This is your life, not a dress rehearsal

Product Name: This is your life, not a dress rehearsal


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This is your life, not a dress rehearsal is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Or are you, like so many people, just going down a path you started on years ago and sometimes you’re not even sure why you’re there?

Are you in control of your life, setting goals for what you want, taking action and achieving them? 

Or are you living, what my friend Michelle calls, your “default life?”

Hi, this is Jim Donovan . . .

You may not know me so I’d like to tell you a little about my background. My story begins the morning I woke up in a hospital ward with a throbbing headache from too much partying the night before. I thought my life was over . . .

I had finally hit my bottom. I was at the lowest point I had ever been, after years of living in misery and despair. My addictions and excesses had taken me on a journey through three states, each time watching as my lifestyle dropped lower and lower.

I went from being an up and coming young entrepreneur with the designer clothes and flashy car, living in the fast lane . . . all the way down, over a 10 year period, until finally, I hit bottom — hard!

. . . I thought living for days in an old car was the bottom . . .

. . . until I spent some time living in the park with the other homeless people.

By the time I landed in the hospital, I had lost everything — friends, family, jobs, money, possessions, health, and, most of all, my dignity.

I was at an emotional, mental, physical, financial and spiritual bottom thinking, somehow, God had abandoned me.

Sitting there, on the second day, I surrendered. I literally looked up and said, “OK, God, either help me or take me.” Frankly, I didn’t really care which He chose because, at that point, dying would have been better than going on the way I was living.

Something profound happened to me that day and I’ve never looked back.

I believe, the “hand of God” reached into my life and turned it around, as you’ll read below. I discovered my true mission — to share what I’ve learned that works in orderto help other people live a better life.

I began what has been a life-long study of success principles. I read everything I could put my hands on, listened to countless audio programs, and attended live seminars.

As I did this, I began to notice changes taking place in my life. My circumstances began to improve, slowly at first, then in leaps and bounds, as I assimilated and applied what I was learning. I began writing about and teaching the techniques I had used and saw other people accomplish more in their lives too.

My future path became clear — help spread the message of these powerful principles far and wide so that others may benefit as well. I then understood why I was given a second chance.

For over two decades now I have been helping people, just like you, create a better life for themselves and their families. More than a million people have read my books, which are published in 22 countries. I’ve delivered hundreds of success seminars and coached dozens of people one-on-one.

I’ve counseled people from all walks of life, from welfare moms to business leaders and everyone in between. The interesting thing is that the success principles I was teaching worked regardless of where a person was starting from.

For my life to change, I had to examine my mental attitudes and beliefs about my life. But . . . it didn’t stop there. I needed to acquire specialized knowledge, devise a plan and take specific actions if I wanted to create lasting change.

Over the years, I’ve learned one thing — we all want pretty much the same things — good health, loving relationships, enough money to enjoy our lives, and to be happy.

Today, thanks to what I learned (and am about to share with you) I live what I can only describe as a magical life.

I have a wonderful wife and great relationships. I have the honor of doing work that makes a difference in people’s lives and gives me great personal satisfaction.

I live in one of the most pristine locations in the world in a lovely home situated on over 10 acres of natural woods, only 1 1/2 hours from New York City. I drive a luxury car, dine in the best restaurants and enjoy the finer things in life. My health keeps getting better every year and I look forward to each new day with excitement and enthusiasm. I am truly blessed.

All because I applied certain principles that anyone can use to achieve whatever they want in life.

Do you feel as I did . . . that your life is spinning further and further out of control as you go deeper and deeper into debt?

. . . or does your health seem to go from bad to worse and you can’t stick to a diet or exercise program

. . . or it seems like everyone in your life — your boss, your spouse, your children, your family — have got hold of a different piece of you and are pulling you in opposite directions.

Has so much of your enthusiasm for life drained away that most mornings you’d rather pull the covers over your head then get up and go?

What if you were to totally take charge of your destiny and, once and for all, create the life you were born to live?

What if you were to uncover the habits and beliefs that have been causing you to self-sabotage in the past?

What if you were to follow a proven step-by-step process that would propel you beyond where, even you, thought possible?

I am excited to be telling you about my  home study audio course, based on my best-selling book. Hundreds of thousands of people, across the globe, have used these simple ideas to create the life they always wanted and many more have learned these powerful strategies in my live seminars and coaching programs . . .

Now . . .  you can gain access to this life altering information for a fraction of the cost of attending a seminar or private coaching, and listen to it over and over again in the comfort of your own home, while exercising or while driving in your car.

In this brand new, breakthrough program, you will learn the exact steps I used to turn my own life around from one of misery and despair to achieving global recognition as one of the leaders in the field of personal development.

I’ll share with you the specific techniques that have worked for me and thousands of others.

And I’ll be right by your side throughout this program, giving you the exact step-by-step process I’ve used myself and taught countless others who wanted something more out of life.

My new self-paced, home study audio course will teach you how to create a compelling vision for your future, one that will have you jumping out of bed each day, raring to go.

Here’s What People Have Said About My Life Changing Programs

“This is an awesome program. In the short time I’ve been using it I now have the courage to create the life I really want and the certainty that it’s happening now. Before this program, I had neither. My self-esteem has taken a quantum leap since I started applying it to my daily life. I feel terrific about myself and empowered to go for my goals, and I am!” – Rick Lee, Business Owner and Forex Trader.

“This is Mark from Sydney Australia. I purchased your package This Is Your Life, Not a Dress Rehearsal last night and have been listening to it all night. It is fantastic. Thank you so very much.” – Mark Herbert

“Jim your presentation was nothing short of great. You covered so many things we should focus on in our lives in order to achieve success. Those points you brought out are of extreme value. You are to be complemented for not only being a good author & speaker, but a solid individual.” – Dick Kazinci, Account Executive, Hermann Services

“Our clients who attended your presentation told us they felt rejuvenated and hopeful after listening to you. One client wrote and said, ‘After leaving the seminar, I felt as if the burden of doubt had been lifted.’ Great job! Great feedback!” – Roger Collins, Executive Director, Bucks County Opportunity Council

“Your content was every bit as informative as you promoted it to be and I gained a great deal from your session. I truly thank you for a very instructive session and time very well spent. I’ve already activated one of your suggestions.” – Adrienne Zoble, Pres., Adrienne Zoble Associates, Inc.

Don’t take my word for it. Order this program and see for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied I will cheerfully refund the full purchase price, no questions asked.

2 1/2 hours of content rich, audio instruction, giving you each and every step necessary to create more success in any area of your life.

 Plus a 20 page downloadable workbook, filled with interactive exercises to help you begin to create your magnificent life now.

I guarantee that, if you apply even just one or two of the ideas in this powerful program, your life will improve and if you continue to do so, you will experience a life beyond your wildest dreams. I know this. I’ve done it. If you doubt me, just try this offer and, if you don’t agree, I will refund your money, any time within 90 days of purchase, no questions asked.

If you act now, you can order the entire home study course This is Your Life, Not a Dress Rehearsal, including 2 1/2 hours of content rich, life altering ideas and information, and a downloadable 20 page PDF workbook with exercises to help you create your most amazing life for:

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To your success,
Jim Donovan

PS. If you’re really ready to have the life you’ve always dreamed of . . . get this program now. You’ll be glad you did!

PPS. Remember: with my 100% No-Risk 90 Day Guarantee you really have nothing to lose — and EVERYTHING to gain!

© Copyright 2018 Jim Donovan. All rights reserved. 

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

This is your life, not a dress rehearsal is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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