SudiAppSwagg CMS

SudiAppSwagg CMS


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Thank you all for your patience, A MAJOR UPDATE IS ON THE WAY

The demos are now working – thanks for all your comments, and the script has been updated!


What Is SudiAppSwagg CMS ?

SudiAppSwagg CMS is a clean elegant minimal mini CMS  system, that meets your professional and business needs. With Sudi  you’re able to build and deploy simple yet complex and powerful professional website in minutes. Readily build and deploy any; be it online portfolios, photography chow cases, art showcases, print showcases, creative agencies startups and anyone that needs some web swag and showcase.


What makes SudiAppSwagg CMS Unique? :

  1. Minimal & Clean Layout
  2. Built on currents’ technology (PHP, MySQL, HTML , CSS, jQuerry)
  3. jQuerry enhanced.
  4. Unique background slider
  5. Built with Bootstrap 2.1
  6. You can fully control your sites layout.
  7. Fully responsive
  8. Login system
  9. Comes with 6 cool features which are entirely controlled by their respective modules/plug-ins
  10. Unique inbuilt working contact form and client testimonial system with rating.
  11. Unique AppStore button
  12. Create unlimited pages and assign them unique page menu ID to control which appears first.
  13. Create unlimited blogs.
  14. Create and send to newsletters to already subscribed members.
  15. lovely and powerful Admin Panel .
  16. Facebook, Dribble, Flickr, RSS and Twitter Social Media Widgets .
  17. Image Uploader and gallery viewer .
  18. Email Subscriptions .
  19. 2 minutes deployable.
  20. Search Engine Optimized .
  21. Full and Clean Code .
  22. Well Documented.
  23. Choose to activate or de-activate a widget
  24. Includes a WYSIWIYG editor for creating design your pages, blogs and newletter’s


Available modules/widgets :

  1. Contact Us address box module
  2. Newsletter subscription module
  3. QR Code
  4. Unique background slider
  5. Google analytics module
  6. AppStore button
  7. You can fully add/edit/update and / or delete information on your new site from the admin panel.


Fresh from Mars :

  • Sudis’ code is simple and easy to find your way through, built on the famous Twitter bootstrap framework.
  • Clients can leave testimonials, and you can choose to edit them, approve them, update them or delete them.
  • Unique admin panel
  • Unique layout, and slider
  • Unique support for anyone who purchases my script


Live Demostration :

Visit Front-End

Visit Admin Panel

(User:admin Pass :admin)


Sources and Credits :

I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed.

  • Twitter Bootstrap : Licensed under MIT
  • TinyMCE : Licensed under the MIT
  • jqFancyTransitions.1.8.min : Licensed under MIT
  • Chosen : MIT LICENSE
  • Google Web Fonts API
  • Iconsweets2 – Yummygummy
  • OrmanClark – Textures and other design elements
  • Pixeden – Design elements
  • Bootstrap Image gallery
  • All Nairobi and other pictures of Kenya were taken by me, and you are therefore free to use them as you wish!

Requirement :

A PHP Enabled server (Version 5.x)

MySQL (Version 4.x or greater 5.x)


And what about support? :
Oooh, never mind, you are pretty much covered, if you purchased this script and might have any kind of questions that might be  beyond the scope SudiAppSwagg CMS ’s help file, please feel free to email via my profile contact form .Thanks you so much!


To get this product on 50 percent discount contact me on this link



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