Subtle – Clean and Elegant Ghost Theme

Subtle - Clean and Elegant Ghost Theme


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The Subtle Ghost theme v2.1.0 supports Ghost version >= 3.4.0.

Subtle offers an ideal basis for an unbelievable online blog or magazine. Its modern minimalist design with small subtle details, elegant quotes, custom image styles (wide, left or right aligned) puts your content in focus, and brings delightfully personalized browsing experience for your readers.

The following is a list of main theme features:

  • Built for Ghost >= 3.4.0
  • Responsive layout – your blog will be accessible on various devices (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.)
  • Dynamic cards support (gallery, bookmark, embeds, wide and full-width images)
  • Cover images support
  • Author page support
  • Tag page support
  • Secondary navigation support
  • Members feature
  • Custom 404 error page
  • Code syntax highlighter
  • Disqus comments
  • Sharing post integration
  • Social media icons
  • Tag cloud and about widgets
  • Translation ready
  • Easy setup with easy to follow instructions


We’re dedicated to keeping Subtle Ghost theme up to date.


Version 2.1.0 – 5 February 2020:

- support for Ghost Members added
- support for secondary navigation added
- plugins updated
- CSS adjustments

Version 2.0.0 – 5 September 2019:

- deprecated {{@blog}} and {{lang}} replaced
- custom error and subscribe pages added
- translation support added
- responsive images support added
- bookmarks card support added
- gallery styling improved
- Google+ sharing icon removed
- web font icons replaced with SVG icons
- jQuery removed
- some other small fixes and improvements

Version 1.5.0 – 13 February 2019:

- Content API v2 support added
- reading time JS script replaced with native Ghost helper
- {{ghost_foot}} moved before closing body tag

Files updated:

- default.hbs
- package.json
- post.hbs
- assets/js/custom.js
- assets/js/plugins.js

Version 1.4.0 – 9 September 2018:

- Ghost gallery support added

Files updated:

- package.json
- post.hbs
- assets/css/style.css

Version 1.3.0 – 23 August 2018:

- the theme updated to support Ghost 2.0.x
- jQuery library and plugins updated

Files updated:

- author.hbs
- default.hbs
- package.json
- post.hbs
- partials/loop.hbs
- assets/css/style.css
- assets/js/plugins.js

Version 1.2.0 – 25 July 2017:

- the theme updated to support the latest Ghost version 1.0
- some other small fixes and improvements

Version 1.1.0 – 29 July 2016:

- added: Facebook and Twitter support (Ghost 0.8.0)
- added: subscribers feature support (Ghost 0.8.0)
- updated: jQuery library
- some other CSS improvements

Files updated:

- author.hbs
- default.hbs
- index.hbs
- package.json
- post.hbs
- partials/footer.hbs
- assets/css/style.css
- icon font files in assets/fonts/

Version 1.0.4 – 23 December 2015:

- fixed: an issue with the latest posts and tags widgets which appeared in Ghost 0.7.3

Files updated:

  • package.json
  • assets/js/custom.js

Version 1.0.3 – 16 November 2015:

- added: Tumblr, SoundCloud, email icons
- improved: markup and styling for the theme sidebar
- fixed: Google fonts link in the head section

Version 1.0.2 – 9 October 2015:

- fixed: tagcloud related jQuery code

Version 1.0.1 – 14 September 2015:

- updated: jQuery included (for compatibility with Ghost 0.7.0)

Version 1.0.0 – 01 September 2015:

- initial release


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