Ultimate PHP, HTML5 & AJAX Contact Form

Ultimate PHP, HTML5 & AJAX Contact Form


To get this product on 50 percent contact me on this link



Introducing our ultimate contact form

This new form supersedes our previous forms and rolls all of their best bits into one, easy to install and manage product.

Live Demo

You can view a live demo by clicking “Live Preview” below the product image.

You won’t receive an email (emails go to site admin, not users).
As this is a demo, the email doesn’t go anywhere, but you’ll see what feedback the user will get.

Features List

  • Easy integration/instructions into your current PHP site
  • Progressively enhanced (fully functional without JS or CSS)
  • Field type validation (HTML, javascript fallback with PHP backup)
  • Required field validation
  • Multiple forms per page allowed
  • Pretty select boxes
  • Repeat submission prevention
  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack prevention
  • No database required
  • SMTP option available (default is PHP’s mail())
  • Translations via simple JSON file
  • AJAX enabled (no page reloads)
  • CSS animations on messaging and active field
  • Google invisible reCAPTCHA
  • Mobile friendly
  • Supports file(s) uploads to attach to email
  • Multiple “send to” addresses on submission
  • Optional success custom page redirect
  • Extremely clean, well commented code

Ultimate PHP, HTML5 & AJAX Contact Form - 1
Ultimate PHP, HTML5 & AJAX Contact Form - 2

Server & Browser Support

  • PHP5+
  • IE10+
  • Latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari


I’m hosting with 123-reg and my form won’t work
We use CURL to retrieve the contents of the translations.json file, however 123-reg don’t allow CURL to be used for “same server” file retrieval. We assume this is some overly cautious security measure.
This is a relatively simple fix (it’s one line of code), so please don’t let this put you off buying the form.

Support & Bug Reporting

Here at Jigowatt, we try to produce the best products we
can for sale on Envato.

If you find a problem with our product, we want to know
about it straight away.

If you have found a legitimate bug in our code, we’ll fix
it in a timely fashion and update the product.
If we remember, we will also credit you for finding it.

If you are having problems getting the product working or
have modified the code, we can offer help, but it may be
chargeable at £60/hr.

The reason for this is that the product costs less than an
hour of our developers’ time, and we have to cover our

Thank you for understanding.

Follow us on Twitter


03.05.19 - v2.0.4 - FIX: jQuery tweak for setting recaptcha token
02.05.19 - v2.0.3 - UPDATE: recaptcha hidden field added and JS tweak
25.04.19 - v2.0.2 - UPDATE: Set <HTML lang> attribute to override translation.json default_lang
18.04.19 - v2.0.1 - UPDATE: Removed 'personality' from translation texts
                    ADDED: CSRF improvements
                    ADDED: reCAPTCHA spam score link added to email
                    FIX: reCAPTCHA JavaScript not submitting it’s response value correctly to process.php
                    FIX: Corrected file exists detection before attaching to mail
                    UPDATE: PHPMailer upgraded from v5.2.22 to v6.0.5
                    UPDATE: Google reCAPTCHA upgraded from v2 to v3
                    UPDATE: Documentation update for common questions and issues
                    ADDED: IP address of user added to sent email (optional)
                    REMOVE: Honeypot hidden field and validation removed
                    FIX: cURL incorrectly returning NULL in some cases
                    FIX: International phone numbers now permitted (removed numeric validation)

22.02.17 - v1.0.8 - UPDATE: email format now includes all form data by default
                    UPDATE: translation tweaks
                    ADDED: keep files on server after email is sent (uses server space)
                    FIX: styling for reCaptcha to display reliably on smaller screens
                    FIX: better error reporting when reCaptcha has an empty response
                    FIX: reset google captcha upon failed submission to pass validation

18.01.17 - v1.0.7 - FIX: now deletes uploads when page redirect is set
                    FIX: added check for recaptcha before reset attempt
                    FIX: PHP undefined $protocol variable notice
                    FIX: Spelling mistake in translations.json

30.06.16 - v1.0.6 - upgraded "select2" to fix "focusable" console error
                  - fixed potential issue with multiple forms in the page (which aren't ucf)

12.03.16 - v1.0.5 - fixed BCC field variable name typo from "address" to "addresses" 

12.11.15 - v1.0.4 - fixed issue where recaptcha didn't reset when reset button clicked

11.11.15 - v1.0.3 - fixed issue where internal cURL requests were denied by servers
                  - fixed issue with Google reCaptcha session timeouts
                  - added form field reset button after form successfully submits
                  - added option to send a confirmation email (off by default)

26.06.15 - v1.0.2 - use email "subject" translation instead of "intro" 
                  - correctly use "from" name in the email output
                  - fixed check for servers that have cURL, but don't allow it to run

13.05.15 - v1.0.1 - Added Google reCaptcha blog to readme
                  - Added UTF8 character support in emails (thanks asterix_jv)
                  - MS Word document upload support (thanks brewbuddy)
                  - Added BCC functionality/option (thanks macisbac)
                  - Added CURL support (thanks ihutch)

01.01.15 - v1.0.0 - Released for public sale


To get this product on 50 percent contact me on this link



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