sidebar.
- Fixed: CSS bug with whites-space on code, pre, etc. tags.
- Fixed: Twitter share button's path.
- Fixed: Disqus comments. Replaced code for
- Update: Pages' Layout.
- Update: Documentation.
- Update: Config.
- Support: Jekyll v3.2.1 support.
- Code refactoring.

v1.3 (Jan 19, 2017)

- New: You can now completely disable Google Analytics.
- Fixed: Fixed: Fixed sidebar now is really fixed and do not flicker on scroll.
- Fixed: Manual post excerpt works fine now.
- Update: Documentation.
- Update: Config.
- Code refactoring.

v1.4 (Apr 11, 2017)

- New: Small design changes.
- New: Social Icon - Bitcoin.
- Feature: Anchor links on every heading inside a post.
- Fixed: SVGs under IE, Safari, Opera.
- Removed: Moods.
- Update: Documentation.
- Update: Config.
- Update: PSD file.
- Code refactoring.

v1.5 (Sep 26, 2017)

- New: Social Icon - Pocket.
- Update: Code refactoring for fixed sidebar feature.
- Update: New responsive look for header and navigation.

v1.6 (Nov 23, 2017)

- Fixed: BackToTop plugin.

v1.7 (Feb 14, 2018)

- New: Social Icon - Apple Music.
- Fixed: Minor HTML bugs.

v1.8 (Apr 29, 2018)

- Fixed: Minor styling bugs.

v1.9 (Nov 06, 2018)

- New: Jekyll 3.8.4 supported.
- New: CSS Animations.
- New: Flexbox use. Say goodbye to floats!
- Update: Color variables.
- Update: Optimized responsive look.
- Update: Code refactoring.
- Fixed: Minor styling bugs.


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