T1 File upload & sharing

T1 File upload & sharing


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T1 File upload & sharing is Advanced PHP Multiple File Uploader that enables your authenticated customers to upload a number of information at one time. User can share the information and might create a public hyperlink for anybody. The one who is having the hyperlink can obtain the file with none login id and password. Even he/she want to not register wherever. T1 File upload & sharing was created for everybody that should consistently ship or obtain information. T1 is developed with HMVC PHP (Yii Framework) and Twitter Bootstrap, that makes it straightforward to switch and perceive.

To check our system please discover the demo particulars

Url: http://t1.toxsl.in/
Login: [email protected]
Password: demo

To check the admin panel of the system we are able to provide the credentials when you query for.


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