The Catalog Tumblr Theme

Demo Site


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Demo Site 
Themelantic Site 

Current Version: 1.8 (View Changelog)


The Catalog is a simple yet very complete Tumblr Theme focused on getting all your photos, text, videos, audio in a catalog-like format. All posts are showed as thumbnails and you can see more by clicking them. It’s a responsive theme that works well in different screen sizes.
It has a slider that fetches posted photos based on a special tag.

The Catalog

Responsive Theme

The Catalog Thumbnails


  • Homepage/Tag list with thumbnails
  • Responsive web design
  • Optional Slider with up to 3 slides
  • Boxed or wide layout
  • All post types
  • Titles in all post types (including photo and video)
  • Search
  • Custom colors
  • Google WebFonts
  • Discus comments
  • Footer Widgets: About / Twitter / Flickr / Dribbble / Instagram / Likes / Following / Social Media
  • Localization
  • Logo as an image
  • Pages and inquire of form supported
  • Customizable navigation (based on tags)
  • Google Analytics ready
  • Facebook share optimized
  • Social Network links: Behance, Coroflot, DeviantART, Dribbble, Ebay, Envato, Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, SoundCloud, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube and Zerply



  • JQuery Library
  • Jribbble.js – A jQuery plugin for fetching shots from the Dribbble API.
  • Sticky Footer – A simple, lightweight sticky footer plugin for jQuery (by Todd Francis).
  • Timeago – A jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating timestamps
  • FitVids.js – A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.
  • JQuery Fullsizable – jQuery lightbox plugin to take full available browser space for image viewing.
  • ResponsiveSlides.js – Simple & lightweight responsive slider plugin (in 1kb)
  • jQInstaPics – a simple jQuery plugin that enables you to display the latest pics from your Instagram feed on your website or blog.
  • Back to top Link adapted from WebDesigner’s Wall
  • Script to display or hide content in the homepage by Nelson Martins (created specially for The Catalog Tumblr theme)
  • Fontello – icon fonts generator
  • Google Analytics
  • Disqus
  • Droid Sans by Steve Matteson | Google WebFonts
  • All photos and illustrations on the demo site by Patricia Carvalho


April 18, 2019 — v1.8

  • Minor CSS fixes to allow the Tumblr bar not to interfere with any UI element

March 6, 2017 — v1.1

  • Added support for SSL
  • Replaced: Slider with 3 slides (each with image, text and link)

v.1.5 (April 29, 2014):

  • Added: New toggle navigation for small screens.
  • Added: New option to ‘Enable Strong as Title’.
  • Added: Show Notes option.
  • Added: Enable Disqus option.
  • Added: Two additional custom nav tags.
  • Added: Give Credit Option.
  • Added: Header HTML Code.
  • Added: Footer Custom Code.
  • Added: Comments background color.
  • Added: Keywords option (SEO).
  • Updated: Flickr plugin replaced.
  • Updated: Dribbble plugin replaced.
  • Updated: FitVids script (1.1).
  • Improved: Permalink page (content page) completely redesigned.
  • Improved: Optimization of the code for more rendering speed.
  • Added: Option to show pagination on top/bottom.
  • Added: Page numbers to pagination (optional).
  • Added: Submit functionality.
  • Fixed: Photoset display with captions.
  • Fixed: Instagram widget is now working.
  • Updated: Dribbble widget script.
  • Updated: FitVids script.
  • Added: Option to center logo (and top nav).
  • Added: Like / Reblog Tumblr buttons.
  • Added: respond post type.
  • Added: Mouse-over link/effect over audio thumbnails.
  • Added: Video images as thumbnails (new Tumblr feature).
  • Added: Optional slider on all (listing) pages.
  • Added: Option to enable real size images (instead of enlarged to full width in the photo post page).
  • Fixed: Pagination link on homepage (only showing bottom).
  • Fixed: Removed Tweetable (stopped working) and added Tumblr’s Twitter JS.
  • Changed: Default colors to be the same as the Catalog demo site.
  • Improved: Most JS is now inline making the theme faster (less calls to the server).
  • Added: Sticky footer.
  • Added: Boxed layout option.
  • Added: Background color and image option.
  • Fixed: Removed pagination when there’s only one page.
  • Fixed: Previous / Next buttons position on mobile.
  • Fixed: Tag caption missing in audio post and photoset post pages.
  • Fixed: Multiple CSS fixes.
  • Changed: Lightbox has a new code (fits the entire screen).
  • Changed: Improved thumbnails for audio posts.
  • Changed: Footer links are now centered.
  • Changed: Dribbble.js to inline js for faster loading.
  • Updated: Fontello code for icon fonts.
  • Updated: Audio pages (all audio plug-ins are now displaying correctly).
  • Updated: Timeago JQuery to 1.1.0.
  • Updated: JQuery version to latest version.
  • Added: “Following” Widget (footer).
  • Added: “Likes” Widget (footer).
  • Added: “Instagram” Widget (footer).
  • Added: Search title on footer when “Social Media” widget is turned off.
  • Added: Support for Black and Grey AudioPlayer.
  • Added: Optional location of the Pages links on the top navigation.
  • Added: Support for Tumblr’s Photoset layout (as a theme option).
  • Added: Optional field for Homepage thumbnails.
  • Added: Optional field for Twitter username.
  • Fixed: Pagination ordering in listings (was reversed).
  • Changed: New position for Audio Player (on permalink page).
  • Changed: Minor code cleanup.
  • Release of this theme.


Please send me any questions that you have or any bugs you find (or any feature that you would like to see added) – to [email protected]. I will be happy to help and would be very useful to keep this theme updated, improved and bug-free.

Themelantic Site

Demo Site 


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