Ultimate City Guide App Template

Ultimate City Guide App Template


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Build a location based app like a tourist guide or a nearby places app.

Supports user login via facebook or email, ratings and reviews of places, featuring of certain places, sorting by distance, name or rating, map view with custom place icons. The template provides 5 monetization methods, including native ads and referrals to booking websites. For those who love blogging, the template also includes an optional fully functional Blog, manageable through the admin page.

The package includes all the source code for the Android App (Android Studio), the Admin page and the mini Web App.

The customisation of the app and setting up of the Admin Page is all explained in 2 separate video tutorials and online documentation. View the Documentation and Video Tutorials Here.

Try the Demo Android App .apk
View the Admin Panel Demo
(Admin Username: [email protected], Password: pass)

(Author Username: [email protected], Password: pass)

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  1. Ratings and Reviews – Users can rate and review places.
  2. Featured Places – Feature Places to make them stay on top.
  3. User Login System (optional) – Users can login via facebook or by email/password.
  4. Sorting – Sort Places by distance, ratings or name
  5. Map View – View Places in vicinity and search places in area.
  6. Custom Map Pins – The map pins can be made custom through the Admin Page. The package also comes with 16 Pins.
  7. Includes interstitial, Banner and Native Google Play Services Ads – Earn money from Ads.
  8. All Graphics included – All graphics are also in .ai (illustrator) format
  9. 2 Video Tutorials Included – 2 video tutorial are included online for a quick start.
  10. Share on Facebook and others – Lets users choose where they wish to share the place
  11. Deep link sharing – When a third party user clicks a link shared from the City Guide app, it will take him directly to the shared place, without having to download the app.
  12. App Rating Feature – The app questions the user to rate the app after 5 clicks to make it easier for users to give you a good rating.
  13. Very easy to customize – Most of the source code you need to customise is either in Strings.xml and configurations.java
  14. In-App Purchase – The user can upgrade to premium to remove ads. To use this feature an extended license is required.
  15. Categories – Places can be put in categories.
  16. HTML supported – The Place description supports rich text, html, images and youtube videos.
  17. Google Analytics and Firebase – The template has google analytics and firebase to track the user behaviour.
  18. Info Page – An extra page to put your custom information, about, terms and conditions, privacy policy or anything you wish.
  19. Search – User can search places easily.
  20. Admin Page – A powerful admin page to manage, edit, create places, categories, manage users, send push notifications and much more.
  21. Admin Page Dashboard – View how many people viewed, bookmarked or shared your Places.
  22. Side Navigation Menu – Easy navigation through the side drawer
  23. Push Notifications – Includes firebase push notifications. Send them directly from the admin page.
  24. Settings Page – Allows user to turn off Push notifications
  25. RTL support – Right to left layout is supported.
  26. Full Screen Photos – Feature photos can be viewed in fullscreen mode.
  27. Multiple Photos – Hold Ctrl in admin page to add multiple feature photos.
  28. Mini Web app – When a Place is shared, others which don’t have the app installed can still view the place online.
  29. Facebook comments – Facebook Comments can be turned on/off for each article.
  30. Admin or Author – The Admin panel supports 2 types of accounts. The Author can only create and edit places.
  31. Bookmark – A Place can be bookmarked to be see later.

Blog Features

  1. Scroll between articles – The user can scroll left/right to scroll through Blog articles.
  2. Schedule Articles – Schedule an article to be published in a future date/time.
  3. Headline Articles – An more important article can be made larger to grab more attention
  4. Facebook Comments – Users can comment on Blog posts via facebook comments.

Change Log

Version 1

  1. Initial Upload

Version 1.1

  1. BUG – Fixed Admin dashboard. It was showing only the top Places submitted over the last 7 days.
  2. BUG – Fixed GPS off error. The app now questions user to turn on GPS.
  3. BUG – Fixed bug that was causing an error when ‘View Deal’ is clicked and browser could not be found.
  4. BUG – Fixed bug that was causing an error when user open the map view and goes back to list view fast.
  5. BUG – Solved a NullPointerException that was occurring when not all place’s images had been cached and the place was opened without internet.
  6. The Address, Phone, Email text was made clickable, not just the icon.

Version 1.2

  1. BUG – Mozilla was causing image upload issue.
  2. BUG – ‘No Items’ was not being shown.
  3. BUG – Search Fragment was reloading
  4. Updated to Android Studio 3

Version 1.3 – 22 Sept 2018

  1. Update to API 27
  2. Open links in description in a new window
  3. Bug Fix – Logout removed when user skips login
  4. Bug Fix – Ratings & reviews where not editable from admin page
  5. Bug Fix – ‘Load more reviews’ when no reviews removed
  6. Privacy policy and Terms
  7. Bug Fix – Push notification now supported on Android 8 when app is in foreground
  8. Bug Fix – Scrolling in Splash screen for small screens

Version 1.4 – 5th Nov 2018

  1. Update to API 28 & migration to AndroidX
  2. Billing Permission in AndroidManifest.xml commented – uncomment for extended license.
  3. Bug Fix – Ratings & Reviews were displaying the user as null. Fixed in: Ratingscontroller .php and ReviewsController.php line 70.
  4. Changed the order of jcenter() and google() – this was causing an issue with the latest Android Studio version.
  5. Added Admob App id support

Version 1.4.1 – 21th Nov 2018

  1. Fixed Proguard issue – Updated proguard-rules.pro
  2. Changed admob to firebase ads (same thing)

Version 1.4.2 – 23th Nov 2018

  1. Fixed Proguard issue. Version 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 where done to fix this. Please follow this guide to upgrade from 1.4 manually.

Version 1.5 – 9th Aug 2019

  1. Bug Fix – Fixed ‘Non-Numeric value encountered’ issue in reviews, ratings & news pages
  2. Bug Fix – Places save even if no category is selected
  3. Multidex enabled
  4. Updated all app dependancies & updated facebook library to 5.0.0
  5. removed firebase instance service (deprecated by firebase)
  6. Updated proguard
  7. enabled usesCleartextTraffic by default to avoid issues on first run. It is recommended that you use https and disable this.
  8. Updated fat free framework to version 3.6
  9. PHP 7.3.8 now supported!

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