The Daily Goal Machine – Increase Productivity & Get Things Done

Product Name: The Daily Goal Machine – Increase Productivity & Get Things Done


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The Daily Goal Machine – Increase Productivity & Get Things Done is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


If you can spare us just a few minutes of your valuable time, we’ll show you how you can make those minutes back, and more, many times over, every single day.

Does that sound like a fair deal?

OK, in just a moment, on the page below, we’re going to reveal to you a simple system you can begin using today – right now – that will teach you how to avoid procrastination and increase productivity.

This system is so effective that it will let you to reclaim more hours in your day, more days in your week, and more weeks in your year – easily.

If you’re the sort of person who looks back at the end of each day and wonders where did all those hours go, and why haven’t you accomplished anything, or if you need procrastination help, then this is the perfect solution for you.

This system can help you with the boring, day-to-day tasks you have to do (e.g. dealing with emails, catching up with the news, even eating or taking the dog for a walk), as well as the larger, more important project activities (e.g. marketing campaigns, new product development).

As somebody who turned procrastination into an art form (“I even put my procrastinating off until tomorrow” used to be my motto!), I can vouch for how good a daily time management tool this is to help me focus on whatever the task at hand is.

So, now that you’re ready to find out the three simple steps you need to take to learn how to stop procrastinating and get stuff done, read on …

Write down everything you want to get done for the day (i.e. your daily goals).

Everything literally includes anything and everything, from writing, creating content, planning your next project, reading and answering your email, running an advertising campaign, balancing your checkbook, cold-calling prospects, going for a walk, relaxing at your hobby, or maybe just some quiet time to contemplate life.

Assign a specific time to each task or group of tasks.

This can be anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours, although research has shown that the most effective duration is no more than 30 minutes without a break or a change.

Choose a task, start a timer (like an egg timer), and focus on nothing but accomplishing that task.

You must be really strict here, because this means you don’t answer the phone, you don’t check your emails every few minutes, you don’t get up for a drink, you don’t log on to Facebook – none of that stuff. You remain focused solely on the task-at-hand!

We guarantee that when you follow these three simple steps, every single day, your ability to get things done, as well as your entire life, will be completely revolutionised!

I never thought I’d be saying this, but even for a die-hard procrastinator like me, it’s as though a switch has suddenly been turned on and you feel compelled to keep working until your allotted time is up – and if you’ve not finished the task, you just want to continue until you’re done (which, of course, you mustn’t do – when your time is up, that’s it, for now, because that’s how this time-boxing thing works).

We encourage you to take another look at those three little steps, let them sink in and percolate, and you’ll soon begin to see the sheer genius in both the structure and purpose behind them.

We’re not saying this to boast – we can’t, because we’re not the people who developed this system. We’re saying it because we really believe it, and because it really works.

So, your interest is piqued, and you’re probably wondering …

Well, we have to confess that we’re no psychologists, so we can’t tell you for sure why this system works so well, but what we can do is share with you what effect using it has on our brains in order to practically compel it to want to take action on a consistent basis.

As we see it, there are three key elements involved here that make this such an effective strategy to overcome procrastination and getting stuff done, day in and day out:

An identified end result or goal (i.e. each of your daily tasks)

Our brains love goals, and it doesn’t matter if they’re big or small, because our brains have evolved over time to be the ultimate goal-seeking machines. When you give your brain a goal, it will immediately spring into action, trying to find ways to achieve it.

A specific deadline or timeframe (i.e. the time you assign to each of your tasks)

Once your brain has been given a goal to achieve, a deadline is the clarion call that motivates it to act! And it turns out too that the closer the deadline is, and the less time you have to do what you need to do, the more revved up your brain gets – it just loves a challenge.

Believability (i.e. the structure of the system and the order it imposes)

Instead of accepting the inevitability of an unproductive day, because all you can see before you is an overwhelming, out-of-control, homogenous mass of “stuff to do”, this system forces you to break everything down into smaller and more manageable chunks.

You can then see each of these chunks as discrete pieces of work that are doable, and this in turn gives you the belief that you will accomplish these tasks, one by one – with ease. Our belief systems drive us, and when you believe you can do something, you will actually do it!

The interesting thing is that when these three elements come together, they create a synergy that utterly transforms the way you look at all the things you have to do – both emotionally and psychologically.

This effect is so strong, that after you’ve used the system for a relatively short while, it almost becomes addictive – you just want to take action.

And that’s certainly an addiction we can live with very happily – especially after years of wondering how to overcome procrastination!

While this system is incredibly powerful, when you start using it every single day, you begin to notice a few irritations that sort of get in the way and make you feel like it could be even more effective than it already is. For example:

Now, while we have direct personal experience of using this system, and can vouch for how effective it is, we knew that there would be many other people out there, like us and like you, that could benefit from it as well.

However, we also realised that some of these minor annoyances would undoubtedly get in the way of using the system to its best advantage, or maybe even cause people not to try it because they couldn’t be bothered with all that apparent extra work.

On top of all this, psychology research has demonstrated that the better your mind can visualise something, the more real it becomes, in your mind, and the more likely it is that you will actually take action on it and, surprise, surprise, this applies just as much to your daily plan as to anything else.

The good news is that this is the 21st century and we’re no longer stuck with quill pens and ledgers – we have our ever-present companion, the computer, to assist us!

So, the goal was to create a computer program (to do list software, if you like), to support the use of this system, that would:

And here is the very first rough sketch of how this time boxing software might look:

Those three little words – Simple, Intuitive and Effective – perfectly embody what The Daily Goal Machine is all about – it’s business productivity software like you’ve never seen before.

The aim of The Daily Goal Machine is brilliantly simple: to give you an easy way to visually structure your day in such a way that you feel absolutely compelled to take action and get things done, once and for all – no more daydreaming, no more procrastination, no more being side-tracked and distracted every few minutes by inconsequential stuff!

When you use The Daily Goal Machine, you don’t need to learn or remember any complicated time-management “system”, because all you need is:

We’re pretty sure you have no shortage of those!

Time to get those tasks done.

On the basis that you’re alive and reading this website right now, we’ll assume you have that too.

A finger to click your mouse.

If you don’t have one of those, then you’ll just have to find something else.   🙂

That’s all there is to it!

So, not only is this personal productivity software specifically designed to support a system that can’t fail to motivate you to take action, consistently, but the interface also helps you be 100% clear about your day and what is required of you, allowing you to visualize your time and accomplishments at-a-glance.

To see Version 2 of The Daily Goal Machine in action, and to see just how easy it is to use, please watch this short narrated video by clicking the Play button – and then read on to see all the new features that have been added to Version 3:

The Daily Goal Machine was always a great tool to help you get things done, but there are a bunch of new features in the latest release (Version 3):

The overall look and feel of The Daily Goal Machine is still the same, but all of the graphical elements have been improved so that they now have more of a “pop” and are more interactive.

If you would rather change The Daily Goal Machine’s background image, then you can. There are over 30 backgrounds to choose from, but if that’s not enough for you, you can use your own, either from your computer or from an image on the Internet.

For those who live in a country where the 24 hour clock is standard, you can change the default time display (at the top right) from 12 hour format (i.e. with AM/PM indicators) to a 24 hour format.

If you hover your mouse over the pulsating dots in the right tool bar, you will be presented with one of several Action Reminders, which are quotations and questions to get you thinking about how to become even more productive.

You can now set visual priorities (i.e. Low, Medium, or High) on any actions, so you can see at a glance which are the ones you should be focusing on first.

To help you create new actions even faster, there is a panel where you can select pre-defined times, priorities and verbs (e.g. create, review) so all you need to do is fill in rest.

If you see that you need a bit more time to complete an action, you can quickly add five minutes to the timer (as many times as you need).

As well as the default 50 timer groups that were always available, there are 38 new ones – one for each day of the week, and one for each day of the month, so if you have certain tasks that you need to do every Monday, or on the first of the month, say, you can set those up for repeated use.

If you’re working on a longer task (e.g. several hours), and you need to take a break (which you should), you can set the Break Timer, which will pause any active task timers until you’ve had your break, when an alarm will sound to remind you it’s time to get back to work.

If you want added motivation to get those tasks completed, you now have an option to have a ticking sound playing whenever a timer is active – even if you’ve minimized The Daily Goal Machine to the taskbar. (But if you find that annoying, don’t worry, as it can be turned off.)

Two notification options have been added to help you stay on track – one to play an alert when you a certain number of minutes (which you can choose) are left on an activity, and one that will play an alert every 30 minutes, say (although you can change this to whatever number of minutes you like).

You can select from several different sounds for alarms, the ticking clock, and notifications, or you can turn any of them off if you’d rather not use these.

You can quickly adjust the volume of all the different sounds using a slider, or you can instantly mute them (e.g. if you get a phone call).

You can include activity notes in the generated reports, to remind you of the details of what you did as part of each activity. These notes can, of course, be copied to the clipboard, saved to disk or printed too.

There is now a Scoreboard that lets you set a target number of hours you want to work during a certain period (e.g. a week, a month), and then gives you a visual indicator of your progress, so that you can see at a glance whether you’re on schedule or not.

And lastly, and something that has been requested several times, The Daily Goal Machine now includes a version that will run on Apple Mac computers. Both Windows (7 through 8 but not 10) and Mac versions are within the download file, so you can choose which you want to use, depending on what types of computer you run.

The Daily Goal Machine is the ultimate action machine – see how you can’t fail to get stunning results:

Beat Procrastination, As You Laugh In Its Face

All you need to do is take any task that you’ve been putting off, allow yourself 30 minutes to get it done, start the timer, and then watch what happens. This process, which The Daily Goal Machine automates for you, may seem simple, but it creates a “virtual” space in your brain for that task that you feel inexplicably compelled to fill with its completion!

Using The Daily Goal Machine on a regular basis helps you get into the habit of eliminating productivity-killing distractions so that you focus all your concentration and energy on the task at hand.

Activate Your Internal Action Switch

Where you once might have been paralysed by the thought of tackling big tasks that seemed unachievable and overwhelming, you can now use The Daily Goal Machine to help you split these monster projects into smaller tasks that will instantly feel doable, and once you believe you can achieve them, you will.

Be The Master Of Your Time

Using The Daily Goal Machine helps you to become much more aware of how and where you’re spending your time each day, and as you become more aware of these habits, you will be easily able to find ways to use your time more productively, eliminating time-wasting activities that you were previously unaware of.

Vaporise Those Nagging Small Tasks

You know what we’re talking about – they’re tasks that are important, and they need to be done, but they’re small and you never seem to find time to get around to them so you can cross them off your list. Use The Daily Goal Machine, set aside a measly 30 minutes, and don’t just chip away at your list – smash it to smithereens!

Brain Storm Yourself To Freedom

Experience the liberation and creativity of brainstorming by setting aside a finite amount of time before starting work on any project, big or small. Once you get in the groove, even a short, time-boxed brainstorming session – it needn’t be more than 15 minutes – can produce eye-opening results.

Great Is Good … But Good Enough Is Better

One of the biggest productivity killers is the quest for perfectionism. Nobody wants to produce less than their best, but if you wait until you’ve dotted every I and crossed every T, you’ll never actually complete any project. However, once you apply time-boxing principles to the way you work, you’ll free yourself of this laudable but unproductive habit – it’s amazing how a ticking clock can spur you on to action, once you realise it’s better to produce something good than to never produce something great.

The Daily Goal Machine will help you make sure that you spend the appropriate amounts of time on both work and play – too many families are destroyed by an addiction to work, and however well-intentioned this is, with the desire to provide for the ones you love, it’s all too easy to lose sight of the fact that your family includes everybody. So, what could be easier than deliberately allotting chunks of time to business, home life, leisure and whatever else is necessary to achieve the balance that so many find elusive?

Become An Unstoppable Force

The more you use The Daily Goal Machine, and the more tasks you complete, the more you’ll find that you build an unstoppable momentum as you become addicted to getting stuff done.

Put Yourself On A “Time-Snack” Diet

We’re not saying you should go cold turkey and give up checking email, Twittering, and updating your Facebook page completely – we’re simply suggesting that you allocate a set time to indulge yourself in the frivolity of social networking and the such like, and then once The Daily Goal Machine’s timer goes off, you close all of those time-wasters down and get on with whatever’s next on your daily plan.

If you’re like us, you barely have time to stay still, never mind move forward – day-to-day stuff gets in the way, constantly. But what Confucius said is true – “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. You can (and should) therefore use The Daily Goal Machine to allocate time every day – even if it’s only 15 minutes – to taking those little steps, that will ensure you are consistently moving towards your dreams.

The Daily Goal Machine help you to:

Plan Your Day In A Minute (Or Less)

Although the Daily Goal Machine already comes pre-loaded with dozens of common tasks, you can also add as many of your own tasks as you want – quickly and easily. All of this makes it really simple to get your day planned with the minimum of time and effort, so that you can actually get on with doing the important stuff – your work (or whatever you’ve got scheduled for the day).

See Your Day With Never-Before-Experienced Clarity

Instead of your day being some blurry, hodge-podge of “stuff you need to do”, The Daily Goal Machine uses an intuitive graphical display that enables you to visualize it, making it more tangible and achievable to you.

Do Many Different Tasks, Even On Your Busiest Days

The Daily Goal Machine lets you display up to 12 timers, from 5 minutes up to 3 hours each, simultaneously, so you’ll always have plenty of flexibility to plan and manage even your busiest days.

Feel A Stronger Sense Of Achievement

Whenever you finish a scheduled task, The Daily Goal Machine provides you with visual confirmation that you’ve successfully finished yet another task, which in turn helps you build even more momentum as you continue making progress.

Start Using This System Right Now

Because The Daily Goal Machine has such an intuitive and simple interface, it usually only takes a few minutes (five at most) to master it, so that you can get straight on with the important jobs – like getting stuff done!

The Daily Goal Machine uses up very little of your computer’s resources, which means there’s no excuse not to use it every single day – you can leave it running constantly, without any adverse effect on whatever else you’re doing on your computer.

Discover Which Black Holes Are Sucking Up All Your Time

Click just one button, and The Daily Goal Machine will instantly start generating a report that details all the different actions you’ve finished, thus helping you to quickly understand how and where your time is really being spent.

We’re sure you don’t need us to remind you that your time is the most valuable asset you have, because you already know this.

You see, understanding the value in time, and in your time specifically, isn’t the real challenge here – it’s probably the lack of an effective way to manage it to achieve the maximum results.

So, consider this question: with what you’ve already seen and read about The Daily Goal Machine, do you think it’s possible that you could claim back 100 hours per year that are currently being lost to activities you can’t account for?

If you’re not quite there yet, then how about just 75 hours? Or 50? Or maybe only 25 hours over the course of a year (which is less than half an hour a week)?

Even though I already had a weekly plan, used a calendar, used the ABC method to prioritize my list and single-mindedly focused on the next task at hand, this program has saved me 45 minutes every day, over 4 hours/week.


Whatever your answer, just think what that additional, valuable time could mean for you:

The first thing you get, obviously, is The Daily Goal Machine itself.

This is a software program that you will be downloading to your computer, installing and using in just a few minutes from now.

Two versions of this program are supplied – one that runs on Windows (7 through 8 but not 10), and one that runs on Apple Mac computers.

The Daily Goal Machine Installation Guide

Secondly, even though The Daily Goal Machine is really easy to install, and will only take you a minute or so, you will also get a full Installation Guide, with step-by-step instructions on what to do, just in case you run into any problems.

Note that this Installation Guide will be delivered as an Adobe PDF document and applies only to the Windows version of the software.

The Daily Goal Machine User Guide

Thirdly, you get a detailed and illustrated 49-page User Guide that walks you through all of the different features of The Daily Goal Machine, with hints and tips on how best to use it, as well as a short section on the minor differences betwee the Windows and Mac versions.

Note that this Installation Guide will be delivered as an Adobe PDF document.

This ebook is a perfect complement to The Daily Goal Machine – it’s only 13 pages long, but the content explains the key difference between those who are successful and those who are not.

If you only read one of these bonus reports and books, please make sure it’s this one – but don’t just read it, do what it says.

With more and more people choosing to work from home these days, a disciplined approach to time management is a must, as you will find all sorts of distractions (e.g. television, your kids) that will slow down your progress.

This guide was specifically written with the home business owner in mind, and its 29 pages cover some important concepts, some practical hints and tips, and even some worksheets you can print off and use to help you manage your time effectively.

The Speed Reading Monster Course

The pace of life today is ever increasing – more to do and less time to do it in. We are inundated with information, and we need to find a way to absorb it efficiently and quickly.

The Speed Reading Monster Course covers both aspects of speed reading – not only the techniques to physically read faster, but also the ability to comprehend and retain that information, otherwise, it doesn’t really matter how fast you read.

Powerful Ways To Sharpen Your Memory

Having a real passion for mnemonics, and having used these memory training techniques since I was just eight years old, I am happy to be able to offer you this great 65-page book that contains some very effective tips and tools to help you improve your memory, with a specific technique for remembering numbers that I know works, as I’ve used it for over 40 years.

With movies such as “The Secret”, the Law Of Attraction has become very popular recently.

This book provides an excellent overview of what it is, how it is believed to work, and some of the key principles behind putting it into practice.

Grab the The Daily Goal Machine today and use it every day, as much as you want, for the next 60 days.

We’re so confident you’ll love it that we’ll give you our 100% unconditional, 60-day guarantee!

Yes, that’s right – if you’re not completely thrilled with using the The Daily Goal Machine, and the incredible results it helps you produce on a consistent basis, then simply request a full refund.

No questions asked, no complaining, no whining – guaranteed!

Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:

Well, it’s up to you now – do you want to continue as you are, constantly feeling like you’re slipping further and further behind with your work, with no time to yourself or for your family, and feeling guilty about your inability to achieve anything, or do you want to take control of your time and become an unstoppable human dynamo, a veritable action machine, getting stuff done day after day after day, with the help of the ultimate procrastination solution?

Whatever you decide, we wish you every success,

P.S. Of all the things you can improve in your life, your ability to take action is one of the most important – without a doubt! Use The Daily Goal Machine risk-free for the next 8 weeks and finally experience what it feels like to get things done!

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The Daily Goal Machine – Increase Productivity & Get Things Done is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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